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About RenaP

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    PreOp - VSG scheduled for Feb 03, 2022
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  1. My surgery is scheduled for April 21st, I’m so nervous now. I hope I’ve done enough and reduced enough of the fat on my liver. Anyone else from Toronto?
  2. After being pushed back due to Covid, my VSG is now scheduled for April 21st. So nervous and excited. I have to be in a liquid diet until then. Ugh but so worth it. My therapist wants me to put the surgery on hold so we can work through more issues but I don’t want to I just want to continue on with the surgery and I can continue with therapy at the same time.
  3. My Feb 3rd surgery has been postponed due to Covid ☹️ really bummed out
  4. My date is on Feb 3rd, I’m in Toronto and they have been cancelling non urgent surgeries now I’m scared mine will be postponed. Fingers crossed, I’ve been on the optifast for the last week and really don’t want to have to do it all over again.

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