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Everything posted by TheWeightisOvr

  1. TheWeightisOvr

    One Week Until Surgery

    Congratulations! I’m coming up on 6 months post op and I remember my preop waiting room anticipation like it was yesterday. I waited for 3 hours because the surgery before mine got complicated. So excited for you!
  2. TheWeightisOvr

    New to site

    Absolutely will help with the amount of food you eat should you night binge! 😂 The temptation will still come because you have to retrain your brain but it will get easier. You have to keep those foods out of the house though for awhile until you build up good willpower once you get released for regular foods. I have the same issue too! My stomach seems to go crazy at night for some reason. Usually I choose a protein shake or tea. I do sometimes give in though but not much.
  3. TheWeightisOvr

    New to site

    Congratulations on your decision Steve! I think you have the right mindset. It’s not a magic wand. It’s just a tool in your toolbox of nutrition, exercise, mental health and support. I had the sleeve March 1st. If you get through the first 3 days of the preop diet and don’t give in, it will pay off big time that was the hardest for me. After that it was easier & easier everyday and made the post op diet easier as well. Good luck to you.
  4. TheWeightisOvr

    Time to surgery

    I have Kaiser GA. Started program June 2021, did 6 months of requirements. Completed surgery March 2022, due to Covid delays.
  5. Hi WLS family! Tried searching for this but too broad options came up. Lately when I eat meat like skinless chicken I don’t even get a few bites in and I’m having a fullness indicator. This after I’ve also chewed it to bits as well and also well before I’ve drank anything. I stop drinking 30 minutes before I eat just experiment. I don’t FEEL gassy or anything. It’s been this way for the past couple weeks. I always had a normal appetite, my stomach gets pretty upset when I don’t eat but it’s like a total letdown when I prepare, 2oz of chicken, with sweet potatoes and or salmon & vegetables and I’m full after a couple bites 😞 It’s like my stomach is getting more restricted as the days go on. Is that weird? I don’t have any heartburn or burning. I’ve heard of hernias developing but that seems too soon. trust me my appetite for sweets, bad stuff is also still very much alive lol but of course I want healthy options instead. I know it’s a dream to have the restriction and you might think I’m crazy but I do need to ensure I can get all my protein & nutrients in is all. anywho I’m 3 months out from my sleeve. Female, 44 years old, began journey at 330lbs June 2021, had VSG March 2022. Now at 250lbs. thanks in advance and I hope everyone is staying safe.
  6. TheWeightisOvr

    Shocked? Yes I am

    That is phenomenal! I’m still 20lbs away but I’ll get there too! Thanks for the inspiration.,
  7. TheWeightisOvr

    Full too soon after eating

    It’s funny you say crumble. I did have some ground Turkey, rice and peppers and I was able to eat at least 3oz of it. I do like my restriction but it looks like I’ll have to do more of that until my stomach settles into normal. But I’ll have to supplement with protein smoothies. But I like those Anyway. Thank you
  8. TheWeightisOvr

    Full too soon after eating

    Thank you. It’s so weird though that I tolerated it before fine.
  9. TheWeightisOvr

    Full too soon after eating

    Thanks so much Arabesque I think you’re right I didn’t think about the dry part I think that me actually what it is. It’s not with salmon, or shrimp. I totally forgot about the dry part lol I have been relying solely on my chewing. My meals are basic now I don’t add much to them. I’m going to leave out chicken though for now and see how it goes for the week. again always appreciate your incredible insight.
  10. TheWeightisOvr

    3 rd after surgery

    No you didn’t make a mistake, yes you did the right thing! I promise. Now you just have this to distract you from the thing that was making you miserable in the first place that made you want to get the surgery. So you can’t turn to that for comfort now. Give yourself a lot of grace and visualize yoke healing. I walked, sat when I was pushing it too much. I had a heating pad which was heavenly. Tylenol was my friend, the one with narcotics in it lol I chewed on Gas X like sweet tarts. I loved hot tea, sugar free popsicles. everyone is 10000% correct that you are going to feel amazing. Distract yourself as much as you can. I’m 3 1/2 months out and I love my restriction. It helps me focus, it’s reset my hormones. My cholesterol is almost 200 points down. sending hugs and healing your way.
  11. TheWeightisOvr


    Yes yes and yes! I go through the same thing. I’m 3 1/2 months out and some days a couple bites will fill me up quick(sometimes it’s also because I don’t chew it completely) like today every piece of meat I eat is filling me up so quick. I think the more our stomach heals, it settles on the smaller size it’s supposed to be. But on other days I can eat close to 1200 calories. Between the protein, the milk I drink, snacks, vegetables & fruit. I’m glad I track because then I don’t feel bad about it because it’s all good things I put in. (Except maybe a 60 calorie ice cream snack from Aldi…lol) but for me what you are describing is normal. Can’t say it will be later for now it is.
  12. TheWeightisOvr

    How long were you off work after surgery?

    6 weeks. Took full advantage of my Short term disability but I know not everyone has that luxury. I spent it preparing for the change in habits mentally. I work from home but it’s mentally exhausting sometimes Long hours.
  13. More times than I’d like to admit lol I’m 3 months out my surgeon recommends every 2 weeks, then at a year monthly weigh ins.
  14. TheWeightisOvr

    Stomach Grumbling & Gurgling

    Wait so the churning I have at night isn’t an ulcer? lol thank God! And it’s always on cue too. I know I’m not hungry maybe not even thirsty. It’s uncomfortable at times and wakes me up. No heartburn or anything in my chest just my stomach. Does go away if I ignore it or take a antacid..
  15. TheWeightisOvr

    Incision pain

    Hi there! I am here to assure you as well that it is normal from what you’re describing. It was very painful. I too had the same pain. I had to rest. Take my painkillers and sleep. Our body restores when we sleep. I was crying in pain from it. But if went away within a week. I used a hot pad to help and it helped a lot as well as with the gas. Your going back to work fairly soon but I know we all don’t have the luxury of staying out for weeks. Definitely take it easy and listen to your body. You may run out of energy soon after you start your work day that is also normal. I pray you feel better soon.
  16. TheWeightisOvr

    Hitting Rock Bottom...

    Stay encouraged Carrielee. I’m feeling for you hun. But know we’ve all been and some still are where you are. If you just take a tiny step each day, each hour, if you start with making a healthy decision about one meal, that makes a huge difference. Don’t sit and fester with your thoughts they will drive you crazy trust me speaking from experience. You just have to take one step. See if you have anyone to confide in to share your experience with and the ups and downs. I know with all you got going on it seems impossible but it’s not trust me it’s not impossible at all, it’s very possible if it is going to take some mental toughness and planning. we’re here to support you!
  17. Congratulations!! So exciting I knooooow. When my sister dropped me off at the hospital and I was walking inside with my pillow and pajama clothes lol I was like this is really happening! manage the pain best you can. Reality sets in in that recovery room really quick. Just remember like Summer said to walk it out. Drink what you can. The first week if you don’t get ALL your liquids that’s ok do what you can the most important thing is to heal, no stress, rest when your body tells you it needs it. A heating pad helped my tummy and drinking hot liquids for the gas. good luck! You’re having surgery on my birthday!
  18. TheWeightisOvr

    7 months post op

    You look great!!
  19. Hi guys! I’m officially 6 weeks post VSG. When I started the Kaiser Program in June 2021 I was 330Lbs. I’m a female early 40’s. Surgery day 2/28 I weighed in at 290. Today I’m at 273lbs. I heard a lot about slow losers on this forum and I think I’m in that category but maybe you guys can confirm. I enter the regular food phase on Monday which is the day I go to work. I moderately workout 3 Times a week. Mostly in the pool because I have osteoarthritis in my knees that keep me from running, squatting or movement exercises. I eat no more than 700-800 calories currently. I get my protein, water, low carbs in. Make good food choices in my carbs & starches. if you are a slow loser how has your journey been? And did you have a lot of stalls in between? I’m trying not to get discouraged.
  20. TheWeightisOvr

    Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*

    Update- So April 8th was the original post I made. I was 273.4 lbs. I fluctuated between that and 274 up until a week ago. I had to start working out. Getting my food plate together with all my macros on it, but most importantly i had to get my sleeping in order I was only getting 4-5 hours a night, which was horrible for my goals. I’m now at 263, so that’s a 10lb loss in 2 weeks. Still in the slow loser club and happy to be here! I’m expecting my body to stall soon but I do know how to get through it now. It is sooooo mentally important to understand your body is complicated especially mine lol and you’ve got to let it go through what it has to in order to accept your decision to change it’s mechanical or hormonal structure.
  21. TheWeightisOvr

    Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*

    I’m not one of them either Donna! I tried to be but my body just only likes good things not the bad ones. I’m doing what you just said and sticking to the plan as well.
  22. TheWeightisOvr

    Gastric sleeve post op gas

    Yep just like Arabesque said. You gotta ride it out my dear. My gas pain was off the chain for almost 2 weeks, not trying to scare you but just giving you my experience. I did what was already suggested and sipped my water. It hurt but I had to walk but what helped me the most while sitting was a heating pad, either on my abdomen, my side, my back, literally anywhere. That thing was life I tell you lol it will certainly pass soon you WILL feel amazing soon I promise you. Just hang in there.
  23. TheWeightisOvr

    Eating too much

    Good morning I’m sorry you’re not feeling good about your choices. It sounds like you tracked your food intake which is excellent. So what consisted of the 1400 calories? Like what did you eat exactly? I ask because of nutrient purposes. You might have eaten more nutrient dense calories than you think. Also watch your hunger signal vs thirst signal they can we’ll be same as well as stomach acid. Sometimes in the beginning weeks after my sleeve surgery my stomach would be growling a little bit after I ate I quickly caught on that it was my stomach digesting what I ate. lastly definitely reach out to your Dietitian or Nutritionist and see how they can answer this question for you from a clinical stand point. good luck to you
  24. TheWeightisOvr

    Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*

    This was great! Thanks for the breakdown, very cool. Yes you got this for sure. I guess this is normal and what makes all of us so unique. It’s not a setback but maybe just a different route altogether. Praying much success for you and your journey!
  25. TheWeightisOvr

    Weight Loss Stall

    Sigh** definitely can relate to your post. You’ve gotten great advice so far. I too was in a stall that lasted a couple weeks. I’m 7 weeks post op: so mine was right on time lol I was the same weight for a week then I gained 3 lbs, then another 2, then back down again. This week in happy to report my first stall which I aptly named Olga.(great suggestion from a wonderful person on here to name stalls) it made it fun to give if a name. I made her my friend and I also understood that my body just maybe needed a break from losing. But I was also constipated. I took some milk of magnesium and that was quickly rectified. Good luck!

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