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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Oh yes I get the comparing yourself to others. That is REALLY HARD. I say celebrate the 18lbs in 2 weeks (when have you ever lost even close to that on any diet?), get to know how the three week stall hits almost all of us (and can last a few weeks) and then settle into your programme and enjoy the big losses to come. 3lbs gain in a month is nothing to worry about - honestly. I am really surprised that you're allowed bread at such an early stage. My plan was protein then veg and no carbs for many months. When I did start earing bread it sat in my stomach like a lump of lead - so did pasta and rice. Less so 2 years on but I honestly only use them like a weapon in certain situations - not for daily consumption even now. I wish you all the best
  2. Spinoza

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    Do you mean you had sleeve to bypass revision surgery OP? Was it more for reflux than weight loss? Could you share some more info that would help others on their journey? Even if not - well done you on your loss and getting back on track.
  3. Spinoza


    Wow love to see those early wins! Hope they continue for you.
  4. Super interesting thank you! My only co-morbidity was reflux. Interesting that the sleeve would be expected to cure that for 54% of people like me and bypass 63%. I had thought the differences in risks were much greater. I plumped for the sleeve because I knew that in the past when I lost a lot of weight my reflux settled and I thought I was gambling on it settling again. It did, but the gamble and the odds I based it on weren't right.
  5. I think I was well over 3 months. Absolutely love them now though - they're one of my go to snacks. I had a sleeve, just in case you had a bypass. I stuck pretty rigidly to my programme - I know we get little demons saying 'try this, it won't do any harm' but luckily I managed to ignore them!
  6. Spinoza

    My Story

    Oh wow what an amazing post. Thank you for sharing. You're not done yet. Welcome to your new life.
  7. Spinoza

    5.5 Years out! 130 LBS kept off :)

    I just love to hear about people who have maintained such a huge loss. Thank you so much for sharing, it gives the rest of us hope!
  8. Spinoza

    WLS + GLP-1

    Oh wow that's super interesting thank you. Think this is going to be the way forward. To hear him say that obesity might be 100% treatable with this approach actually made me weepy. So many people could be helped to a different life.
  9. Ah - thought it might be that. I wish you a speedy recovery. Nasty virus with such long term effects.
  10. Spinoza

    Surgery Failure

    60 lbs in 5 months is amazing though. I hope you can continue to lose and improve your health OP. It does require a bit of jiggling of protein/carb ratio though as we progress. Hopefully your team can help you with that. What's your current weight? Think your profile is stuck at your August stats. I wish you the best of luck.
  11. Spinoza

    Hunger after 4 months

    I should have said - nuts and seeds work equally well (or better) for achieving satiety for me. More calorific though so use depending on what your intake has been that day.
  12. Spinoza

    Hunger after 4 months

    Great advice above. I had a sleeve so my experience might be different from yours OP. My full on hunger returned about 7 or 8 months out. Sorry yours has come back so soon - it is sooo variable. I have religiously stuck to the protein first mantra ever since. I find if I eat an ounce or two of deli meat, yes it might be more calorific than veg or fruit, but it kept me full for MUCH longer. Plus gets me to protein goal. I say experiment and find what works for you. Absolutely echo what @Arabesque says about head vs real hunger - if you're craving something particular then it might be worth trying to distract yourself/defer eating. If you're properly hungry then go for a small amount of protein and re-evaluate half an hour later.
  13. Also - total comfort food and totally understandable.
  14. So pleased you're recovering! Do you have any idea what made you feel so unwell for so long?
  15. Spinoza

    Comparison food numbers 4 months out

    Those figures look good to me. You'll start losing again, keep the faith. Stalls just suck. We all try to second guess ourselves when we hit one but if you stick to your programme you'll be losing again soon.
  16. Spinoza

    BIGGEST nsv of my life!!!!!

    Amazing. So happy for you. Your post is full of joy
  17. I just checked my stats and by your stage I had lost 70% of what I ended up losing overall. But honestly it is different for every single person. You have done amazingly well so far and you may (hopefully DO) have further to go. The best way to max out your loss is to stick like glue to your programme. Some (I think a lot) of where we end up is determined by what your body decides is its new set point. I hope you are celebrating your loss and the changes this will have made to your body. You must feel like a completely different person now. I totally understand the anxiety to lose as much as you can - I think most of us had (have!) that. Good luck.
  18. Spinoza

    When did you stop losing

    I had a sleeve 23 months ago and I honestly I think I have only just stopped losing now. It was half a pound a month or less for about the last 4-6 months, but still a downwards trajectory. Just really really slow! Totally believe that my body has found its new 'set weight'. In the last 10 months I've lost 10lbs. That was faster earlier in the year and then really slowed down, obviously. In the 13 months before that I lost 130lbs. 💪 Best of luck to you OP - you still have loads of time to hit your goal weight!
  19. I have never counted carbs following my sleeve. I associate that with keto/Atkins. I *do* count protein intake and total calories - every day. What I do find is that pasta/rice/potatoes/bread etc. aren't worth eating most of the time (unless I'm WLS masking, in which case I purposely use them to deflect attention). If I can generally eat meals that are protein first, veg second, carbs third then I am usually in the zone and happy. Best of luck OP!
  20. Spinoza


    Welcome to the forum OP. I wish you all the luck on your weight loss journey 😍
  21. Spinoza


    OMG I am just imagining being in the checkout queue with you in my jogging bottoms and dodgy T-shirt 😂 Yes I totally agree, if we want to look at other people's photos (and I do) then we need to post some ourselves. I'll put a little something together this weekend. It has taken me forever not to buy clothes just because I was grateful they fitted, but instead because they look good. Almost there 2 years on.
  22. Spinoza

    One year post op

    Oh wow congratulations!! You've done amazingly so far. I hope you reach your goal - really close now!
  23. Bookmarked, thank you so much! 😍
  24. What did you think it would be OP? Might be worth feeding back your expectations Vs your experience. I can see that if she asked for questions, and you had none, and she had provided all the information she felt she had to then it might have been difficult from her end to extend that particular meeting. I suspect she'll have had another lined up soon after. If you would like to get more from future meetings then maybe just say so in advance and be clear about what you would like her approach to be.
  25. Totally delish and in my memory banks for the next time I need a party food idea.

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