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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    AmandaMae80 got a reaction from msleo88 in Weight gain or standstill   
    I'm in the same boat right now. I got VSG on Dec 20 2021, I am 2 weeks post op, my plan wanted me on pureed foods only 3 days after surgery... which I personally felt was way too soon, so I stayed on Protein Shakes and broths only for the first 10 days. I had lost about 12 lbs from surgery date up to when I started puree on day 10, but just noticed I have gained about a pound last couple of days. I have been having a hard time getting things moving though too (smooth move tea actually did literally nothing), so I'm sure that has a little to do with it, Miralax takes the full three days once a day before it does anything at all. I'm sure it gets better after the 3-5 week hump from what I've heard.
  2. Hugs
    AmandaMae80 reacted to MatureMom803 in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Praying you recover from Covid soon. I had my RNY surgery a little over two weeks 12/15/21. Trying to work on 64 oz of liquids and it’s a struggle. Still on full liquids.
    You got this !
  3. Like
    AmandaMae80 got a reaction from Sunnyway in Pre Op Liquid Diet - surprisingly doable   
    My pre op diet was similar- 2 meals of Protein Shakes, dinner 4oz of meat with a half cup o non-starch veggies....I know it's what the surgeon says to do but SOoo many others talk about going full clear liquid at least the last day or 2. My surgery is supposed to be Dec. 20th (1 more day of prep) and I'm a bit torn. Per the surgeon I'm just supposed to switch it around and ha e the meat and veggies for breakfast the day before surgery, then the protien shakes for lunch and dinner and nothing at all after midnight. Then post op. Im supposed to start pureed food on like day 3 after surgery. My own instincts here are to do only liquids tomorrow, only Clear Liquids after 5pm, then post surgery liquids up through at LEAST day 7....I don't know about going outside of what's recommended tho...
  4. Like
    AmandaMae80 reacted to Flab-U-Less Forever in Pre Op Liquid Diet - surprisingly doable   
    Thanks for this post...I am starting my pre op diet in about 2 weeks and I am worried about it. I can have shakes or small meals of Protein and veggies. I'm going to try 2 shakes and 2 meals to begin and for the last few days go with all shakes to make sure my liver has shrunk. Keeping my fingers crossed I have the same experience.
  5. Congrats!
    AmandaMae80 reacted to ladygodiva in Pre Op Liquid Diet - surprisingly doable   
    Folks - I just want to send a small positive vibe out into the universe - I am on day 5 of my liquid pre op diet and I have to say, I feel decent and honestly this is not *that* bad. I swear!
    I was massively dreading this. I was worried I would be nonstop hungry for two weeks and angry at the world. However, I got into a routine of shake - broth - jello/popsicle that seems to be working to manage the hunger. Am I hungry? Yes. Is it constant? No. (Could I eat any solid form of food right now? Yes. Will I? No.)
    I "eat" 4 times a day: Breakfast, lunch, "happy hour" (oh the irony), and dinner. I have a shake at each meal and broth and/or Jello. I have tried many broths and I honestly prefer the old fashioned boullion cubes or ramen noodle broth packet over anything fancy like Bone Broth. I am having 800-900 calories a day and I am not face down in the bed like I thought I would be. I even adulted at work today. 😂
    Just want to send this note because the two week liquid preop was looming so large in my mind before I actually started doing it. Like many things, the dread was worse than just doing the dreaded thing.

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    AmandaMae80 got a reaction from Gochinz in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Hello, my name is Amanda.
    I am scheduled for a gastric sleeve on Dec 20 2021-hopefully. Just a few more days, but exponentially increasing covid cases, pushing capacity...I'm sure we all know the drill at tbis point. Just hoping it happens, carrying through with all the prep as if it will.
  7. Like
    AmandaMae80 got a reaction from Gochinz in Hey There! Any December 2021 Surgery Friends?   
    Hello, my name is Amanda.
    I am scheduled for a gastric sleeve on Dec 20 2021-hopefully. Just a few more days, but exponentially increasing covid cases, pushing capacity...I'm sure we all know the drill at tbis point. Just hoping it happens, carrying through with all the prep as if it will.

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