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Everything posted by Jean123867

  1. Hello, I am currently 4 months out and have done this surgery because I was told I was too big to get pregnant.... I was 420 now 345 when do you think my husband and I could/should start trying. My doctor said not at all which I am confused about because he knew that was the main reason for me to lose weight!
  2. Jean123867

    Feeling foggy

    Is anyone else feeling foggy in the mornings, I am 4 months out and reach all my goals. I am also doing well on everything else, however, in the mornings, I'm all foggy....
  3. Hey, wanted to get ideas on flavors of vitamins I should try. I normally stick to berry but want to have a change. Been taking berry for 4 months now so any suggestions are welcomed!
  4. Jean123867

    Keeping food down

    I would agree with the above poster, are you making sure you are not drinking too close to the time you are going to eat? Also, you should for sure bring this up to your surgeon!
  5. Jean123867

    Gastric bypass and exhaustion

    I think this is very normal for after surgery, I say just keep a good spirit about it and your head up and I'm sure it will get better soon. For me, after about two weeks it was pretty much life as normal again. Best of luck!
  6. Jean123867

    Bad eating habits

    My best advice which is most likely not going to be what others will say is that you could find a task that will keep your mind distracted. It took me a little but I finally figured that if I play video games ( yes I know weird) I would not think about food. I also get better water intake as well. It could be anything from arts and crafts to going for a walk. Best of luck!
  7. Jean123867

    Too Big for Sleeve?

    I was over 400 and had to get down to 360 for them to do a bypass, they said I was too heavy for a sleeve and that long term for people my size the sleeve did not show great results. It was sad to hear but I'm not the doctor so I was hopping he just wanted what was best for me.
  8. My husband I believe is more scared something will happen to me during the surgery than against it in all. I have a bad past with surgeries.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
