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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SleeverSk

  1. SleeverSk


    Are you using the same tape measure? I have 2 and they measure slightly different. I thought I had lost a couple cms until I measured with the other tape .
  2. SleeverSk

    Covid and my sleeve

    Thank you 😊
  3. SleeverSk

    Losing mind battle

    I think you would benefit from a councillor. What we go through is huge. I had the very hard realisation that food was my best friend and then went through the grieving process it's tough. Do the best you can you are worthy and you can do this.
  4. SleeverSk

    Pureed Egg Salad (Keeping Me Sane)

    Honestly I didn't do low carb, low fat or low sugar anything and I do just fine
  5. SleeverSk

    2 Weeks Post op

    No there is a whole lot of other things going on you, will be fine
  6. Don't feel to bad we all struggle with our old habits but we all seem to have a better awareness of them now ( sometimes) 😄
  7. SleeverSk

    Covid and my sleeve

    Thank you, I normally bounce back well after illnesses and this is my first illnesses since being sleeved and it has kinda rattled me a bit. Trying my best to eat and drink but it's so cold here ATM so that makes drinking even less appealing..good to know someone out there knows what I am going through thanks 😊
  8. SleeverSk

    Covid and my sleeve

    I am feeling very refluxy too ok maybe I am looking for some reassurance 😪 although I am not sick with covid anymore I feel yuck
  9. I shouldn't laugh but surely a bagel isn't that big to start with, how far out from surgery are you ? And you did leave 2 bites behind so it wasn't the whole bagel. If it makes you feel any better most of us are surprised by how much we can eat. You should be able to eat a normal serving of most things. Those that say they can only eat a couple of bite per sitting are not the norm. Sure we all wish we could be a 2 bites and I am full but that's not the reality of it. Now cheerios they are slider foods foods that slid on down into our tummies and they never make us feel full so just be mindful of things like that .
  10. SleeverSk

    2 Weeks Post op

    Water is hard to get down, just get what ever fluids you can get down, I put pear juice in my water then started drinking powerade. If crystal lite is what works for you stick with it
  11. SleeverSk


    Yeah I got excited when I saw that forum but you are right it not active at all
  12. SleeverSk


    I had an opportunity to be with someone recently but I chickened out lol but yes when do you tell a potential partner about surgery
  13. SleeverSk

    Worried about getting surgery

    You are over thinking it as we all did, I had gerd before surgery I was on 40mg nexium as well as gaviscon liquid and tablets just to keep on top of it. I now take 20mg nexium and that's it and I am not sure I even need that but haven't been game to come off it yet. My surgeon said weightloss would help my gerd which it did. I have noticed the people who get gerd and revise to bypass also had a substantial weight gain as well. I have had zero issues with keeping food and drink down, had a few little omg I shouldn't have eaten/ drunk that so quick but after a few minutes it's all good and you don't do it again lol but honestly I a a week away from 12 months and I have zero problems. At the moment I am recovering from covid and I am suffering from lack of desire to eat or drink and have a bit of nausea but that's from covid not surgery.
  14. SleeverSk

    Absolutely hate myself now

    I wonder how the OP is doing these days?
  15. I had someone I hadn't seen for 17 years comment, you still look hot in jeans. I thought to myself you wouldn't have said that a year ago, in fact a year ago I would have been to ashamed to have met up with him
  16. SleeverSk

    Stand still for 3-4 months now

    I am the same I feel like my weight loss has stopped my surgery was July 28 2021
  17. SleeverSk

    Food Before and After Photos

    Nachos from Californian Tacos Townsville, didn't eat much but was pretty good
  18. There is nothing you can do but ride it out, I had super long hair and cut it but wish I didn't. But I most likely did the right thing. I have lots of new hair growth now and it's CURLY lol so that's new.
  19. 😢 So the local show is on (fair for those in the US) and I started out good, I had a dagwood dog ate 3/4 threw the rest away, had a small cup of soft serve ice cream with choc- sherbet topping didn't finish it. Now this is where I fell down bought 2 yes 2 pizzas to take to work with me (nightshift) only ate half of one over the course of a 12 hour shift BUT ate a whole packet (big) of twisties , a litre of coke, a cupcake, a slice of ice-cream cake (left over from someone's birthday) 2 sausages (left over from BBQ) and 100g caramel coated popcorn and not once did I feel full 😧. jumped on the scales today, 69 gone hello 70 😭Now I am trying to not beat myself up over it but gee its hard to stop when you start down that slope of mindless eating. I know we all slip up none of us are perfect and now I am telling myself Just because you can doesnt mean you should. I cant believe I drank the coke as I ate the twisties without an issue didn't feel bloated or anything 🤔and a whole packet OMG. I get what you were saying now Sleevdiva2022. I was thinking darn it come on sleeve kick in and stop me from doing this lol. Tonight ( nightshift again) hasn't started off any better. Thank goodness the pizza I bought wasn't very nice or I feel I might have finished it off tonight. I hate nightshifts that aren't busy I am always wanting to eat from boredom.
  20. SleeverSk

    Stall out and depressed

    Muscle weighs heavy than fat so with your heavy exercise maybe you have gained muscle mass and still lost fat but the scales remain the same. hence jeans that didn't fit at 235 now fit at 250, muscle takes up less space than fat but weighs more if that makes sense?
  21. SleeverSk

    Eating and Drinking 30 Minute Rule

    Ok so my team had a 20,20,20 rule, chew your food 20 times, wait 20 seconds between each bite and anything you haven’t eaten after 20 mins doesn't get eaten. How far out from surgery are you? Drinking gets easier as you go along. It's easier to drink before food than after so if you are finding yourself being thirsty try having a drink 10 minutes before food but not a big drink but just enough so you aren't thirsty.and a tiny sip to wet your mouth after won't hurt either.
  22. SleeverSk

    Really this many pills!?

    Well that's insane, I had a sleeve wasn't told to take any of these. It was recommended that I take a multivitamin and Vitamin D but it was never a must.
  23. Omg you sound exactly like I did, DID being the important word here. You are going through a grieving process and denial in one of the stages. Don't drink any more alcohol until later down the track. How soon after eating did you drink ? Maybe you didn't wait long enough. Sorry to hear you quit your job was that because of how you are feeling now? I would get some counselling asap it's not an Instant fix but it will help. What you are going through is very normal for some of us and believe it or not it gets better much better. Once it starts to get better it gets better very quickly and you wish the heavy restriction stage lasted a bit longer. Hang in there ❤
  24. I came across this in one of the FB groups I am in and thought it would be very helpful for a lot of us https://nutritionforweightlosssurgery.com/weight-loss-woes/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
