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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleeverSk

  1. 1 hour ago, ms.sss said:

    Ok, well im canadian and i just shared one of these babies with my Kid and her friend. For ME (and i realize its not for everyone), empty calories are ok so long as one isn’t consuming mounds of it.

    (we still managed to bring home about 1/2 of the cheesecake and 1/4 of the milkshake…and yes, it was DELICIOUS.)

    im guessing the whole thing was about 1250 calories. But i mean, even when i was obese, i wouldn’t have been able to eat the whole thing myself.


    OMG it looks divine

  2. On 3/7/2022 at 2:30 AM, GreenTealael said:

    I came across this video on a surgeon’s perspective on how to set weight goals after WLS.

    Thoughts? Experiences?

    I found this guy after another person posted a link to his you tube, he has some great advise

  3. 16 hours ago, GradyCat said:

    I had the sleeve and my GERD and acid reflux actually went away. I had it before surgery but not after. Just FYI. Also, you could just opt to do the bypass instead of the sleeve.

    Hi, were you on medication before surgery if so how long after surgery did you keep taking it and when did you know it was time to come off it and how did you come off, cold turkey or taper ?

  4. On 3/18/2022 at 12:13 AM, Robz said:

    After a forum from yesterday. The worry I had about getting GERD is a lot stronger. The thought of it happening to me scares me. When I do do acid reflux (which is not often ) it does make me sick. This is a out of pocket surgery for me. My insurance doesn't cover wls. So I can't afford this surgery and then have to pay to get bypass if I get GERD. My mood now is so different. I was so happy I made the decision to get the surgery. And after yesterday today I'm scared and sad. I need positive thoughts ❤️

    Don't over think it, This fear (GERD) drove me to have a melt down right before surgery and to be highly anxious for weeks after surgery. I had reflux before surgery for many years and had been on 20-40 mg of Nexium daily for about 15 years and as my weight got higher so did the occurrence of my reflux to the point of along with the Nexium I was going through a bottle of Gaviscon a week. fast forward 8 months post op I still take 20 mg Nexium daily but only because I am to scared to tapper off as I remember the rebound reflux from prior to surgery when I would try to come off them and I have to be honest I suck a Gaviscon dual tablet if I get the slightest inkling of reflux which I think half the time is in my head lol.

    So prior to surgery I told my surgeon reflux was my biggest fear as I didn't want a bypass either and I certainly didn't want to have to have a second surgery, He said the weight loss would reduce the reflux and I think he is right. its just my own fears and thinking about it and sometimes eating the wrong things or too much that causes me get reflux now and its pretty mild.

    Now I am going to say this and I don't mean any offence to anyone as it is just what I have observed, a lot people who have had revision surgery due to GERD/reflux also seem to have had a substantial weight gain too, now if anyone out there has experienced different I stand corrected but that's what I have noticed. So that is a pretty good incentive for me not to regain.

    Talk to your surgeon though as he/she is the best to advise you we can only share our experiences

  5. 3 hours ago, Tomo said:

    Yup mine didn't start falling out till the 6 month mark. My brush is full of hair this morning, going on 8 months. No bald spots but it is thinning for now. I also have met my Protein and Vitamins. I sure hope it grows back after I up my calories on maintenance...

    Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have got visible new Hair growth now so don't worry it will come back

  6. 10 hours ago, MiniGastricBypassDude said:

    OP is participating in the chit-chat, so I think OP will survive now that OP did get an answer (I'm in this thread originally answering the question) ;)

    But you're right. It'd be nice if we had a more loose forum for socializing beyond answering if it's normal to have a stall at 3 weeks for the 10000th time.

    Totally agree, an instant chat option would be wonderful. Chat rooms did get a bit of a dark and seedy reputation there at one point but I think technology and internet security has improved greatly and its time to bring them back

  7. 9 hours ago, carpeediem said:

    I had surgery on March 5th; I 100% regret my decision to have surgery. There is so much I wish I had known before getting this done. I know it's still early in my journey, but I was "healthy" by medical standards, but I was just FAT! I wish I would have just excepted that about myself... I personally think everyone should have mandatory meetings with a therapist for the six months before surgery.

    Oh Carpeediem I went through the same thing and nothing anyone tells you will help you feel any different right now. If you go to my profile and read my early posts and think I even posted early on in this thread, you will see what I mean I think I even have a post almost exactly the same as this I even went on a huge rant on a sleeve Facebook pages saying the surgery should be banned for all except those with life threatening conditions 😳. Be kind to yourself these feelings don't last and soon you will be able get back to " normal" it will be a different normal but not how you are now. Go see a therapist that will help understand your relationship with food and how to cope with the feelings you have now. I am now almost 8 months out and feel much better about having the surgery however it did take me until the 4 to 5 month mark to even start feeling better. If you want to pm me please feel free to do so. Big hugs 🫂 it does get better

  8. 3 hours ago, haneen said:

    I’ve had my sleeve around 6 months ago and I’m the past 2 months I’ve been waking up with horrible breath and I spit out yellow saliva.

    I thought it might be a dental issue so I had my teeth cleaned but the problem is still there.

    Could it be from acid reflux? Or could it be bike coming up while I sleep? Is that normal?

    It just happens in the morning right when I wake up then throughout the day there isn’t yellow saliva but my breath is horrible.

    Sounds like bile reflux, where your stomach bile comes up into your mouth .go to your Dr asap

  9. 14 hours ago, Robz said:

    Has your hair stopped thinning out now? I've started taking high dose of Biotin and a good multi Vitamin. I'm hoping that getting it in my system before surgery will help. That might be wishful thinking.

    I'm coming home the same day as surgery and my dr said I could go back to work in a week but I planning on being off 2 weeks. When you say the first 4 weeks were the worse. What do you mean?

    It's still falling more than I would consider normal BUT I have lots of new growth. I don't think it something you can avoid if your hair is going to thin out it will.

    Everyone is different in how their body reacts to surgery I had a really rough time mentally and I guess physically as I just didn't have to strength or motivation to do anything I ended up having 9 weeks off work.

    So I had a deep seated regret after the surgery which lasted about 4 months but I am ok now 8 months out.

  10. 46 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    My cholesterol went up immediately postop to a little bit to where he told me to watch it and the surgeons office told me to take fish oil but someone on here said it could have to do with the rapid weight loss somehow. I haven’t verified that with a doctor yet but they must’ve heard that somewhereI haven’t verified that with a doctor yet but they must’ve heard that somewhere

    Yes my surgeon said it is because sometimes when the body "releases" fat the liver gets a bit overloaded and cholesterol goes up but it should be temporary but can take 12 months or so to start coming down

  11. I had silent reflux before surgery and had the sleeve. like you I didn't take meds daily but sometimes I needed to up my dosage and take Gaviscon, now I take 20mg nexium daily (only because I am to scared to come off them yet) and haven't had any reflux symptoms. I was the same the first 4 months were the worst then at 6 months i started to feel happy about the whole thing. the hardest thing I am coping with is Hair loss mainly because my hair was a prominent feature of mine.

  12. My cholesterol is higher now than before surgery...........surgeon said that can sometimes happen and can take over 12 months to resolve, I live alone so not sure if my sleep apnoea has resolved, I don't get the head splitting headaches I use to get I didn't get a headache at all for the first 6 months but have had a couple in the last month or so :( I get a lot more back pain now than I ever did before :( . SO I am a little disappointed like yourself But hopeful as time goes by things get better

  13. On 4/30/2021 at 2:15 AM, Lola J said:


    My hair is like cotton candy 7 months post -op. I had to get it buzz cut to try and get some nutrition to it. I take all my vitamin's and actually feel great.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated, please.

    Kindest Regards, Lola

    Mine too!! I have lost over 50% but thankfully I had a lot to start with. It was down to the top of my butt and i have had half the length cut off now and it feels so weird and as you describe Fairy Floss ( Cotton Candy) and so "fly away" just wondering how yours is now. I can see lots of new growth but I don't know if that's from breakage from my last hair appointment (Foiling) or if its real re-growth. Has the texture of your hair improved ?

  14. I have had this done. it was really weird because you body feels like you have just run a marathon but your brain is saying wait you haven't done anything why do I feel like this. But other than that its fine they will have a Dr present "just in case" so you will be in good hands. good luck hope all goes well

  15. 7 hours ago, WhispersOfAngel said:

    Well the BP app looks completely different than desktop version. I don't really like the app, it looks so generic and you don't see any of the sidebar info that you do on desktop. So I'm guessing that's why so many people don't fill out their info.

    It would be nice if BP upgraded their app so that it looks like the desktop version.

    I use the app on my tablet and can see the sidebar info

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