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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleeverSk

  1. 16 hours ago, fourmonthspreop said:

    I know this is a common one but im particularly excited about it because I distinctly remember being 340 lbs and watching these "progress" videos of other women with towels wrapped around their body, showing how they gradually start fitting into bath towels as they lose weight and I remember feeling so sad and discouraged...like I didn't have it in me to get there too. I'm traveling and in a hotel right now and to my surprise this is the first time a regular "hotel" towel has wrapped all the way around my body without a humongous gap exposing my side and stomach. I am so happy about this I can't even explain it. It just confirms it for me that I can have the things I want, that I deserve them too and am just as strong to fight for them.

    Photo: the first picture is from just a week preop, the second is from today. Yes...I had to censor my booty cheek lol that whole blue part is the towel that didn't close and that towel is bigger than this one I have here.IMG_20220607_212956.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    lol I saw someone else post about this and I run to the bathroom to check it out as I had given up trying to wrap a towel around me like that and yippee just like you it fit !!

  2. 1 hour ago, STLoser said:

    This is sort of a NSV and sort of a society fail.
    I've always been a very friendly, talkative person, who will talk to anyone, and I noticed after I got really fat soemtimes when I would talk to people they would not be friendly back or act uncomfortable, and people hardly ever started conversations with me. It caused me to develop a bubble over the years and talk to fewer people. I thought people had just gotten less friendly overall.
    We just joined our local rec center and I was at the pool with my son yesterday, and I had several people just randomly start conversations with me. This hardly EVER happened when I weighed almost 400 pounds.
    I can't even call this a victory because it's really sad that those same people might not have talked to me before, even though I'm the same person.
    Based on the way I look on the outside, suddenly I'm worth talking to.
    Of course, I could be just imagining all of this, but I don't think I am.

    Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

    I was just talking to a friend about this the other day, A friend of hers would barely look at me in the past if I saw her in the shops etc ( small town ) anyway the other day she went out of her way to say hi to me twice in one day and I said to my friend is that because I am not fat now ? Its sad really that people are like this I hope I am not one of them.

  3. My Bike is still sitting at the side of the house with flat tyres :( and my gym membership application still stuck to the fridge :( and the cosy little winter nest I have made on the couch is getting more and more cosy BUT I have purchased a Kayak and have been out 3 times in 3 weeks the last time being for 2.5 hours :)

  4. if your tummy doesn't handle the Protein Shakes don't have them, Scrambled eggs, kids yoghurt ( its thinner ) Mash potato and gravy, mushy stews and stuff like that are great. You can get flavourless Protein Powder to add to these things to get your Protein in. I drank Powerade it made it much easier to get my liquids in and cloudy pear juice is easy to get down too and it will help with number 2's as well. As mentioned above iceblocks are good too especially the hydration ones. Yes what you are feeling and going through is all pretty normal just do the best you can it gets easier.

  5. Aawwww big hugs, it gets better it really does. Just do what you can food wise to help me through these stages I had things like KFC mash and gravy, chocolate mousse kids yoghurts and stuff like that. Staying on soft foods longer isn't a bad thing if your tummy isn't ready for the next stage . I was at the 4 month mark before I could comfortably eat real food and I even had days where I couldnt. At this point you are eating such tiny amounts that having things slightly higher in calories isn't going to hurt your weight loss. I know a lot will disagree with that but it worked for me. The restriction lessens so take advantage of it while you can.

  6. Just now, ShoppGirl said:

    Out of curiosity, do you have a long torso? I do and so far everyone who I have come across that can eat more has been taller or had a long torso. I am wondering if we have larger stomachs because they are taller. One person said someone on you tube said it’s the difference between a shorter and a longer banana. Not that it really makes a difference at this point. Just sorta surprised if the drs didn’t figure this out.

    Funny you should say that I was just in the food before and after photos and noticed the people that are shorter seemed to eat a lot less and I had the same thoughts I wonder if they have a shorter stomach because I had seen this mentioned somewhere recently. I guess I do have a longish torso because for my height my legs are short lol for example if I was to drive someone's car that was the same height as me I find I have to pull the seat closer to reach the pedals and if they drive my car they always comment gee you must have short legs lol. I guess the surgery can only reduce the width of the stomach and not the length.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    Totally unnecessary news, but last night I pooped y’all. 13 days, 2.4 lbs off the scale afterwards. Then i fell asleep afterwards from the effort. 🥹

    Anyhoo, this morning i woke up STARVING (well for me) and fixed myself a rare before-noon meal.

    I made bbq ribs for the fam last night (which I didn’t eat any of…see poop-sleep above), so I heated up some of the leftovers in a dinner roll with some BBQ Sauce. Oy my goodness, I make awesome ribs! Lololololzzz.

    425 calories for the while slider, which i ate half of, so will update MFP to show 213 calories as Mr. ate the other half already.


    Congrats on the poop :)

  8. 3 minutes ago, BypassingMyPhatAss♡ said:

    I'm also band to bypass. Bypass revision is next month. I got GERD with my band... and GERD after wls sucks. You have wls thinking you're going to improve your quality of life, only to develop GERD... then you get placed on PPI's to prevent the acid issues... and the PPI's come with side effects, and now it's recommended to not take them long term. I got a kidney stone due to overuse of PPI's... so I would say if you have wls and are dependent on the use of PPI's longer than the normal post op period, it's a crutch. How can you say your GERD that you had previous to wls is gone if you're still taking an acid reducer? It's probably just masking the GERD that's still there. Come off the PPI and see if the GERD is there or not, then you'll know if it's really gone.

    Why have wls if you have to stay on a PPI?

    I never said it was gone, it has improved dramatically. Prior to surgery I was on 40 mg Nexium and eating Gaviscon dual action tablets almost after every meal as well as the liquid Gaviscon so yes it has improved as my surgeon said it would as he believed my weight was a big factor in my reflux. I am yet to try to come of the nexium although I have been advised to but I remember how awful re-bound reflux is and I am happy with just taking 20 mg. Prior to surgery I had that big side effects fear and wanted to get off them right or wrong but I am comfortable where I am now in regards to my reflux.

    I didn't want the risk of possible complications that come with a by-pass which is why I opted for a sleeve. Don't worry I had a melt down just before being wheeled into surgery because of my post op Gerd fears ( that I had read about on the internet ). My surgeon reassured me I would be fine and so far I have been.

  9. On 3/11/2022 at 9:11 AM, ShoppGirl said:

    I have been able to eat more than expected at every given stage since my sleeve so I have to measure my portions still. At one year out I have been eating around one serving of most things. I just made dinner though and those hard taco shells from old El Paso seem pretty big for the serving size to be TWO shells?? I ate one and don’t feel full (but I never do). I am just curious if other sleevers that are over a year out would have more than one?? I guess the amount of meat you get in one shell isn’t much (I didn’t weight it).

    I am like you I can eat way more than what I think I should/can eat. I can even drink a 600 ml bottle of coke in the space of 20 mins 🤔 not good I know as coke is one of the main culprits of me getting fat in the first place :( . I reckon I could eat 2 Tacos.. I have to tell myself often "that's enough now your not hungry". I rarely get the full /restriction feeling lots of people talk about. If I allow myself I reckon I could eat all day. I have had to stop bringing food to work on nightshifts otherwise I would just eat all night (another previous bad habit). sigh .........its hard sometimes.

  10. 17 hours ago, lizonaplane said:

    You still have to take Vitamins with sleeve, but the risk of Vitamin deficiency is lower, because sleeve allows you to absorb all the n enough nutrients.utrients you are able to eat - the issue is if you are focusing only on Protein and can't eat too much, you are not getting

    Sleeve does have slightly lower rate of complications, but both are pretty safe. With sleeve, you have to worry about GERD, so if you have GERD now, it's probably better to do bypass. However, certain medications have absorption issues with bypass, so depending on what medications you take, it might be better to do sleeve.

    I think you need to talk with your surgeon and see what they recommend, and get a second opinion if you still aren't sure. I wasn't sure, and after two surgeons suggested sleeve, I went with it. I think that was the right decision for me.

    You still have to take Vitamins with sleeve,

    sorry but I disagree with that statement, I barely took my Vitamins directly post op because they made me sick etc and haven't taken any at all since about the 4 month mark, now at 10 months post op my bloods come back fine.

    I also had gerd before the op and now it has improved dramatically still on 20mg on nexium though. Everyone is different though.

    I totally agree talk to your surgeon and get a second opinion as Liz has suggested

  11. 38 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    Mr. ended up going out tonight so no steak for me. Boo.

    The Kid brought me home an order of Taco Bell’s Fries Supreme, which I poured some sirracha on and ate roughly 1/2 of.

    Approximating 270 calories for what I ate.

    P.S. Fries are filling!!


    Now I want loaded fries 🍟 😩 😫 😭 😕 they look so yummy

  12. 8 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    Back from vacay (where 90% of my intake consisted of over easy eggs and alcohol) and i finally get to enjoy a decent bowl of food: Smoked salmon, seaweed salad, horseradish aioli and a bit of Gorgonzola. #yum

    320 calories, ate it all.

    P.S. I’ve always disliked the food served at All-Inclusive resorts down south, so I had very low expectations, which were met, lol. I actually packed 3 bags of those salad kits from costco (to deal with my salad addiction), which were total life-savers!

    P.S.S Side-note NSV…i am the same weight I was when I left…BUT I haven’t pooped yet so i’m gonna guess once I get these 12 days 😳 of food out of my intestines, i may drop a few pounds.

    P.S.S.S I asked Mr. to make me a steak tonight cuz i miss meaty meat 🥩🤤


    12 days without a poop 💩 😢! My goodness that can't be good

  13. 8 hours ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    No, I don't have any kind of tape measure, and I never did any "before" measurements.

    I didnt either but started to record measurements around the 4 month mark and I have noticed reducing numbers on the tape measure but not so much on the scales so it has been good to see that. Tape measures are cheap I encourage you to get one.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Lou30102015 said:

    I'm only 4 days post op and I've regretted it every second since waking up after the op. The pain is horrendous and support has been none existing... fingers crossed I'll feel different soon

    You will feel better soon. you shouldn't be in a lot of pain though have you spoken to your surgeon about it ? Regret is common the early stages I had very intense regret for a few months but it got less and less eventually and now at 10 months out I have no regrets.

  15. On 5/27/2022 at 8:57 PM, Happy Stylist said:

    On my plan I can't have beef or pork for a year🥺. I'll start adding tuna in to my diet more. It's not something I love because I'm don't like fish. (Very picky eater)

    Wow !! did they say why ? Mince and eye fillet Steak was my saviour in the early days. Can you have chicken ?

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