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Posts posted by Melolo

  1. I hope I can encourage you to stick with it and hang in there. I can't judge anyone ont his website and if I have please forgive me. I have my slips now and then and I was banded in 8/4/08. I know it's hard to stick with the new instructions on how to eat especially when you've practice the old habits so long. I too was a chronic drink sipper with my meals. I've been that way since I was a child and then all of the sudden I had to stop. Do you know I still have to make sure that I'm not grabbing a glass of whatever with my plate... because I've done that for 38 years.

    So I understand what you're going through. I do not agree with whoever said that you need a psych eval. because you're having a hard time kicking the bad habits. Just try to be more aware of what you're doing and please call your doctor for another fill.

    PS. Ice cream is my weakness but instead of buying it every week and having big bowls. I buy it once in a while and I have a small cup... I live in reality land and I know that my lips will touch sinful foods but I'm learning how to eat the sinful foods as If I have a small stomach.

    Don't beat your self up and don't let nobody elese make you feel bad. It's a hard journey and it's even harder for others. So if you're one of the ones that it's just hard than consider yourself lucky and pray for the ones like myself that's in the harder group.:wink2::crying:

  2. Whatever goodie that person wants to eat is not worth the risk so tell that person to save that treat (a small protion of it) for when they are allowed to eat solids. I have the biggest sweet tooth. I looooovvveee ice cream. My son grab some vanilla ice cream at the store this past Monday and I didn't make him put it back neither. He also asked could he get some pre-cut cookie dough and I said yes. Needless to say I had a small cup of vanilla ice cream with two small just out of the oven chocolate chip Cookies. Did I need to eat that? No. :wink2: Do I care that I did? No. :crying: Do I feel bad that I did? No. :sleep: Because back before I was banded 8/4/08 I would have eaten 4 or 6 just out of the oven chocolate chip cookies and a very big bowl of ice cream. :mad2: So just know when you heal you can have those sinful things... In small portions... But please don't do it until you get the big OK! :angry:

  3. HeyJachut,

    I totally feel ya on the whole Oprah love thing. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with her. I too am annoyed with her latest and greatest weight loss secrets! Not to meantion the doctors, psycholigists, spiritualists, nutritionists, personal traininers..ect she constantly has on her show as the "new" greatest person ever. I DO however, commend her for all her charity work and displaying her weighloss journey to America, and showing us that she is just a regular person like the rest of us....only richer. lol

    I wish Star Jones had been more open about her weighloss and just plain told the truth! I lost SO much respect for her, as I think most people did when she became a skinny b*tch. Not to meantion the circus and freakshow she put on by marrying that creepy husband of hers

    Hey Italian Soul in a way I agree with and in a way I don't. I admire Oprah for the sucessful woman she's become and I admire her for her informative talk show. I beleive we all have the right to different beliefs, ideas, and opinions...so if she invite people on her show that maybe able to enlighten others in anyway and in different aspects of their life... then "Hooray" for Oprah. With that said I have a problem with her if she talks negative about weight loss surgery because on one hand you want to be this open minded person but then on the other hand you want to be closed minded when it comes to WLS... that's not right.

    Now in Star Jones case I don't blame her for not sharing with America right away how she lost her weight. But then I can see your point she blabbed about everything else.

    I just know that I'm the type of person if I don't want you to know about anything personal you better not ask me or you may get a very rude "None of your Damn Business." It's not because I'm mean but somethings I want to keep private. But I agree they're both in that spot light.

  4. You know she just may change her mind about WLS. I know back some years ago I use to think the same way about WLS. Boy my thinking changed when I ballooned past 300 lbs. I was one of those Miss Thangs that said I would never get that big. The elders always use to tell me never say never. Then I went through my second battle with cancer. I realized then that I needed help in my fight against obesity. I researched the different weight loss procedures and made my decision on the Realize Band. I don't know why some people have such a negative attitude towards the different weight loss surgeries. But one thing I can tell them that it's not a easy way out and that it takes a total mind and life change in order to succeed. I have my good and bad days. But with each and every pound that I loose I feel victorious. So I hope Oprah has time to reflect and think about how she's going to get back on the wagon. I hope she's a little more open minded about her options. :wink:

  5. Yeah! I said Snoopy Transistor Radio! :)

    Everybody wasn't born during the Boom Box 80's

    Some of us are a little more old school then that and you know who you are... :ohmy:

    May I quote from the late MC Breed... may he RIP, "Ain't No Future In Your Frontin." :wink:

  6. Tiger girl be patient and give your body a little more time to heal. The port site incision was the one that took the longest to heal for me as well. I've also heard it said by other banders. My best friend during my whole healing and itching process was liquid Tylenol:laugh:. Amen! What a relief. I was banded 8/4/08. Just give it a little more time to heal before you know it you'll forget it exist. :lol:

  7. You are so right Melolo!! They were such a talented family & had great drive. Loving yourself is where it all begins. What is it to have "everything" and not the one "right thing". They had so many (or one great) ghost - the abuse they suffered at the hand of their father and in turn their mother neglecting to acknowledge it or even seek help.

    I touch and agree with you on their success and deliverance. There are blessings in tragedy.


    Amen! Sistah Nina


    Oooh! chocolate covered potato chips yummy! Salt meets sweet chocolate!:lol:

    My mom gave me a bag of ginger snap Cookies from the whole food store...yummy!

    I don't think gingerbread Cookies are that bad. But I will not be baking cookies. I've purchased a bucket of cookie dough so that my 12 year old son can make his own. I think at some point you just got to be brave and face your obstacles head on. If you fall by taking a nibble. Oh well! Don't beat yourself up. candies, cakes, and cookies...Oh my! Tis the season!

  9. Wow! I saw the "Unsung" story of Debarge. It was very sad! My heart goes out to them and there struggles. Oh my goodness! It made me realize you can be beautiful, skinny, successful, with fame and money and still not be happy. I pray that all of them find peace and happiness. You truly have to love yourself inside and out. :lol:

  10. Wow!

    Ok first of all please throw Big Gurl off for Disco Duck! LOL

    Oh I remember singing to that song as a little girl!

    Here's my list...Love Holiday by Earth Wind & Fire

    Groove Tonight " " " " " " " "

    I Rather Be With You by Bootsy Collins

    Don't Disturb This Groove by The System

    Night To Remember by Shalamar

    Forget Me Knots by Patrice Rushen

    Ain't No Future in Your Frontin by MC Breed

    Everlasting Love by Chaka Khan

    Juicy Fruit by Mtume

    Whatever You Want by Tony Toni Tone

    Starship by Norm Connors

  11. Hey Ladies,

    I'm not from the south but I'm definitely representing the midwest KCMO (Kansas City, MO). The elders in my family were from Texas and a large part of my distant relatives are still down in Texas. I do consider myself an honorary Texan. I'm sorry how can you not have some of that southern vibe rub off on you when you were raised and surrounded by family that were born and raised in Texas. I also went to school in Texas for a while.

    I know one thing this midwest girl loves her some grits with plenty of butter and sugar and a side of scramble eggs with green onions chopped up in there and throw some cheese on them eggs for good measure. Lawd Have Mercy Child! :whatchutalkingabout

  12. I agree! I read and discuss some of the coolest things through this site! Everyone (for the most part) is just so nice and friendly.

    So, I gotta ask something...embarrassing.

    My first time "back in the saddle" was about 2wks post-op. It was alone :cursing: because I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't want hubby getting offended if things didn't go as well as he'd like. :scared2::blushing: Well, the O was much harder to come by (pun intended), and once I got there - it was so weak I wanted to cry. My stomach muscles were so tense and it was rather painful in my belly. Is this the case for everyone else? If so, how long til I'm healed so I can get back to having a good O? I was so disappointed by that experience that I've not tried it since, and I'm 4wks post-op today.

    Well girlfriend give it another try... You know your body just went through something major it has a foreign object attached to it and it may just take a little time for things to get back to normal. Just keep trying different things in different ways. You know I'm the wrong person to ask... I'm so pro-sex and I enjoy sex so much. All I have to say is definitely listen to your body.

    Most definitely bring hubby into the picture maybe he can help you find that Big O. Think outside the box (no pun intended) we have so many tools that we can utilize on our body like our lips, tongues, fingers, ect. do you get my drift. Don't leave hubby out! :thumbup:

  13. All this talk makes me a bit sad that I don't have a partner.

    In the words of the late, great Marvin Gaye--"Keep gettin' it on!"

    I know there's nothing like the human touch (if you get my meaning) but honey don't let not having a partner stop you from having fun. :cursing: I hope you know what I mean. :thumbup:

    Since discovering this website I have had so much fun. All of my conversations have been fun, informative, and intriguing too. I've only had one bad experience. I blame myself for that because I should have reconized that some of the postees had issues. I love talking to open minded people. I'm the type of person that will state her opinion and if you don't like it "Oh Well." I love the fact that people feel free enough to share almost anything. :scared2:

  14. I totally agree with Melolo!!! I have faith in you too! What an accomplisment it is to loose as much as you have...so your having a little set back right now, so what! You will get right back in there and do what you need to do once you correct your problem! And way to go on your walking to and from work....that's great!!! Don't you feel so much better? I've only lost 21lbs, with no exercise yet, and I already feel like I'm walking with my head a little higher...such a great feeling!

    Keep up the FANTASTIC work! All the best to you!


  15. The only pain I've experienced at my port sight was when I had my last fill and the nurse said that it was because scar tissue had formed. I'm four months out. I will have my fourth fill Monday and I'm not looking forward to it because my last fill was painful. I don't know if this information helps just thought I share. :cursing:

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