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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About RAD1127

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  1. I am feeling better, not as nervous. My first procedure went pretty smooth.
  2. This morning I start my clear liquid diet with no caffeine 😩My doctor had me on high protein (90 grams) low carb / fat diet for 7 days prior.
  3. Thank you for the information.
  4. I have watched some and read a bunch. I’m looking forward to getting through the first 4 to 6 weeks
  5. That’s awesome. Let’s keep in touch. I can handle pain but the procedure is what has me nervous.
  6. I had sleeve surgery five years ago. Went from a high of 392 down to 315. I am 6’7” but still to heavy. Since Covid I’m back to 345. I know I need to shed pounds. My cholesterol is high and I am pre diabetic. On Thursday I have my Bypass surgery. Needless to say, im nervous. I know rare but I worry about complications but I believe complications from my weight outweigh it. Anyone else having surgery this week?

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