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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SleeverSk

  1. SleeverSk

    3 months post op status and questions

    Would love to hear from + 6 or 12 months fellow travelers. Does taste improve? YES Can quantity increase to allow for salad and veggies? YES Does hydration improve? YES Thanks 😁
  2. I wish I knew that pretty much at the 6 to 9 mark month the weight loss stops. I also wish I knew about the possible hormone levels being throw out of whack and what that could do to your metal health.
  3. SleeverSk

    I’m HUNGRY!

    I find if I haven't had enough fluids I am hungry, can eat alot more and don't stay full for long
  4. I am so glad you got treatment in time. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery ❤
  5. Go to the ER if you haven't already, you maybe having an allergic reaction to something. Major swelling in face and especially your neck is something that needs urgent medical attention.
  6. SleeverSk

    Food Before and After Photos

    Yes, Vegemite, Marmite and promite are all great additions to meaty stews , soups and casseroles. They all taste similar but slightly different my pick of the 3 is promite, on hot toast lots of real butter and a smidge of promite
  7. SleeverSk

    Food Before and After Photos

    YUM that's something I would eat
  8. Yes, rest and Take it easy like everyone else has said you have had major surgery along with a drastic calorie intake reduction
  9. In hind sight I would say the longer you leave it to try to eat carbs and other foods and drinks (carbonated) that can cause weight issues the better. I was eager to " test" foods out early on and discovering I could eat and drink them easily with no issues slowed/stopped my weight loss earlier than it should have. I feel if I had have not tried them and went longer without them I would have had a better result.
  10. SleeverSk

    Ultrasound today

    I will be interested to see what that shows. I had one and it came back that I had a MASS in my stomach and the back of my esophagus the radiologist wasn't sure if it was scar tissue from the surgery so I was referred back to my surgeon and he said it was however I am not sure he even saw the images but he said most likely scar tissue. it has been bothering me since then as the radiologist wanted an endoscope done but this hasn't been ordered by my GP because the surgeon said it was scar tissue. so yeah I am keen to know what other people's scans have shown
  11. I don't think it's about going to bed hungry as I am sure all of us night time / afternoon snackers will agree we aren't hungry we just have this urge to put something in our mouths 😔 and something that tastes yummy. It's a struggle 😪
  12. I am snacking too, nightshift with not much on is always dangerous for me and then at home watching TV some habits are really hard to break
  13. SleeverSk

    Numbness everywhere

    Sound simular to what I experienced but I suggest you get it checked out by a Dr.
  14. SleeverSk

    Numbness everywhere

    I had weird feelings in my legs too, but it was only my legs from what I remember although ATM I have a numb feeling in my back but I suspect that's from an old back injury. When you say numb does it feel numb when you touch the area or is it just a sensation similar to numbness? My legs felt normal to touch but weird/ numb when I walked. It passed after a few months
  15. SleeverSk

    eating and drinking

    Basically you can't meaning you will physically not be able to do it. In saying that some people can, I can take small sips during directly after eating but any more I get uncomfortable. I can't eat while in a moving car after eating I get bad wind and have to burp myself lol. I can sip while eating nibble food and I can have cake with a coffee but that's not a great idea calorie wise.
  16. SleeverSk

    Obsessed with food, cooking, feeding people

    It will pass I went through the same lol
  17. SleeverSk

    Foot shrinkage :O

    Same, I even had an assistant in a shoe shop describe my foot as narrow 🤣 me ! Old fat foot that had a wide foot now narrow?? Who would have thought. Even wearing heels is doable now.
  18. SleeverSk

    Did I eat too much?

    I think some of us imagine after surgery we will only ever be able to eat a few mouth fulls at a time but the reality is you should be able to eat a normal serving something and I don't mean the giant portions you when eating out. So eating a serving of a frozen meal is considered a normal size serving
  19. SleeverSk

    Vitamins required or not?

    I don't take them either all my bloods Vitamin wise are great.
  20. SleeverSk


    Yeah I wonder, no way I could eat a cup at that stage and no way I could eat that many calories either. Those sorts of calories are what you have to maintain your weight not loose
  21. SleeverSk


    You must be doing some intense workouts to burn that many calories are you sure you should be doing that this early after major surgery? Burning almost the same as your in take is not a great idea. If your figures are correct you should be loosing weight fast. Can I ask how you are measuring your calorie intake and what you are burning during exercise?
  22. SleeverSk

    August 24!

    thanks for the updates and pics
  23. I don't think you are talking about the same thing,well I don't think I know you aren't 🤔
  24. I have a friend of a friend didn't do well after having a bypass it was reversed and then they sleeved her and she did better. (not sure what the problem was but must have been bad enough for them to revisit surgery)
  25. Well he was lucky then, it's a hard situation for you to be in, you don't want him to cause himself damage and you want him to take the surgery and the reason he had it seriously. Hopefully he will get better, it's a huge adjustment. He could be in the denial stages many of us go through a grieving process which sounds strange but it's part of the process. We grieve the loss of our best friend food. Maybe a councillor could help

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