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Posts posted by Spinoza

  1. 1 hour ago, goodmanje said:

    Don't have the surgery. I did and I'm not losing any weight... It's WAY more trouble than it's worth.

    Oh god how awful. Have you watched any Matthew Weiner on YouTube? Might be worth checking out - he has answers to a lot of problems that people experience post op. Are you sticking absolutely to the rules?

  2. 18 hours ago, Ohelm said:

    5 days post op here. Still freaking out about the pureed stage. This liquid stage has been a breeze, but scared I won't blend it enough. Please tell me it's easy!

    It's easy. I started today - had my surgery 11 days ago. I made a Sunday roast and then just took the meat (lamb - OMG the tastiest meat EVER) and some of the veg (carrot, parsnip, cauli), a little gravy and a lot of Water and stick blended it and it went completely smooth. Almost moussy actually. It was gorgeous after 10 days of shakes and thick liquids. And best of all, whereas I could sip a shake literally all day, six teaspoons of this puree and I was full. And I'm still full an hour later. I think this is gonna work out lads. So happy.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pete-TheTimeIsNow said:

    Hang in there.. Focus on your Protein and Water intake, up your exercise as much as you can (within the limits set by your Dr.).. if you are on puree phase, make sure the portions are the correct size/volume...

    I lost like 3 lbs by the time I got back from the hospital.. but after that... the weight remained constant for 10-12 days.. and then it started coming off.

    Oh that's really helpful to know Pete - thank you! Will keep the faith a bit longer. Most of my head knows it will start soon. There's one tiny dark corner that's telling me I'm wasting my time and I'm gonna be fat forever.

  4. 13 hours ago, LouLouM said:

    Hi Spinoza! My dearest friend is from Ireland, County Limerick, and decided to move her family to Ireland while they're working remotely through COVID. They're currently living in Wicklow and I miss them so.

    I hope that you are feeling and recovering well.

    Aw fab. Wicklow is so beautiful 😍

    Best of luck for the op, and to Sharrie too - I hope it goes super smoothly.

  5. 13 hours ago, ForMyOhana said:

    Still on Full liquids. Looking forward to puree. It's getting tough though. I haven't weighed myself... decided to do that only on Sundays. Not sure I feel like I've lost much weight this week. Surgery was last week Monday... so I'm 12 days out. I need to figure out how to get walking in. It's suddenly cold here.. 30 degrees. Compound that with constantly feeling cold after surgery and I do not want to go outside. I'm worried that I'm not getting enough Protein. I know I'm allowed my Protein Shakes now, but the thought turns me off.

    I really need to stop weighing myself. Still nothing off, and I mean not an ounce, in the now 9 days since I got home. Starting to lose hope 😥

  6. 17 hours ago, ClareLynn said:

    Oh I forgot the weirdest thing that happened after my surgery. I woke up and my eye glasses didn’t work anymore! In the span of 2 hours my prescription changed.

    So right now I have to take off my glasses for anything up close and put them back on to see stuff more than 3 feet away.

    The doctor thinks it’s a reaction to anesthesia or the nausea patch. I had just ordered 2 new pairs of glasses a week ago and will be quite sore if I can’t wear them! 😅

    How weird is that???

  7. 17 minutes ago, Lanitele said:

    Hello, I am new here, had my gastric sleeve surgery on November 23rd, in Florida. I am glad I found this forum, it answers o lot of questions. Like majority of you were saying, the first 24 hours after surgery were extremely painful, but now is my day 4, and the first day without any pain meds. I started the full liquid phase today with Protein Shakes and blended thin Soup. My stomach is grumbling a lot, however, feels like I am a little hungry. I drink o lot of fluids and clear Protein Drinks. Any of you guys were feeling hungry shortly after the surgery?

    Really hungry! It actually worried me until people here said that it's normal. liquids slip right through your new stomach same as before - it's when you go on to solids that you will feel the restriction. I have to space out my Protein Shakes through the day and make sure to keep something for bedtime or hunger would actually keep me awake.

    Well done on getting this far - it really does get a little easier every day from now on.

  8. Everything crossed for you this time LadyVan - six months is a long time to be ready and not taken - must have been so hard. I don't think it would do any harm to start it early - all the more loss and mentally it might help you feel you're getting things moving! Could you check with your nutritionist/dietician?

  9. Hi everyone - how are you all getting along? I'm day 10 today - got my staples out so totally lost horror/goth status with my family. I am just starting thicker fluids - yoghurt, runny mousse type consistency - and it feels good. I have lost *no weight at all* since I came home on day 2 - hoping this is just some sort of adjustment because I really need to see a loss soon. Managing about 50g Protein a day - maybe 60 yesterday. I did suck a tiny lump of cheese yesterday and I've never tasted anything as good.

    Pain is improving a little every day. I have my 2 week checkup next Wednesday and I hope to go back to work after that. I'm walking 1000 quick steps several times a day now.

    How is everyone else? Just jogging along?

  10. Thanks both 😍

    Pain is a little better today - a little better every day - so I guess I'm moving in the right direction. Still can't sleep on my side and I waken if I even try to get into my usual sleep position. Then my back starts to ache from lying on my back all night ... you all know the drill, right?

    Real drop in energy levels yesterday and today so am upping my Protein today - adding Protein Powder to everything that goes in my mouth. Last thing I need is to start breaking down protein for energy - it's my faaaat that needs to go, I have lots of that to spare.

    scales haven't moved since I got home after my op, which I know is completly normal. So I didn't weigh myself this morning at all. Today s protein day! Every day from now on is gonna be protein day, isn't it? 💪

  11. On 11/21/2021 at 3:48 PM, FatPositiveMotherhood said:

    This is my meal plan post op.

    That's very close to mine and a nice aide-memoire, thank you!

    Day 7 here, so still on clear fluids - having some broth right now for 'lunch'. Managed 2 Protein Shakes in one day yesterday for the first time. I use low sugar ones so paid the price with my guts later, but I think that'll settle down. NOT the way I want to lose hard-earned fluids that took me hours to get in! (Sorry if TMI).

    I can drink big slugs of Water and fruit juice which is a great relief - never wanted a life of sipping. I take about half an hour for a 300ml Protein Shake and I sip coffee all day long, just like always. Day 1 post op I just could not get enough water down. Nausea was my greatest fear and thankfully I only had it day 1.

    I think I need to get going with exercise. I have a little dog and it's breaking my heart that I can't walk him yet but baby steps. Have been tearing about the house for a couple of days so think I'm going to venture outside to the park for a few hundred steps later - it's a beautiful sunny cold autumn day here.

  12. On 11/15/2021 at 6:10 AM, vikingbeast said:

    I'm 45, 6 feet tall, and started out at 396 my heaviest (was 366 at the start of the pre-op diet).

    I am very, very active. Outdoor work, sports, CrossFit.

    I did track my food and, like you, was on way more than 3,000 calories a day.

    Now, two months post-op, I am 94 pounds down from my heavy and 64 from the start of the pre-op diet. I eat more than most people—I take in between 1000 and 1400 calories a day, including up to 120 g of carbohydrates, which is unusual for bariatric patients. I am still in the fast-lose "honeymoon" period and am losing 3-5 pounds a week after the initial massive weight dump.

    And yet... I'm satisfied. Thriving, even. The only thing is the restricted amount means my strength isn't what it was—probably lost about 30% off my PR lifts. I don't really care, because now I can run, and jump, and my palms can touch the floor, and I'm off my meds.

    I do feel hunger when I haven't eaten in too long, but it's not the gnawing "feed me or I will make your life miserable" HANGRY feeling I would have had before. It's more like... "things are not right, please to be feeding me now."

    Here are a couple of typical days for me, all approved by my nutritionist:

    Meal 1: Fairlife Core Power Protein Shake

    Meal 2 (post-workout): oatmeal with Protein Powder, a bit of maple Syrup, blueberries, and raspberries

    Meal 3: Koussa (summer squash stuffed with ground meat and rice, braised in Tomato sauce)

    Meal 4: tuna salad on one of those little dense squares of European-style flat rye bread

    Meal 5: collagen peptide Protein and an apple


    Meal 1: Fairlife Core Power Protein shake

    Meal 2 (post-workout): Scrambled egg with a bit of cheese, spinach, and hot sauce

    Meal 3: Ground turkey with sugar-free Korean BBQ Sauce, green Beans, a bit of rice

    Meal 4: Skyr (Icelandic nonfat yoghurt) with raspberries

    Meal 5: Lentils with ham

    The biggest thing I had to teach myself was that it's okay to leave food on the plate, EVEN IF IT'S JUST ONE TINY BITE. Because the line between "I am full" and "debilitating nausea and acid reflux" is sometimes just that one single bite.

    Super helpful to see that - hoping that'll be my life in a couple of months. Just have to get there in one piece!

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