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Posts posted by LilaNicole20

  1. Baby is here and healthy. He’s perfect!

    All the sickness I had experienced during pregnancy and thought was dumping or surgery related seems to be mostly just from the pregnancy and not the surgery.

    I had an extremely uncomplicated pregnancy and birth.

    Good luck to anyone navigating pregnancy after wls! You’ve got this.

  2. Just for a little update, I’m almost 1 year post op and about 34 weeks pregnant. I had lost a few pounds during my first trimester and so from my actual starting weight when I found out I was pregnant, I still have only gained about 20lbs (I was close to goal weight when I found out I was pregnant, 185lbs at 5’11).
    I am finding that I cant each as much as I have been the closer I get to my due date as I am out of space.
    My blood pressure has been consistently low, 110/70 and he is measuring in the 44th percentile.

  3. I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant. Have only gained 11lbs so far in pregnancy. My baby bump is just a bump - not like my last pregnancy where I gained so much weight I was just a giant fat person. Eating the proper foods and nutrition is incredibly manageable. My low was 183, I’m keeping that as my marker on this site and will continue updating once I have this babe. I figure it’s not quite the same experience being pregnant, so my weight loss journey, in a sense, is on hold. Yesterday I had two people comment and say I don’t even look pregnant (shirt was hiding the bump) but that was a weight loss compliment.
    We’re going to Florida next week and I’ve had a hell of a time trying to find a bathing suit that fits my flat a$$ and big belly. I did though! The need for maternity clothes has been a challenge as I’m
    Constantly confused by my size due to the weight loss. I can pull my size 10 jeans up and they’re loose, but they don’t button - that’s a win in my book!
    Hope you all are doing great! Cheers to the new year!! Happy Holidays!! ❤️

  4. Hi Everyone!

    I'm feeling motivated to give an update on my pregnancy. At 17 weeks, I have determined that my nausea and discomfort after eating sweet foods is in fact dumping and not morning sickness. I was confused by this because I had not attempted to eat sweet foods prior to my positive pregnancy test - which I was already 7/8 weeks before the morning sickness that I was experiencing at night (minus sweets) registered as possible pregnancy. My surgery was March 8, 2022 and my LMP was July 11, 2022.

    So far, I have gained 7 pounds and I feel good about this number but I would be lying to you if there wasn't a mental aspect to seeing the scale moving in the opposite direction that I have worked so hard to get down. I understand this is mostly just baby and all that being pregnant entails - but it's still a battle field. For my last pregnancy, which ended in loss at 26 weeks, I had gained approximately 40lbs by this stage.

    I am listening to my body and eating when I need to eat. I'm surprised at how easy it has become for me to hit my Protein goals, I guess I have just found what works for me. The calorie goals follow naturally if I hit my protein goals. I still have to be careful to not over indulge in unhealthy options or give in to my cravings when they occur. I realize that if I just eat something (preferably within my macros) when I'm feeling that craving, it usually removes the hunger and the craving at the same time. I still have great restriction and I'm thankful for that - though my eyes and head often have me order way too much when eating out. I always have left overs that I don't always eat after taking it home.

    My pregnancy is moving along with no issues so far (knock wood). I have experienced some much loathed Constipation and as a result have been incorporating Metamucil throughout the day and a meager portion of high Fiber Cereal each morning to counter act this. The doctor said Milk of Mag was too strong to take. I'm still on daily Iron which hasn't helped this issue one bit, but I'm sure is helping baby.

  5. 10/13/2022 06:43 PM, stardust82 said:

    Curious if your doctor/nutritionist suggested 1700 calories or if you naturally got to that #? i am trying to get back to basics but never had a target number of calories as a guide. the focus of my dietician and surgeon was just for me to get enough Protein in and to limit my refined carbs. the weight melted off the first few months (50% of my excess) til it no longer did.... i was content being at 215 lbs til it has impacted my fertility. now i'd like to drop another 50 lbs asap!! any advice is much appreciated.

    I found out I was pregnant 5 months post op and after I had done a pouch reset period. I will say that I don’t believe the pouch reset actually resets the pouch, what it actually does it take you back to basics and allows you to re-harness good eating habits and reset your primary focus back to Protein.
    I was trying to get past the 200lb mark when I did it and it worked. It broke the stall and kept me on a downward motion. And now I’m pregnant. Good luck! You can do it!!

    I want to add, during the pouch reset and such, I was consuming less than 1,000 calories and ONLY focused on hitting those Protein goals. Aim for 60-80g Protein from low calorie liquid sources (to start) and you will have what you need in the short term. Now that I am pregnant, my nutritionist wants me eating 1500-1800 calories a day. I still focus on the Protein first and then the calories. 

  6. So happy to hear from you Letty! Tomorrow starts my second trimester. Everything is going good so far. My weight has stabilized but I’m not gaining. My nutritionist had advised me that I need to increase my calories by like 700/day. Even with the increase in calories and Protein (averaging 80g/day) I’m keeping level.

    Did you have sleeve or bypass? I had bypass and I’m really really hoping that heartburn doesn’t return - ever!

    Hopefully the next 8 weeks go by fast for you! Sounds like you’re going to have a Christmas baby!! Yay!!

  7. I drink Water throughout the night. After each time I potty, I drink more. It’s the only way I can get close to 64oz of Water a day. I’m sure others will prioritize sleep over the hydration but I find this helps me to feel better overall. I have no problem going back to sleep after I wake up and overall get at least 7hrs each night.

    On days that I don’t do this, I wake up in the night with terrible dry mouth which is worse to me than just hydrating as I go. 

  8. On 09/08/2022 at 02:30, Bobbierose said:

    Well did a test it was negative so I will wait and see if it turns up

    I was testing for 2 weeks and it was negative until it wasn’t. I actually had stopped looking at the tests after I peed on them. One night I felt super sick and had this weird experience with a hummingbird to where I felt like oh, crap. I think this is a baby. The next day I tested and sure enough, positive. When I went back through the bathroom garbage to find the test from the day or so before, that too was positive but I hadn’t waited the proper amount of time for the reading to be accurate.

    Please keep us updated! I’m invested in your outcome!

  9. Yep! I was 6 weeks before I figured out I was pregnant. We just had our first ultrasound today. I didn’t think it was possible to be honest but here I am, nauseated.

    I must say though, I did have late and irregular periods (no pcos) continue for 3-4 months post op before I finally had a regular cycle. It actually synchronized with my coworker and I knew that was a good sign. That was my last one… 

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