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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleeverSk

  1. On 5/3/2022 at 12:40 PM, rmp09 said:

    I hate all of it. I am the pickiest eater I'm the world and won't eat most things. I hate that I can't drink with my meals, I hate what they tell me I should eat because I won't eat like 90%of it.. worst decision ever.

    Sent from my SM-G781W using BariatricPal mobile app

    you will be able to drink with your meals if you really want to. I went to a friends for afternoon tea which was a lovely platter and drinks ( non alcoholic) i panicked and thought how do i do this without offending, I ate a little bit had a little drink it worked fine i have done it a couple of time since without an issue. I try to have a drink before food unless its soda then i have it after for obvious reason I try to avoid soda around meal times but I can drink with food. you will work out your limitation but i would wait til the 6 month mark before you start experimenting with things like that

  2. 12 hours ago, rmp09 said:

    My feelings are valid like everyone else. Sorry I don't believe it gets any better. Thanks for triggering my anxiety by calling me names.. I was trying to find someone who feels the same as I do. But obviously I wont here. Don't respond to this post anymore, I am logging out and will be deleting the app. Sorry for having feelings that are bad.

    you did find someone who felt the same as you and I have reached out more than once to you

  3. On 5/3/2022 at 10:25 AM, rmp09 said:

    It seems that I am literally the only one who 100%completely regrets this surgery. I have never hated myself this much in my life. I was so obsessed with this weight loss crap for 3 yrs and now 6 weeks healed from VSG and I hate life completely now. I will never be or feel like myself again and feel I don't deserve anything good ever again. This was the worst decision of my life and I keep having ptsd flashbacks of wishing I had never done this..that I canceled when I had the chance. Why am I the only one who fully regrets this.. I can't be the only one in the world who regrets it completely...

    Sent from my SM-G781W using BariatricPal mobile app

    you will be fine as I have said in replies to your posts before and privately ( I have sent you another message a little while back that you may no have seen yet). It gets better it really does. You need to stop regretting and stop the what if's. It's done you cant change it. IT GETS BETTER, I felt exactly like you I started to feel better around the 5 to 6 month mark and now at the 9 month mark I mostly don't have any regrets. Get some counselling to help you through the grieving process remind yourself why you did this and I know you don't care about the weight loss right now I was the same but you will when you start feeling better. I am even at the point of oh no I have stopped losing. you also need to accept that you are not the only one who feels has felt like this, accept what we are telling you. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER. you will feel like yourself again only better. you will be able to eat all the foods you love only in smaller amounts. I can eat way more than I ever thought I would these days so much so I wish my restriction was better.

    Do you work? have you got friends you can talk to about this? what hobbies do you have? try to do things that you enjoy and take your mind off it.

    Have a good cry about it, I cried multiple times a day I couldn't even utter the word surgery without crying I wanted it outlawed. now I would happily recommend it to people but I would also tell them the first 6 months are rough.

    Ask yourself and tell us what exactly is it that makes you think you will never be yourself again what are your fears what is causing the regret ? once you have the answers to those questions you can and we can help you move forward.

  4. 2 hours ago, acopas said:

    I’m having surgery on a Wednesday and plan to return the following Monday. I can work from home if necessary, but I intend to be back in the office.

    i will say that this is based on what my surgeon has said for my specific type of job, but also my experience with a previous abdominal surgery. I just have to remind myself that when I had my previous surgery I was 19 and now I’m double that.

    wow you are keen, good luck with that

  5. 12 hours ago, liveaboard15 said:

    First you shouldnt be weighing yourself daily like that... Everyone can gain or loose a pound or so daily. Also Water weight. Also you will end up running into stalls where you wont loose any weight and maybe even gain a tiny tiny bit.

    I weigh myself daily at one point it was twice daily. I rarely weighed myself before surgery and back in the days when my weight was in check I also weighed daily. For me it helps check things in check.

    To the OP yes my weight bounces between the 2 same kilos for a month. This is my tracking since Feb. 73kg, 72,73,72,72, 71,72,71,72,71. These are roughly weekly recordings my loss has slowed alot now I am 9 months out but early on it was a similar pattern

  6. Yeah, many surgeons now agree your new stomach size can't be stretched so why would you add a lapband type device into your body to prevent something that won't happen anyway.so many people had complications from lap bands ( my surgeon doesn't even perform lap band surgeries because of that reason) I would do .ots of research before going down that road.

  7. On 4/7/2022 at 11:43 PM, lizonaplane said:

    TL;DR: CA Prop 65 is out of control fear-mongering with a lack of understanding of science

    So, CA requires things to be labeled if there is any chance at any dose that you could possibly have an increased risk of cancer... However, the dose makes the poison, and most of these studies are done on Sprague-Dawley rats, which are so inbred that EVERYTHING gives them cancer. I work in cancer research, and I have also had some of these rats as pets. They ALL get tumors.

    Yes, you MIGHT theoretically have an increased risk of cancer (though probably not) if you ate about 100 shakes a day, but you would have massive intestinal problems first.

    It's probably from the artificial sweeteners - the best research we have shows that even if you're drinking a case of diet soda a day, you are not at extra risk of cancer (please be aware: if you don't die of something else first, you WILL die of cancer because your body is always forming small cancers). Rats had to ingest something like the equivalent of 30 cans of diet soda's worth of artificial sweetener A DAY to show an increased risk of cancer, and as I mentioned above, it can be hard to tell because these rats all get cancer anyway.

    Wow that's really interesting and certainly raises questions in my mind.

  8. 11 hours ago, Future Sleeve Diva said:

    My husband has been on PPI's for close to 20 years and he's been perfectly fine. If he misses even 1 day...oh boy....

    Since getting sleeved I have reduced to 20mg and no gaviscon needed. Before surgery I would alternate between 20 and 40 mg and always had a bottle of gaviscon dual action on hand.

  9. 11 hours ago, SoCalEm said:

    It's been almost 3 months since my surgery, and I have to say that carbonation is the thing I miss the most. Even just unflavored seltzer Water. I'd like to try it again at least 6 months out, but I'm afraid it'll lead right back to soda. Good to hear that at least carbonation isn't completely off the table.

    I hear you I was afraid of that too (coke addict) but it's been OK some days I really crave a coke and then Ican go days without it. Moderation is the key. I do drink heaps of soda Water zero calories and powered which has more calories than coke 🤔🙁

  10. 8 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    in addition, no, PPI's are NOT perfectly safe. There has been a LOT of publicity the last couple of years about the dangers of long-term use of PPIs. They're fine for the short term - maybe a few months - but not for long-term use. My clinic used to put patients on them for a year (like back when I had surgery in 2015). But no more. Most clinics limit them to 3-6 months now.

    I have been using ppi's for 16 years with no issues what so ever other than the paranoia I get from reading stuff about them on the internet

  11. 18 hours ago, Imortalcandy said:

    I had my first consultation with my Bariatric surgeon today. I said I would prefer a sleeve but that maybe a bypass is better for me because it seems to have a better long term outcome with keeping the weight off. He said that both procedures have the same long term weight loss it’s just up to the patient to eat right. He also said that you cannot stretch out a sleeve. The one that really surprised me was when I said that I have reflux and I don’t want a sleeve to make it worse, we’ll he told me that both can give you reflux and that I’ll just be on Prilosec either until it resolves or forever because it’s perfectly safe.

    What is everyone’s thoughts on all of this?
    He did elude to the thought that he only does bypasses on extremely large unhealthy people.

    Sounds correct this is pretty much what my surgeon told me. My reflux has improved with the sleeve. Which my surgeon said it would as being overweight is the reason most people have reflux in the first place

  12. People are going to assume you have had the surgery away when you start losing weight some might even ask you directly if you have so then do you lie to them ? I thought People would be very judge too and didn't tell anyone but then I had to because it was very obvious and I needed more time off work. I found most people were extremely supportive and you need that in the early days and why isolate yourself from your friends and social situations if your friends know maybe they can plan non eating get together until you are back in the "normal" eating phases. Bottom line is people are going to talk and assume anyway so it is much easier to be up front about it .

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