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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by JayinMA

  1. Hey I haven't been on a lot in a while either. I don't know what it is, but it seems the band is just becoming part of my life and not really the big priority anymore, so coming to the site is something I can do when I have time. I had my first fill, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I got 4 cc's put in. I am down 14 lbs. My next fill is 4/27. how did yours go?

  2. Ooh i got stuck today too! It was so weird because at lunch I had mashed potatoes, something I've had a few times while on mushy stage, and I ate it and then it just... stuck. And Usually if something has a little trouble going down I just pause for a moment and can feel it pass. Not this time. I had to get to the bathroom and have a few dry heaves and then all i could get up was a bunch of saliva. It wasn't pleasant. I don't know if I should tell the Dr. cause he might not give me a fill!


    this will be my second post op appt. I had one 10 days after surgery.

  3. After the way I ate today, I will not be weighing myself that would just be insult to injury! I go in on tuesday and I'm sure they'll weigh me then so I'm going to hold off until then. I'm not leaving without a fill!

  4. I got this program called calrorie king and it helps me track my daily calories and everything else, so I've been trying to keep it to 1500, but that was really hard, so I upped my allowance to 1700. It's still less than I would have been eating so it's ok.. i guess. I just like being able to keep track of things so they dont' get away from me.


    How are you doing? are you still losing?

  5. Sorry, I'm not ignoring I'm just... I don't know. The weight loss has stopped no matter what I try I even put back on 2 lbs. I can (and sometimes do) eat almost anything. One of my incisions isn't healing properly so I've been going back and forth to the Dr. to make sure it isn't infected. I see the surgeon on tuesday to get a fill, I hope that helps, because I'm starting to think maybe I made a mistake. I'm just being lame. Hopefully it'll pass.

  6. they say if you're still hungry on liquids make sure you're getting all your liquids including all your daily water, also you could try adding fiber powder like benefiber.


    You're supposed to wait for mushies because even when the swelling goes down the stitches could still rip. When you eat food that needs to be thoroughly digested your stomach churns, when it does that, it can rip your stitches. I know all that and I still cheated, I'm an idiot.


    I have lost about 40lbs since my first consult in october, about 17 since surgery

  7. Yeah I just couldn't take it anymore. I had been on that pre-op liquid diet for 25 days and I was just done with liquiods. I made sure to chew everything up really good, so nothing got stuck. Plus after a few days to a week after surgery all the "restriction" that swelling had caused had gone away and I wasn't satisfied after just a few bites of jello and things like that.

  8. Ok I will do sundays! I was on liquids for 10 days until I had my follow up and the doctor said I could go on to the next stage. I lasted on mushies for like five days and then i had a soup that wasn't listed on my approved foods list and I admit I've had a slice of pizza that I cut up really small and chew well.

  9. I am on mushies, but I must admit, I'm not sticking to it all that well... I pretty much have a few things not on the list and just make sure I chew them up well. I know I'm not supposed to but... well there's no good reason but I did go off the plan.


    as for weighing myself, I have been weighing myself everyday, but i need to stop that. I should stick to one day a week, maybe I'll make it sundays too!

  10. I experienced the same thing, only I weighed myself right when I left the hospital and I had gained 11lbs. However, I had to go to the bathroom every 2 hours it seemed after I got home, so it does leave you rather quickly. I'm glad you're feeling better!


    I currently have a cold and I strongly encourage you not to get one. I have been coughing and sneezing and it has made my stomach so sore. I can barely move. But, I did get the date for my first fill, March 17th, so that will be exciting!

  11. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain, did they give you perscription medication for it? The good news is most people see great improvements each day with pain, so it'll only get easier!! I'm so proud of you, and excited to start dropping the pounds with you!


    I'm doing alright, thank god it's the weekend, I might've gone back to work too soon, i'm exhausted!


    Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on becoming a Bandit!

  12. Good Luck, you're probably already in surgery and I'm sure you're doing great!!

  13. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you I went back to work this week and I am exhausted!


    I'm so excited for you and I know you're going to do great!!! Let me know how it goes!

  14. I started early also and boy did that come back to bite me when they had to reschedule the surgery Lol!


    Enjoy the sushi, and it won't be for the last time, you'll still be able to have (less of) it after the band

  15. Yeah I got those feelings a bit too, what is your diet like??


    I don't have a myspace or facebook, I avoid things that require pictures, at least for now! But since surgery i'm down 13lbs, so that's great!

  16. yay!!! You're going to love it once it's all over! And you'll do great, i'm sure!

  17. I'm so excited for you! The Liquid diet is... difficult. I am not physically hungry but I really want to eat something with a new flavor and I'm severely limited on this. I have an appointment on Monday hopefully I'll be moved forward to the next stage.

  18. Don't be silly I already hated you! nah, I'm kididng of course. I'm not a judgey person.


    And personally if it doesn't work and I don't lose weight I'll go insane and be institutionalized.. so it's good that you have someone like that in your life. My friends are fine with me at any size, but I sure as hell have had enough of this being fat b.s.

  19. I'm glad I didn't need it, I would have taken it if needed, but I narcotic pain medications make me feel out of my head and I don't like it. But I don't like pain more!


    is Mike being supportive and just as excited for your new body?

  20. I'm feeling fine. I still haven't taken the liquid percocet they gave me. How funny, I also got rid of some clothes before I went into surgery! Only 9 days for you right? How is everything going? And who's the guy in your icon picture?

  21. it did get kind of boring in there but I would usually be up for an hour or two and then fall back to sleep. I kept myself busy by trying to walk when I could and stuff. every few hours or so they come in and take your vitals so you don't get a lot of sleep beyond one or two hours at a time.

  22. I actually haven't taken the pain meds they perscribed. I've taken 2 doses of liquid tylenol. I brought 2 changes of clothes (I overpack always) a book, some chapstick, gas x strips, liquid tylenol and a blanket. All I used was one change of clothes and chapstick. They wouldn't let me take the gas-x strips or the liquid tylenol because they monitor what you take, and can only let you take what the dr. orders

  23. I actually live with my parents (i'm sure that contributes to my comforting myself with food) My mother is currently helping me. But in reality I can do most things on my own. I'm currently having carnation instant breakfast (those count as meals) and for liquids i've been having sugar free jello (i've never liked jello but after the pre-op diet, i'm actually excited about the fruity flavor of jello) and I think i'm going to have some broth for dinner. I had a sugar fre popcicle earlier too. At the moment I cant tell the difference between stomach soreness or hunger so it hasn't been bad. But carnation instant breakfast helped me feel full during the preop so I'm sure it will help during hte post op too.


    I put so much thought into getting this done and now that i'm done I'm sitting here thinking, now what? Not that I don't know what to do, but I read up on everything about the surgery and I didn't do much research on the post-op. i'll be doing that today!

  24. Ok, I am back home. Actually i got home yesterday afternoon but spent the day either sleeping or being gassy. I'm really not in much pain at all, mostly just sore, and while I do have a fair amount of gas, I don't have any gas pain, so I'm hoping that stays away! I didn't have to go to the bathroom with the nurse! they let me go alone! I was so excited. Although they made me urinate in a plastic bottle to measure how much I had gone, how humiliating, but not as humiliating as having someone in there before.


    I don't even know what else to write right now so if you have questions feel free to ask!


    How did your pre-op go?

  25. I'm also staying overnight, I'd kind of prefer to stay overnight than be rushed out. Plus, I'll be able to just take it easy and worry about msyelf and my recovery.


    For fun, I typically would eat, so now maybe I'll move on to shopping for fun when i can finally fit the clothes! I'm not in school but I do work at a college, so kind of lol. No boyfriend for me, not many people I feel comfortable naked in front of at the moment.


    I'm kind of nervous to go in tomorrow. Mostly nervous about things that are so small compared to actually surgery, Like when I go into the bathroom I think the nurse comes with you... um that's private time and I like to be alone!! Also, I'm worried about the gown, I don't want my ass all exposed! When I started looking into this back in October, who knew that these would be the things I'm worried about!!


    I'm heading out at 4:45 a.m., I have to be there for 6. I'll send you a message when I get back! I hope your pre-op apppointment goes well!

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