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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleeverSk

  1. 1 hour ago, GreenTealael said:

    You look great! I can’t see the details on the jacket but does the waist adjust with a cord and toggle stoppers?

    Thank you 😊 yes it does I pulled it in a little the day after this picture was taken

  2. You will be fine, I was a mess after my surgery I was convinced I would NEVER eat or drink normally again. How wrong I was. It took me until the 4 month to finally start feeling better, I cried multiple times a day I couldn't go to work I was a mess. I beat myself up for having the surgery it was awful. Keep in mind your hormones are all over the place and you are most likely grieving your old way of eating and drinking and worried about the unknown.. I am here at 11 months out and I can tell you you will feel better, you will feel amazing when you are shopping for new clothes, can walk up a hill without feeling like you are not going to make it, paint your toes nails easily so many things to look forward too. AND you will be able to have that beef stew and a Martini 😆

  3. 3 hours ago, Mariann812 said:

    My surgery was Wednesday 6/8.
    Greatest non scale victory: I can breathe. 2/3 of my stomach was in my chest because of a massive hiatal hernia that caused me enormous discomfort BUT I just felt crappy and had no idea till after surgery that the hernia made me feel that way.

    Wow that amazing so glad you are feeling so much better now

  4. 2 hours ago, elesir8 said:

    Ah ok, i thought so as i couldnt imagine u could do this straight after surgery.
    I had sleeve done 4 weeks ago and im struggling with soft food stage, keep getting sick. Im reverting back to Soups for few days to see if it helps.
    Did you manage to lose your goal weight?
    I wouldnt beat yourself up about your binge, i imagine its going to happen from time to time, guess the hard part is trying to ensure it doesnt happen too often.

    Sent from my SM-S908E using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yeah I struggled early on too I found at the 2 month mark things started to get easier and Improved each month from there. I reverted back to the previous stages too, I was on soft foods for ages.

    I didn't have a goal weight from my surgeon but I had a a tentative goal of 70kg which I reset when I was 73kg to 60 kg as I still had a bit a fat to loose. I don't know if I will get to 60kg as my weight loss has slowed right down but it has slowed due to some of my food and mainly drink choices (coke) .

    I was really surprised how easy the "binge" was and how much I was able to eat but you are right now I know I can take steps for it not to happen again

  5. 4 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I worry so much about this happening to me too because I eat and I can eat again 30 minutes later. Good news is it was just once so far and you know that you don’t want to continue doing it. Do you have any idea what brought it on? Was it an emotional reaction or just purely boredom?? Maybe you should bring a bunch of healthy Snacks so you at least have the better option available. I eat when I am board too and I honestly haven’t found an answer except for lower calorie Snacks which isn’t perfect i know.

    Yes I find myself eating a meal to the point of comfortable and instead of disposing the left overs or putting it away I leave it and come back to it in 30 mins or so to finish it even though I am not really hungry it's head hunger. The more I enjoyed the food the more likely I am to do it and there's the old "can't waste good food " mind set too.

    My team say what you haven't eaten in 20 mins of slow eating ( another thing I haven’t mastered) you discard.

    Boredom is a big trigger for me especially on nightshift as they can be very quiet.

  6. 50 minutes ago, GreenTealael said:

    Slightly curried chicken salad wrap. This was two meals worth of food but the log shows the total for all of it.

    I used to eat lettuce wraps constantly because I like them and I couldn’t find good low carb substitutes. For me this what returning to basics would look like (not going back to a liquid diet).

    What does everyone’s “back to basics” include/remove?





    Nice, Lettuce is a bit of a luxury item in Australia atm up to 15.00 dollars each !!!

  7. 2 hours ago, Spinoza said:

    Shift work is the absolute devil - do you do it all the time? Anyway - one day's slip up means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the grand scheme of things @SleeverSk Just get back on the horse tomorrow. You've learned something (that slider foods do slide down REALLY nicely) and you will use that moving forwards until you reach goal - the goal that YOU want to reach. We all have better days and worse days - look at what you have achieved over the last 10 months - unbelievable.

    Yes I have been doing shift work for 20 years now and before surgery if I took more than 4 weeks leave I found once I returned to a normal sleeping pattern I would drop 2 to 3 kgs in the time frame only to have them come back after a couple of weeks back at work. . Thank you yes I am pleased with my progress but really worried by how easily it could all be undone .

  8. 😢 So the local show is on (fair for those in the US) and I started out good, I had a dagwood dog ate 3/4 threw the rest away, had a small cup of soft serve ice cream with choc- sherbet topping didn't finish it. Now this is where I fell down bought 2 yes 2 pizzas to take to work with me (nightshift) only ate half of one over the course of a 12 hour shift BUT ate a whole packet (big) of twisties , a litre of coke, a cupcake, a slice of ice-cream cake (left over from someone's birthday) 2 sausages (left over from BBQ) and 100g caramel coated popcorn and not once did I feel full 😧.

    jumped on the scales today, 69 gone hello 70 😭Now I am trying to not beat myself up over it but gee its hard to stop when you start down that slope of mindless eating. I know we all slip up none of us are perfect and now I am telling myself Just because you can doesnt mean you should. I cant believe I drank the coke as I ate the twisties without an issue didn't feel bloated or anything 🤔and a whole packet OMG. I get what you were saying now Sleevdiva2022. I was thinking darn it come on sleeve kick in and stop me from doing this lol.

    Tonight ( nightshift again) hasn't started off any better. Thank goodness the pizza I bought wasn't very nice or I feel I might have finished it off tonight. I hate nightshifts that aren't busy I am always wanting to eat from boredom.


  9. I found flat breads don't sit well with me but everyone is different, so it feels uncomfortable in my stomach and my stomach made lots of noise and gurgling. I love minced (ground) chicken its so soft and easy to eat like minced (ground) beef.

    I haven't tried rice yet to be honest and I wasn't a big rice eater anyway, Pasta is pretty much the same as flat breads for me so I also avoid that.

    Salads are good but I think I was 5 or 6 months out when I tried them.

  10. ok ssooooo I am in a Facebook group that has lots of veterans in it and one made this comment to me today and it makes sense.

    "its only considered a stall if you have lost no weight for 6 consecutive weeks."

    She stated that this is what her surgical team have told her and few others agreed, I kind of agree with her because I did think calling a few days or a week or 2 of no weight loss a stall especially straight after surgery was a bit soon because your body does need time to heal and adjust.

    this is how the comment came about,

    someone had posted about not losing weight after week 2 they were now in week 4 I chimed in and said oh yes don't worry its call the week 3 stall, there are numerous post about it in the forum I am in blah blah blah thinking I was giving good advise only to be shot down in flames. so yeah its interesting how people have a different view on what a stall is, I like this one 6 weeks no loss because your body does need time to adjust and we all know that even though the scales dont move the inches can so that needs to be considered too because you are still losing its just in inches not on the scales.

  11. 4 hours ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    Homemade burgers. I was told I can since I'm a couple of days from 6 weeks out. I don't eat fries or Pasta or breads or any of that. I don't eat sweets. I drink black tea, green tea, Protein Water, my Protein Shake in the morning (has caffeine), sugar free juice, flavored water.

    So you are just eating a home made " burger patty" without all the trimmings such as the bun the cheese the sauce etc etc 🍔? If that's the case maybe don't say you are eating a whole burger because we all imagine a big burger if it is just the patty say a meat patty , big difference what people picture in their minds. If that is the case my apologies I pictured a person chowing down on a big burger 🍔 with everything.

  12. 4 hours ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    I was told I could eat burgers. I was told there isn't anything I can't eat as long as my stomach tolerates it and I watch the amount I eat, how often, and I make sure to watch the Protein and carbs. And that's what I do.

    Maybe the burger patty, but not a burger patty on a bun and all that goes along with it. I guess is it a home made burger 🍔 or from Macca's or hungry jacks and the like because 1 burger from a fast food joint would be your calories for the whole day

  13. you have to stick to the plan and that means NO BURGERS NO eating or drinking whatever you and as much as you like. slow down your eating .you're only just 6 weeks Post op you could do serious damage, your nerves wont be healed yet to give you those "full" signals which is why we get strict eating plans to follow. sorry if I sound harsh but I think someone has to say it. I am sitting here shaking my head at the fact you are eating a full burger at 6 weeks out my god woman what are you doing to yourself. Again just because you can doesn't mean you should.

  14. 1 hour ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    I'm so frustrated. I lost 30 pounds the first 2 weeks after surgery. Then I hit a stall for 2 weeks. Lost 5 pounds when the stall broke, and then literally lost nothing else. Stayed at that weight for a week, and now I'm gaining weight!!!!! I don't understand it. I bought a food scale and I weigh everything. I check the labels on everything to make sure Protein is high and carbs and fats are low. I work out once, sometimes twice, a day. I never have restriction, so I make sure to set alarms for when I can eat so I don't graze or eat too much (I eat 3 meals and 1 snack per day). I'm always hungry, but I do my best to ignore it and stick to the diet and eating schedule. I did a journal of what I eat and I sent it to my dietician and she said "it looks good, you're doing what you're supposed to. It might be that you have PCOS and it's holding on to your weight and even putting some back on. We see this a lot in PCOS patients." Wait....what???

    I lost 100 pounds in 8 months on Keto, but I can't lose more than 30 with WLS??? And it took 2 months before the weight came back with Keto, but I can't even make it to 6 weeks post op before the weight starts coming back with WLS??? I went down from a size 30 in clothing to a size 22 before the weight came back with keto. I haven't gone down any clothing sizes with WLS and my clothes are still fitting pretty much the same (I've gained 6 pounds back from the 30 I lost).

    I can drink as much as I want, eat anything I want, don't have to eat slow because there's no restriction and nothing to make me slow down, I could only eat 1/3 of a burger a week or so ago, now I can eat a whole one with no issues and not quite feel comfortable yet (I still stop, even though I'm still hungry). I know everyone says my stomach is still healing, but I never lost my hunger hormone, I never had food aversion, I never really had any restriction. After the first 2 weeks (my stomach was still very sensitive and I had to crush pills and be careful what I ate because PAIN), I never had any other ANYTHING that would even indicate I had surgery. Literally nothing has changed.

    So I follow the diet, weigh my food, eat only at my designated times, work out, journal what I eat, stay hungry, gain weight back, and basically just live miserably every day.

    why on earth are you eating burgers this early after surgery?????, you are not following the plan. you are meant to eat slowly, don't eat burgers or fries or anything like that. What are you drinking ? I suspect that could be a source of uncounted calories too. As I said before just because you can doesn't mean you should . for this to work you have to stick to the plan once you are 6 months out and lost most of your weight then you can play around with it a bit but while you are drinking and eat what you want and as much as you want its not going to work.

  15. 1 hour ago, Orinskye said:

    I have had to deal with this in a professional level. Interviewing for teachers is brutal and while my resume outshines anyone else’s? I was never chosen when I was over 300 pounds.
    sadly this type of discrimination is completely legal and can’t be proved.
    I am now going to be interviewing in the next year for positions again (and at a normal weight). I am curious how things will turn out now that I’m thin.
    (I’ve even had principals straight up tell me they would never hire me because I was disgusting to parents… and I was always professionally dressed. Just obese)

    I kind of give guys the side eye now if they ask for my number. I’ve had it happen a few times now and I always cringe on the inside because I knows it is because of how I look now 🤷🏼‍♀️

    omg thats awful. I hope you find an employer that appreciates you for you :)

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