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Everything posted by LilaNicole20

  1. LilaNicole20

    Stretching Exercises

    Listen to your body and take it easy. Do partial movements without too much weight engaged.  Honestly, I say wait 8 weeks. Then all systems go!
  2. LilaNicole20

    Missed period

    I was testing for 2 weeks and it was negative until it wasn’t. I actually had stopped looking at the tests after I peed on them. One night I felt super sick and had this weird experience with a hummingbird to where I felt like oh, crap. I think this is a baby. The next day I tested and sure enough, positive. When I went back through the bathroom garbage to find the test from the day or so before, that too was positive but I hadn’t waited the proper amount of time for the reading to be accurate. Please keep us updated! I’m invested in your outcome!
  3. LilaNicole20

    Missed period

    Yep! I was 6 weeks before I figured out I was pregnant. We just had our first ultrasound today. I didn’t think it was possible to be honest but here I am, nauseated. I must say though, I did have late and irregular periods (no pcos) continue for 3-4 months post op before I finally had a regular cycle. It actually synchronized with my coworker and I knew that was a good sign. That was my last one… 
  4. LilaNicole20


  5. It’s like normal shedding at an accelerated rate. No bald patches or anything crazy like that. Thinning but not terribly so, at least for me. I started out with a ticker head of hair so this has been my experience.
  6. LilaNicole20

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    3 weeks postop and you're still on codeine ... I think I was only on pain meds for the first week, if that. You might want to wean down off of that - for many reason, but especially for your peristalsis as pain meds kind of act like a paralytic on your intestines.
  7. Yay!! Congrats to you too. I’m excited to hear how your pregnancy progresses. I am having the morning sickness now and it isn’t fun. I’m still losing weight but I also see myself eating more often - all throughout the day. My nutritionist said I just need to aim for 80-100g protein each day and continue my vitamin routine. I haven’t yet seen my OB, hopefully this week or next. This is so exciting and I’m so glad you’re in this boat with me! Cheers (minus the beers)
  8. LilaNicole20

    Stalls and weight gain

    I weigh daily, morning and night and have for 15+ years (though I didn't while I gained all this weight in a years time). If that's what you prefer, eventually you will learn to understand the fluctuations and accept them for what they are. Experience is the teacher. Just stick with your plan and you'll succeed.
  9. I just had an episode that I initially thought was morning sickness but now I’m wondering if it was actually more like dumping. We stopped for ice cream and I ate a little bit - really not much, then 30 minutes later started sweating, became extremely nauseous and eventually threw up in the toilet. It wasn’t until my tummy started also rumbling that I considered it may be dumping. I’m getting my morning sickness at night - around this time so it could be both but I just thought that was interesting that they both converged as a possibility at the same time. Who knows.
  10. LilaNicole20

    7 weeks pregnant 6 months post-op

    I don’t think it was dumping now either, I never had diarrhea. Once I vomited I was better though. Very strange. Thanks all! ☺️
  11. LilaNicole20

    5 months post op hair loss

    For me, a huge factor in making the hair loss appear worse was the fact that my hair was extremely dry and dehydrated and needed some advanced treatments to restore that moisture (as a result of chemical color and heat processing). Once I got the moisture back in there, my hair didn’t appear as frail as it previously had. food for thought.
  12. Hi Letty! How’s your pregnancy progressing? I’m 5 months post-op and just got a positive hpt yesterday.
  13. LilaNicole20

    dumbbell exercises at gym

    Body weight is the way to go. I like anything that pushes or pulls - and all the isolating and non isolating weight machines. No cardio for me. I get my heart rate up with push-ups and just being bouncy in my movements overall. My joints can’t handle the shake. I have Ehlers Danlos. 
  14. LilaNicole20

    dumbbell exercises at gym

    My advice is to just keep it up. Keep pushing yourself to pick up the weights, get to the gym, stay active, etc. The effects will start to snowball and so will your motivation and determination to keep training your body. The intensity of your workouts will increase naturally as you focus your concentration and efforts towards utilizing your muscles correctly (really feel them contracting and releasing) and ensuring proper body mechanics and alignment (to prevent injury).  Stretch often. Don’t go too heavy. Don’t quit!
  15. LilaNicole20

    Chewing Gum

    Mine said that too. And guess what? I still chew gum and don’t swallow air. I didn’t try gum again for about 4 months but once I did I was like who is swallowing air with this? Just chew and chew and chew and keep your mouth and/or nose open. Idk I agree that straws cause you to swallow air. Not gum.
  16. LilaNicole20

    At Lunch at first day of Family Vacation!

    Are you in Canada? (Just assuming) I love Canada! Just curious where you… there has to be free events going on. Find a festival or something like that? Not sure your kids ages and what not, but there has to be some space in your trip for a variety of activities- not just eating. Sounds like he is being passive aggressive towards you, maybe resenting that you can’t join them in the gluttony. Sounds rough. Sorry you’re having to deal with this.
  17. LilaNicole20

    Body scan scale

    I have the arboleaf scale and I like it
  18. LilaNicole20

    Pre op diet weight loss

    have to admit, it sounds miserable! ... though white grape is usually yum
  19. LilaNicole20

    Pre op diet weight loss

    I lost 10lbs prior to surgery during the pre-op diet phase.
  20. LilaNicole20

    meal prep

    Oh, that's fantastic news about the brussels... you know why? because that means you don't have a negative affinity for them and therefore it is really important that when you do try them - we have to make sure they're cooked well and in a manner that will draw you to them. I think brussel sprouts are best when they're cooked asian style. If you have a PF Changs near you, they have amazing brussel sprouts. My suggestion is to start there. And now, they're fatty the way they're cooked, almost fried. But as an introduction to what is possible, I'd start there. As for asparagus, they will reheat just fine in the microwave, but I would suggest cutting them up as you package them in your meal prep - because they will get increasingly soft and the spear will be mushy. Broccoli can be dressed up similarly to the brussels. I really like using SoyVey terriyaki sauce in my cooking and the sambol olek crush red chili sauce with some sesame oil. Kind of makes it like a stir fry. There is sugar in the SoyVey though so you want to be mindful of that.
  21. LilaNicole20

    meal prep

    what are your thoughts on asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts? Adding some spinach to your sautéed onions and peppers would help with your nutrients. I see it's lacking the color green. Oh, you could blanch kale and make a low sugar slaw to go with your meals. Another great swap is 4oz or less of baked/roasted sweet potato in exchange for your rice.
  22. LilaNicole20


    this ☝️
  23. LilaNicole20

    High protein snacks

    I’m so jealous of your gas station.
  24. LilaNicole20


    That's so funny! I love it. It's so smooth it's not right! Ugh.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
