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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SleeverSk

  1. well he will know all about it moving through the stages to quick, he may have pain etc maybe let him find out the hard way. sometimes when people wont listen its the only way P.S wondering how he went with his bacon ? lets hope not so good then he will realise why he needs to stick to the plan.
  2. SleeverSk

    Slowing down?

    pretty much, my weight loss slowed at the at the 6 month mark then at the 10 month mark I dropped 2 kg then it stopped. my lowest weight was 1 week off my 1 year mark but I have since put on 2 kg
  3. SleeverSk

    Eating Hurts - Any Tips?

    Stay on liquids a bit longer
  4. SleeverSk


    Well done !!!
  5. SleeverSk

    Feeling discouraged

    I agree with the others you should be able to get it done as you suffer a medical condition. Are you being treated by a specialist? if not maybe look into that and have them document how long you have had the condition and that surgery is necessary. Good Luck
  6. SleeverSk


    But you have lost a total of 21 pounds in 6 weeks so that is normal and good, I didn't loose that much.you will have weeks where you don't loose much it's part of the healing process and the journey in general
  7. SleeverSk


    Hang in there, up to the first 6 months is the hardest. I went through a terrible time in the early days now it seems like it didn't even happen (the hard days) you will be fine. I cried multiple times a day in the first 5 months. I even researched stomach transplants lol 😆 in the first 2 months. It gets better don't forget your hormones will be all over the place too. I found my favourites and stuck to the mash potato and gravy was a favourite kids yoghurt pouches, powerade, cloudy pear juice is great to. Big hugs 🫂 hang in there 🤗
  8. SleeverSk

    Optifast - Green spores??

    Eeewww makes you wonder what we are eating, I gave up on my protein powder after the water I had made up went slimy after 1 day eeewwww
  9. SleeverSk

    Food Before and After Photos

    Thai inspired lobster salad, very yummy ate all the lobster 🦞 meat. Almost all the salad. Will probably finish it in the next couple of hours
  10. SleeverSk

    Thigh Lift

    I am interested to hear how it all went and the end results too
  11. SleeverSk

    August 24!

    thanks for posting about your journey looking forward to seeing some pics so i hope you post some
  12. SleeverSk

    Gas and “smells”

    no difference 💩😀💩
  13. SleeverSk

    I tried real food

    ok yes some of us still feel "hungry" directly after surgery, but while you are healing its so important to follow the guidelines and not to eat more than recommended your nerves are damaged and you will not be getting the correct signals just yet. I use to have an empty pit feeling but discovered it was thirst related if I drank before a meal or drank lots during the day I didn't get it. like the others have said "full" feels different now until you get to the bloated stage which you do not want. follow the guidelines for now until you are completely healed
  14. SleeverSk

    Stalled at only 2 weeks post-op

    there will be lots of days where you don't loose weight and some where you might "gain" its all part of the process don't stress, don't weight yourself everyday. pick a day and a time and weight yourself on that day at that time each week. some even only weight once a month lol not me though some only weigh at the dr appointment but the more you weight yourself the more fluctuations/ "stalls" and I use that term loosely you will see.
  15. SleeverSk

    How much walking did you do?

    I think the walking after surgery requirements (clot prevention) is only temporary for a couple of weeks. I was just told to not sit still for hours, 1 minute every 15 just seems weird and how are you suppose to relax and recover doing that. getting up getting a drink going to toilet and normal stuff you do around the house maybe a small walk every couple of hours ( around your house) would be enough. but dont stress about it.
  16. CLOTHES !!!! what a wonderful feeling it is to go clothes shopping and the assistant say on your tiny.........who me ?? ( I dont consider myself tiny at a size 12 but hey way better than 22. A holiday would be awesome too, I had planned to go to Canada with some girlfriends but they had to bring the trip forward and I couldn't get time off work
  17. SleeverSk

    Not eating, drinking or walking enough…

    Don't be so hard on yourself, rest and take it easy, think about exercise when you are feeling better right now you need time to heal. You are seeing results which is great, you are on the right track. The first few months are the hardest where we don't feel like we are drinking enough or eating enough but you most likely are providing you are not getting dehydration symptoms etc. Your Hormones will be all out of whack for a bit too so hang in there do your best, rest and look after yourself you will be fine. P.S I did zero exercise and still hit my goals
  18. SleeverSk

    Food Before and After Photos

    Good to see someone like me who can eat a decent amount 😋
  19. Maybe they missed a stone that is stuck in your liver ?
  20. I hope you get a doctor who is willing to investigate your issues thoroughly, white stool is not a good sign have they looked at your pancreas and or liver? You need to find someone who will treat your case as urgent and run a bunch of tests all at once not just 1 test and say oh that was clear and send you home with no answers. Maybe ask for a specialist appointment with an endocrinologist. Wishing you all the best hope you get answers soon . Just read white stool can be a sign of a lack of bile. Did you say you had your gallbladder out already ? Given the pain you have after eating I am wondering if you have a blocked bile duct, this can sometimes happen if there has been a stone move from the gallbladder. On the vitamins how do you feel if you don't take them? I can't take them I feel awful so I just don't however I have had a sleeve so it's a little different but there are liquid vitamins and other supplements that would work the same way that may agree with you better. Keep us up to date on how you are going
  21. My Biggest change: I don't make excuses to avoid going out anymore. Biggest surprise: how hard the first 4 to 6 months were, then how much I can actually eat now. Biggest challenge: not to drink coke and eat all my favourite snacks Biggest personal Victory: to many to list some small like being able to wipe my bum without feeling like I was going to do myself an injury, lol. Here I will add one Biggest disappointment: loosing my hair 😫 and loose skin but the trade off is worth it I think.......I do miss my hair though and the fact my last hairdresser visit was not good is making it worse
  22. SleeverSk

    Bougie size

    I am the same as you, I think I have said this in reply to a few of your comments 🤣🤣.....sleeve twins........🤣🤣. Prior to surgery I was scared my stomach would be to small and I would only eat a bite or 2 of food for the rest of my life .....how wrong I was

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
