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Jai D

Pre Op
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Everything posted by Jai D

  1. Jai D


    You are getting a new Vajay-Jay lol .. the only time I agree with lying is when ppl are too nosey and asking questions they don’t need to know
  2. Jai D

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I get my multivitamins from the vitamin shoppe and I’ve never become nauseous from them. They are chewable and it’s a one a day. I would change your vitamin first and see if that helps. Before or after surgery if something makes you throw up you should seek alternatives
  3. Don’t fret! It’s normal . I had my surgery on 12/17 and lost 13.5 lbs the first week. I stalled at week 2,3,&4. In week 5 now and the scale is finally moving again.. thank the lord. the 3 week stall can be 3 weeks or less. It doesn’t necessarily start in the 3rd week after surgery, but it’s normal. Just stop weighing yourself b/c if your like me it will make you think you are the problem. It’s common and you will be on your way soon again.
  4. I get my multivitamins from the vitamin shoppe. They are one a day chewable. I love that I can get them shipped or just go to the store and not wait for delivery. Taste is good. In the beginning I would put 1 in my cheek just to soften it up before swallowing but now that’s not necessary. Good luck
  5. Couldn’t sleep the last 2 nights but I also have Covid at the moment. Since I’m vaccinated it was only like a cold but it’s clearing up now, but I wasn’t sure if the insomnia is due to VSG or Covid or something else. I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow and I am hoping this is a sign of a Jumpstart to my metabolism since I’ve stalled after the 1st week loss of 13.5 lbs. Perhaps it’s a sign I need to be more active during the day. I also just started eating solid foods last Friday so that could be it. Covid insomnia is also a “thing” so only time will tell. I’m tired tho. 🥱
  6. I also need to know how to add my surgery details
  7. Congrats! I’m a bit jealous I must admit. I lost 13.5 lbs the first week after surgery. I lost nothing on the pre op liquid diet after not eating for 7 days and walking 10,000 steps per day on average. This coming Friday I’ll be 4 weeks post op and I haven’t lost anything in the last 3 weeks. I’m starting to feel like God wants me to be fat and/or I just have to accept that I’m going to lose it slower than most but not have lose skin in the end and hopefully have the body that I actually want.. smaller but toned. I am happy for you but I’m not sure why my scale isn’t moving so soon after weight loss surgery. I want to be out of the 200’s already. I started at 241 and have stalled at 228 for 3 weeks now. I’m frustrated. Any tips?
  8. To be honest. I drove the next night after surgery. I didn’t drive far though. Luckily I live in a neighborhood where everything is close by. I really had no problems after surgery aside from being tired. Many things I’ve read about I did not have to deal with. I am having a very easy recovery with a few minor “hiccups” here and there. The hardest thing in the 1st 10 days was that I was tired. Now I’m not tired at all. I have yet to drive more than 20 minutes but I feel like I’d be fine driving at least 45 minutes to an hour. I’ll probably take an hour drive this weekend which will be 3 weeks post op.
  9. Haha yeah I felt that way in the beginning but just remember the full liquids are still liquids.. pudding, jello, drinkable yogurt (yogurt with milk added), etc.. I found pudding to be super delicious and filling and went down nicely and gave me a “liquid” that I could feel was like a food since I’m eating it with a spoon. Much of this is trial and error. It gets easier
  10. When I added a little salt to my diet through soup and a few other foods I felt more energized. Also try getting your electrolytes in. They make pedialyte zero or smart water. Hope this helps. Sounds like you are doing great. Also you may want to try adding some iron or a different multivitamin.
  11. Exactly, embrace the NSV (non scale victory). We got this!!
  12. It might also help you to add milk (dairy or non dairy) to your protein shake. This will reduce the sweetness, give you some additional fluid intake, and give you more minerals/vitamins. It also thins out the protein shake if you are using something thin like an almond milk.
  13. Not sure if your age but are you still menstruating? I lost 13.5 pounds post op in the first week but 2nd week and now 3 rd week I lost nothing, but week 2 was before my cycle and week 3 was my cycle.. I’m waiting for my body to get back to normal hormonal levels. I stopped weighing myself daily because it was messing with my head. I know during surgery it was my ovulation time so I expect to lose weight again after my cycle is over up until a week after ovulation and then stall again. Everyone is different but ppl don’t correlate their cycle with their weight loss stagnation or progress enough. Just mu opinion. Once you understand your luteal phase and follicular phase I find this helps tremendously. Best of luck!!
  14. I found that pudding went down the easiest and was the most filling post op. Pudding also counts toward your fluid intake as it’s a full liquid. Not sure if you are past the clear phase but I would suggest you try sugar free pudding and maybe some Genepro to add to your liquids. Soup also helped me get my fluids in. Drink a little .. take a break.. drink more.. repeat.. best of luck!
  15. I bought multi vitamins from the vitamin shoppe and they are chewable and taste good to me. I didn’t have to wait or pay for shipping which was a plus and it’s a 60 day supply for $20
  16. When was your surgery date? Yes!! I want it gone too lol, but the quicker you lose they’ll probably be more unwanted extra skin. We got this!
  17. Congrats! You are almost at onederland. I was 241.5 surgery date. Didn’t lose anything before surgery (Dec 17th) which was annoying since I wasn’t eating and I was walking 10,000 steps a day minimum. 7 days out of surgery I was down to 228 (13.5 lb loss) and then stagnated at 228 for about the next 2 weeks. Pretty sure pms and my menstrual cycle prevented me from losing more weight. I stopped obsessing over the scale because I was feeling like I wasn’t losing after the first initial loss so now I will only weigh in this coming Friday and every Friday thereafter, however I do feel the difference in my close. I can’t wait to be out of the 200’s. It hasn’t even been 3 weeks out of surgery but I want to be “skinny” already lol, but I also don’t want the extra loose skin so I need to remind myself to be patient and be positive that I am on my way to a healthier life. Also I can’t remember the last time I lost 13.5 lbs so fast so I need to see that as a win! You are on your way as well. Happy for you and that you are feeling better now and seeing results!
  18. What phase are you in? I think refried beans helped me once I hit the purée phase. Now I’m going naturally after about 10 days of needing laxatives/stool softeners to produce a movement
  19. The biggest misunderstanding is you don’t need 64oz of “water”, you need 64oz of fluid. Fluid includes full liquids too like jello, broth, sugar free pudding, water, protein shakes, drinkable yogurt (yogurt with milk added), etc. As for the protein if you add two scoops of Genepro to a 16.9 oz water bottle that’s 60 grams in itself. Sip that bottle throughout the day and you’ll get 60 grams from that & then get your extra 20+ protein from foods like eggs, beans, ricotta, yogurt, meats, etc. Hope this helps!
  20. Hope you feel better soon. I have 3 coworkers out with Covid. I just had surgery 2 weeks ago so I can’t imagine what you are going through. I def have that fear though since it’s hitting way too close to home. Wishing you a quick recovery. Surgery is enough to deal with and now Covid too. I’m so sorry
  21. I agree, tracking is just like dieting, not sustainable. We need to learn to eat like normal ppl who make better alternate choices. Tracking in the past has worked for me, but only in the short term. I do not believe it’s a long term solution. It can be a good tool until one can learn to “eyeball” their intake in my opinion.
  22. Are you already on the purée phase? I had surgery 12/17 and my doctor still has me on full liquids but I have snuck a few puréed foods in like applesauce and egg salad and ricotta cheese.
  23. I did not, however I do break out in hives if I take amoxicillin. Hives are generally not a big deal but they do require finding out what the allergy is and treating it as you seem to be. Normally an antihistamine should do the trick as long as you remove the allergen. The hives could be food or medicine related and have nothing to do with the surgery itself. Like any allergy you may have to write down when the hives begin to show again and track what you are consuming. I also know most bariatric patients don’t realize that there is titanium staples left in your body for life. I believe there may be minimum nickel in the staples as well which can cause allergic reactions for some. Point being, even if you locate others who got hives after surgery, it doesn’t mean their hives are from the same source as yours. Hives are a common allergic reaction, unfortunately. Best of luck!
  24. Congrats! Keep up the good work!
  25. Agree, I’m excited for every stage after liquids, however I will admit, I’ve added some purée foods in like applesauce, ricotta, and egg salad (deviled egg style) and I’m able to take it down, but I had to limit the egg whites. Im good with the yolk with some mustard & light mayo. I’m at a stall but I couldn’t go much longer with no real protein sources. All I keep thinking about is having 1 chicken wing. I’m not good with rules which I have to do better with. I noticed that I wasn’t satiated with just the full liquids after the first few days. I officially start purée food this Friday and I’ll add in some of the more thick things like refried beans & mashed potatoes if I can handle them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
