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fourmonthspreop last won the day on March 21 2022

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About fourmonthspreop

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  1. Just had a thought...before I didn't really care about this but now that I'm 3 months post OP today I kind of love that my surgery was on Valentine's Day. It kind of gives new meaning to that day for me. I was never a big fan of Valentine's day. I have a messy, less than perfect track record when it comes to dating so in all honesty, Valentine's day brought me a little bit of pain and anguish for all the bad romantic experiences I've had thus far in my life. But now, it's no longer about what went wrong for me, it's finally about what went right – and self-love. This was something I was desperately reaching toward for so long and I don't even know how I did it, it goes by so fast, I rose above the bullshit in my life and put myself first for once. I'm looking forward to Valentine's day next year, my surgeversary... not about what I lack or love or whatever but what I gained that day and how far it took me. 

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