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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SleeverSk

  1. That's really unusual for a sleeve patient to have dumping like that.
  2. looking forward to seeing your pics too, before my sleeve i though nah i wont get Plastic surgery but now i am thinking maybe i will i hate that bit of tummy that hangs under your knickers
  3. SleeverSk

    I'm sad VERY SAD!

    its still early days, try not to drink your calories or feelings though, a therapist is a good idea though and I think for hubby too, have you asked him what it is about you having the surgery that he is finding difficult to deal with ? Can I be so bold as to suggest that maybe its your hormones too not knowing you age makes it difficult but I started hormone patches after my surgery cause I just couldn't deal with being peri-menopausal and how the surgery was making me feel and it really helped. As for your sisters I have a friend who I discovered likes to encourage me to eat what I shouldn't and don't really want to, she suggested we go to a French patisserie for lunch and all sorts of other naughties which I politely declined, then you get the friends that are at the other end and question everything you eat and think you should only be eating lettuce lol. So just do what's best for you and not to please others. lord knows its hard enough for us to make the right choices or we wouldn't be here right ?
  4. SleeverSk

    Doubting Whether I Should Proceed

    In the early pre op and post op stages you will feel like their are many things you wont be able to eat or drink again. Let me tell you I was one of those people I honestly believe my life would never be the same again but I can happily tell you I am 12 months post op and there isn't anything I can't eat or drink.
  5. SleeverSk

    Question on hair loss

    My experience is the same as everyone has said but the regrowth I have coming through is curly !!
  6. SleeverSk

    Heartburn after Allurion Balloon

    can they replace it with another one straight away so you have longer ?
  7. Given the balloon is only temporary I don't think Malnutrition would be an issue. I had a friend who had the balloon and I know she was uncomfortable and vomited a lot. I don't know if this is possible so I will ask, can they deflate the balloon at all or is it set at the level it is now ? if they can maybe get it deflated a little bit ? I believe my friend said it got easier towards the end.
  8. SleeverSk


    Agreed,my surgeon also said temporary higher cholesterol levels can be normal mine is 7.2 I am not taking statins yet going to give it a bit longer. Having said that I have the genetic type of high cholesterol so I am going to get the scan they do to check for calcium build up in your heart and arteries to see if I do need medication
  9. SleeverSk

    Cheating during post op

    You need to every careful you stomach is still healing.There is a reason for the post op food guidelines and I have to wonder if you are willing to eat this type of food so early how are you going to go In the long run
  10. SleeverSk

    Stalls - How many

    Depends what you call a stall, most surgeons dieticians don't class it as a stall until it's 6 weeks of no movement on the scales or tape measure. But lots of people here think a day or 3 with no movement is a stall and there are lots who gauge it somewhere in between.
  11. Not really a question more of an observation and to see if anyone else experienced anything similar. So 10 days ago I got covid it wasn't to bad but I got a really sore throat lost my appetite and desire to drink mostly because it hurt so much but now I am having a hard time getting back into it. I can't stomach my morning coffee any more if fact I don't feel like drinking anything I feel nauseous most of the time and quite weak lack of food and drink. I am trying not to stress and I know it's still early days and most likely I am still recovering. I guess I am having a pity party but I want to feel better and get back to drinking and eating to help me feel better. On the plus side I have dropped 2 kg . Anyone else have covid effect them like this ?
  12. SleeverSk

    Doubling up on Protein

    Are you adding protein to your water ? You could try that to get it in.
  13. SleeverSk

    I really hate stalls!!!!!

    Get rid of your scales then, ( I too am a daily weigher but I don't class anything as a stall until it's been 4 weeks without any movement. ) the further out you get the slower the movement in the scales I only record my weight once a month now and even though on the daily I don't see much difference I am still loosing a tiny bit each month.
  14. SleeverSk

    I just want to eat 😓

    I went through this too and still have days like this. Find a distraction, do you like art and craft ? I make cupcakes then give them away lol much to the delight of the recipient. I have also taken up kayaking with a friend. I think the trick is to have something else to do. I struggle on days were I don't have much to do and nightshifts when it's quiet. Be kind to yourself, how far out are you ? I am 1 year in a few days it's hard but you will get there.
  15. Yes go to any Dr or even the ER especially now you have got to the point of passing out
  16. SleeverSk

    Covid and my sleeve

    I think this was the worst part of having covid besides the sore throat, my appetite still isn't what it was but it's getting there. While we don't wish any illness on anyone it's nice to know we aren't alone. Hope you are feeling better 🌻
  17. SleeverSk

    Telling others

    I didn't tell anyone apart from 2 people before surgery because I didn't want the judgement or anyone to put their 2 cents in and talk me out of it or put scarey thoughts in my head God knows I did that just fine on my own. I also didn't want anyone at my work to know but that didn't work out either because I had to take extra time off work and turns out my boss is a blabber mouth. Tell who ,what and when you are comfortable. It's up to you but sometimes that control is taken from us in the end my whole town and extended friend circle knew . I even had people who would barely look at me before come up to me in the street to ask about it. So it's a hard one
  18. Oh those spinning teacups are the worst I too have had a very bad experience on those and that was the last time I ever went on a ride.
  19. SleeverSk

    100lbs down

    Congratulations that's awesome 🏆
  20. SleeverSk

    Doubling up on Protein

    From what I remember your body can only process/ absorb a certain amount of protein at a time so any more would just be excreted out and a waste but check with your dietician to see what they say
  21. SleeverSk

    Activities for Exercise

    The only exercise I have done is a bit of walking, and recently I bought a kayak and I now kayak for around 2 hours once a week when my shifts allow. I dreamt last night of running on the beach does that count as exercise? 😅😅 I had big plans of joining the gym etc but it hasn't happened yet.
  22. No catheter, depends what you eat but overall I fart less since surgery but like I said depends on what I eat or drink ( iced coffee= farting for 12 hours ) when you say colostomy do you mean a bag that's attached to you permanently? Knocked out before any tubes etc placed. Walking around about 6 hours after surgery
  23. SleeverSk

    Always Hungry?

    How much exercising are you doing? Exercising will make you hungrier because you are already on very low calories and burning more will make you hungrier. You don't need to exercise to lose weight at this point.
  24. SleeverSk

    Chia and Flax seeds

    Yeah I am not sure about seeds I seem to recall something about not until after 6 months? I could be wrong though best to check with your team
  25. SleeverSk


    What are faja's ?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
