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Posts posted by LaTiaV

  1. Oh boots!!, my last pair of wide calf boots has not been used once and i like them so much, i must find somebody who can adjust the width of the shaft, not in a rush, i own too many newish boots they are not as wearable here in south Texas as they were in New Jersey. I have a new Job that requires steel toe shoes it takes 95% of the fun of buying shoes. and 250% of the budget.

  2. 3 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    3 mins for boneless thighs/legs (5 for breasts) on a trivet on high pressure in an instant pot followed by 12 mins natural release. perfect succulent chicken every single time.

    (lessen the release time if you want to cook further in a sauce or if u want to broil it for a crispier outside)

    outside of instant pot i rarely get the cook just right!

    thanks i will try this..

  3. On 11/19/2022 at 6:22 AM, summerset said:

    I usually don't post here but today I wanted to show my husband my new pants that look like skinny jeans but are really soft and stretchy pants (which makes them more comfortable to wear, especially with boots).

    Forgot to set a proper time delay - but I somehow like this picture. 🤣


    i love the detail on your Jeans. your legs look great!

  4. I have one but it may be the opposite to a Victory.

    I have a couple of very heavy armoires that I like but I can never find the correct spot for them, each time I want to move them I know how that will go, I will ask help from my husband, he will say not again, and I will start moving them myself, then he feels bad and comes and does it. This time I could not move them not even a fraction of an inch, nothing, I used to push all my weight against them and they started slidding on the floor but the trick did not work this time. It worries me, it made me feel so weak, maybe I used to have more muscle and that is gone now.

  5. 1 hour ago, ms.sss said:

    i would take the "stop losing weight " comments from others with a grain of salt.

    when you lose weight quickly it may be jarring to others looking on from the outside. i theorize that their idea of your bigger self is relatively fresh in their minds so a skinner newer you seems drastically different. i also theorize that if you were to drop the weight slower over time u'd likely get less comments.

    the same people who told me to stop losing weight when i was 160-ish lbs at 3-ish months (when i was still technically obese for effs sakes) are the same people who fawned over me when i got to 115 several months later.

    Yes, I normally give everybody the benefit of the doubt thinking their comments are in good faith, but I can see what they see in the mirror and my looks may use some divine help. I am glad you look better now after passing the shock phase of weigh loss, I hope I am Lucky and have some improvement in the looks department.

  6. On 11/8/2022 at 7:45 PM, ms.sss said:

    my personal anecdote:

    i weigh less today than when i decided to stop losing weight. this decision to stop weight loss was because i thought i was getting too skinny at that time..

    however....i look waaaaaaaay healthier (and hotter! lol) now than i did back then. back then i had thin hair, hallowed cheeks and eyes, and generally all around frail looking.

    A few months after hitting my lowest weight, i started the to perk up in the looks department.

    i think rapid weight loss really does a number to one's appearance...but i also think its only temporary (in my case at least, and quite a few others that i know of).

    further, even though i looked pretty gaunt back then, i still think/thought i was all that and a bag of chips.

    Hey, thanks for saying this, it gives me hope, I am almost 95 pounds down and I am back at my work this week, people do not see me for months and I have already heared a few "stop loosing weight" I feel great even though I am not at a normal BMI or my goal weight but I can tell my face looks older my neck chest and arms could use some help, and I am still loosing weight.

  7. 4 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    I’m just not very keen on other people unsolicitedly pointing out their precieved deficiencies of my body. But i mean, who does???

    I guess we all have somebody like that in our lives, I have a cousin who told me " I will tell you what I did when I had a horrendous belly like yours" I had to force myself to believe in her good intentions but sometimes honesty like that hurts. That was the comment that made me think on G Bypass seriously.

    I knew I was fat, and I think all the people who is knows it, I have always kept my opinions and comments to myself when I think they may hurt somebody, but I have to accept that sometimes even when I am trying to praise somebody I may have screwed up. Forgive and forget.

  8. I told everyone around me what I did, it is easier to refuse food and not to have people offended. However lately I got tired of explaining myself to new people, I was thin and then I moved to another state for 18 years and got fat, I came back to my old hometown and there is people who did not see me while I was at my highest weight. Now I am seeing that people again in gatherings. If I don't feel like explaining again I just say I ate something before coming and was not expecting to feel so full, so if there are leftovers of that awesome chicken or that yummy rice I would love if I can take some home to enjoy tomorrow. It works so far, I know people takes so much time and pride cooking their meals and love to be praised for it.

  9. 14 hours ago, losinglosinglosing said:

    You're doing great! You're a month ahead of me and have lost 20 lbs more than I have. I wonder if a goal weight of 130 is too low? At your height, 140-150 seems like the sweet spot, especially as a weight loss surgery patient.

    Thanks. Yes you may be right, I started with a goal of 155 but I got greedy. My doctor said I could make it to 160 in one year.

    23 years ago I was 124 and felt great but consensus was that I looked too skinny. I let that go to my head and went up to 134. I felt good and people stopped commenting on how thin I was, I have a way to hide weight. Then I got married and started a process to get pregnant ( it did not work) but I gained 60-80 pounds in 2 years, it all went down hill from there and I could not handle it for almost 20 years just kept going higher and higher, I did diet and lost 20 then gained 30, the cycle repeated so many times that I am giving myself room for re-gain. Maybe I should talk about this with the shrink.

  10. 2 hours ago, losinglosinglosing said:

    Update: I started losing again. Down 3 pounds since this message. I should know by now, but stalls happen and do end. :)

    Great !

    For the last 4 weeks I was stuck at 171-170. This week, the scale started moving again, I am 167. I know I must not complain but it is disappointing. I went to a GYM for the summer since it is too hot to walk outside here, but I cancelled it now that the mornings and late evenings are getting cooler, I am walking the same amount of time but instead of going to the GYM I am walking by the park at 6 AM in the morning before I start working, maybe the stall was going to break anyway, maybe it was the change on the walking hours but this week I have lost 3 pound so far.🤷‍♂️

  11. 12 hours ago, CarleneD said:

    This topic is really helpful, so thank you for those contributing.

    I think the thing I'm most scared of is what I'm going to do with myself and how I'm going to spend my time. I'm single, no kids, live on my own, my parents gone, sisters live 4 states away from me. I moved here right when the pandemic started for my job and haven't made any friends. I mean, I have work friends but those are colleagues, not friends. I work, I stay home, I cook, look up recipes, make stuff, eat stuff, think about what to make/eat next.

    I have no hobbies other than scrolling through my phone and watching a little TV, maybe take my dog for a walk. How did I get to be 53 and have absolutely NO hobbies? Okay, I like to read, there's a hobby. But I need new hobbies to occupy my time that is currently taken up by food, food and more food.

    I'm not scared of the surgery, or the changes, I'm scared I will have too much time on my hands and nothing to fill it and that I'll fall back into my old habits. What in the world am I going to do with myself?

    I am In Texas, same age, no parents no kids, I have a husband, brothers and sisters who I love, but they also have busy life, I work from home. if you feel like chatting or face timing about this change or any other topic send me a private message, I did not have much people around me who understood what I have been going through.

  12. Hello,

    I am 6 Months PO, feeling very good today, I had issues with reflux, had a couple of endoscopies and seems like I am fine but for some reason my esophagus is still inflamed, but I feel a lot better now. Hair loss seems to be slowing down, I cut my hair very short because it was awful to see it coming off in the shower, now I can see baby hairs growing but they are very thin. I have lost 83 pounds, I used 2X and 1X size clothes and I still cannot believe I can use jeans size 10. Hungry is back, I cannot eat much at a time but I feel like eating too often, I need a to find way to control that, for now, I put my highest weight pictures in the refrigerator hopping they remind me what happens if I get just one more snack. I have to travel for work and that takes me out of any routine. I have to organize myself better during those weeks.

    No regrets, I hope everybody else is doing well.

  13. 40 minutes ago, kcuster83 said:

    I go in and out of phases with the shopping. I really don't WANT to shop because I know it won't fit for long. But all I have currently is Tshirts and jeans... Now that I fit more I want to wear more so it is hard to not buy something I would have liked and not fit 100 lbs ago. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!


    I am obsessed, I am not buying expensive, I buy cheap, but too much and too often. I know I must be responsible and I feel shame when he brings the packages home and gives me "the face". like you say "The struggle is real" my husband and I get alone well but finances has always been a dangerous topic between us, we have very different ideas on what is worth to expend the money on .

  14. My surgery coincided with us moving to another state, so there was too many pieces moving, we got another pet, had to get used to new routines, different weather, meeting people. My husband is very confident which I find very sexy. I do not anticipate problems in our relationship ( but I think people who had problems in their relationships may not be expecting them so who knows) he liked me thin, then he liked me fat, and I think he likes me thin(ish) again.

    food is being difficult to implement into a routine where we both feel good, I am wasting a lot of food.

    I have a new addiction, I am buying clothes online, and the excuse of "nothing fits anymore" has stopped working weeks ago, I know I have to stop, but there are too many new options now that were not available to me for years, he has been patient but I can see that it can get bad very fast, I find myself browsing web stores at 2:AM because I am bored, in the past, that would be the equivalent to a Doritos bag in the middle of the night. my poor credit card is scared of me.

  15. Since the day I talked about wanting to have a surgery, my husband said NO. I tried to give him as much information as I possibly could, I told him I was scared of the surgery but I was also scared because I could feel the weight increasing. We watched videos together and each time he was more against it. Then I told him I was going to do it anyway, I asked him that if he was not supportive at least not to remind me all that could go wrong.

    So I did it. I cannot say I was not surprised when he was making my teas and chicken broth and getting me Protein Shakes, even taking walks with me, he was following all the instructions even better than I did. My guess is that he was still worried and wanted to be sure I was ok after surgery, we have adjusted, now the surgery is not the only thing in our minds, he loves that he can hug me like when I was the girlfriend 25 years ago, but he does not want to go to walks with me anymore, he says is too hot outside.

    So maybe, give him time...

  16. I have been in the same weight of 175 for 2 weeks, this is the first time since surgery, maybe not long enough to complain but the issue is that I traveled last week and I put 12K to 15K steps per day in the last 9 days. I was expecting to came home and see at least one # down, instead this morning I am 176.

    My restriction still works I can't eat too much at a time, but now I can feel real hunger, and it is hard to control how many times I eat during the day, I am worried because I am still far from my goal.

  17. 47 minutes ago, fourmonthspreop said:

    Some recent nsv's
    - Not having the shower curtain stick to my body while showering
    - Not being sweaty in 100 degree weather
    -In fact I find I am washing my clothes less because I dont sweat at all
    - Weird but I had bad body odor around my breasts when I was heaviest because I sweated so much there and now I don't have that issue at all
    -my calves fit into high boots
    -I can wear most women's XLs and Ls (before I was an xxxl+)
    -I can go thrifting now. Nothing fit me before at most thrift stores but I can easily find clothes in the large and xl racks.
    - my friends telling me that I don't need to use a plus size dating app anymore lol and meeting a guy off of the app who asked me why I was using a plus size dating app

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Congratulations!! Good luck with dating, have fun.

    Finding extra wide calf boots in leather has been a challenge for me. I tried some of my boots recently and I have space to put my cell phone in there.

  18. 6 hours ago, SoCalEm said:

    This was the moment I was overwhelmed by my sheer hard work and all I’ve accomplished: fitting absolutely PERFECTLY into an airplane seat. I was so excited. When I was first considering WLS, I said I just wanted to be able to do something as simple as being comfortable and able to move down the asile without bumping shoulders along the way.

    I actually cried when we took off. I was a huge moment for me.

    I am flying in a couple of days, can't wait to check the diference.

  19. On the first couple of months especially, small sips, small bites. remember to eat Slowly, Des-Pa-Cito 🎵.

    Small spoons help, if you use the right hand, try eating with the left one, if you use the left one try eating with the right one. Chew your food until you get bored, 10 minutes walks after each meal can help even if you just walk around the table in your home.

    It will get better!

  20. 5 hours ago, ImsexyandIknowit said:

    I could really eat anything I wanted to 6 months out...however I found out I was not being mindful about WHAT I eating AT ALL. so when I started to really think about what I was putting in my tummy it all changed for me...I am a carb girl so I totally stopped all carbs and stayed around 30 grams per day and the weight started to fall of. This however to took almost 2 years to get my body and mind in the right place.

    I know when I do not chew my food and eat too fast my pouch tells me so. So yes you can but no don't do it. N not worth it. Load up on Protein and veg first and then maybe later if you do want that bagel then you can have it. But by then you mostly won" t want it...

    Everyone is different

    best of luck on you journey

    I am 5 months PO and this particular week I aim feeling hungry, like really hungry, I have stayed away from carbs, which have been always my biggest addiction. I gained 2 pounds this week and I am not even eating carbs, I used to feel restriction but is not working as effective these days. I think this is where the real hard work begins.

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