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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by lellow

  1. Alien Baby Belly is GONE, it's GONE!!!

  2. Lol! I know! Only seems like a little while ago we were all watching each other go in for surgery! I'll take new pics soon, I promise. My weight's low at the moment (130lbs) so I too am thinking I need my boobs done!! Lol! Very jealous of you!


    Will PM you when I get the photos up.

  3. Hi! I had a lower body lift 18 months ago and initially had loss of sensation around the scars but luckily, I got 99% of sensation back in the months that followed. Not that it would have bothered me much if I didn't - I was glad for the skin to be gone and it's made such a difference to my quality of life.


    I just had a BA 3 days ago (no lift) and had inframammary incisions and no loss of nipple sensation whatsoever. I believe there is a higher chance of loss of sensation with a lift and/or areola incision, but that's the chance you take, I guess. For me, loss of sensation would have been an acceptable trade off! As far as affects of aneasthesia, have experienced nothing! Fatigue is normal of course, but nothing on-going.


    I have body lift photos in a private album in my profile, only avlb to people I've added as friends, so will add you so you can have a look. No BA photos as yet, but they'll be added soon.


    Happy to chat some more, feel free to ask any questions you like!

  4. This is why support is important. Since my partner has joined me in trying to lose weight, I've lost for the first time without the band's help. But it's slooooow going in comparison to having the band working! :(

  5. Home after band replacement. Sore and sleeping a lot. But happy it's over. 2 weeks of liquids now.

  6. sat for my first session of my tattoo today. VERY happy with it! More work to come on it!

  7. Monday rolls around way too fast. Luckily tho it's my team's Christmas lunch at the pub, so I just need to make it to noon...!! Lol!

  8. Exercise rest day today. Damn I love Wednesdays!

  9. it's just over 3 hours to Christmas here in Western Australia. Getting sloshed on vodka and cranberry with my family! :) Merry Christmas everyone!

  10. Now that you can see who visits your profile, you'll see how much I stalk you. Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!

  11. Hi there,


    thank you for you msg on my profile! My surgery went well and I'm actually feeling pretty good right now. Once my swelling is gone, I'll post an updated 'after' pic for general viewing so you can see the results. :)

  12. Having the best mini vacation ever! I love the beach life!

  13. I came back to loads and loads of work waiting, my work clothes are loose and my pants are riding my hips, so I look like I have a big crotch, and the canteen's food is fatty, greasy and awful. But yeah all in all it went well!


    I'm glad I took the 2 weeks off though, because I was dead tired when I got home yesterday. Make sure you have all two weeks off, Ro, you'll need it, even if you start to feel better. Just a week or so to go for you now!

  14. Next fill is this Friday. I am seriously sick of not having enough restriction. I am going to be a pain in my dr's ass until I get back into the green zone.

  15. is done with losing weight. I don't want to lose another lb and it feels good.

  16. Post-endoscopy sore throat and loss of voice = staying home sick from work. Might go pound the pavement for 30 mins or so though. Just coz I can't work doesn't mean I can't jog!

  17. I'm not sure how I did so well. :) I guess I followed the band rules from day one, meaning that in my 'losing' phase, I generally only ate a cup of healthy food when I was hungry (as in stomach growling hungry). Then once a week, I'd let myself 'go' a little and a 'bad food' like fried chicken. That way I never really felt 'deprived'.


    I got fills religiously too, every month until I got good restriction.


    And I exercised. 3 times a week minimum for 40 mins (until I was sweating up a storm), without fail.


    And by doing the above things, I consistently lost 7-10lbs a month until I got to my goal. Once at goal, I found that I didn't need to exercise like crazy or constantly watch what I eat to keep the weight off.


    And I too was worried I wouldn't be successful. But put your mind to it, and you'll find that success will likely happen for you. It does for most lapbanders!

  18. went in for a 0.5cc unfill today. Got too tight overnight and nothing I did was helping. Threw up my saliva for 12 hours before managing to get in to see my dr. Feeling MUCH better now, with another appt in 2 weeks should I need a little more back in.

  19. Back to 8cc and I have to say, I am TIGHT. I hope it loosens a little bit so I can eat a little more than liquid-everything.

  20. needs to get motivated...

  21. No Degas for me - just peppermint tea and loads of walking. Walking, even now, helps with the gas build up after I eat. And man, is there a LOT of gas! LOL!


    I'm glad the pre-op appt went well - I think you've been a champ on your diet, you're doing so well! Despite not losing much weight at the mo, I'm still really positive that this the change we've been looking for. And if your dr's right, then you and I are definitely on the road to weight loss city!


    And yeah, work has quite good kitchen facilities, but because I start work early and finish late, I don't often feel motivated to make something to bring in. But today I walked to the shops about 20 mins away and got some prawns in coconut curry. Luckily I still tolerate spicy foods really well, so they were nice. I'll keep going there I think. Plus it forces me out of the office and into some exercise.


    Damn I wish you were closer to me! We could chat about this stuff in person!

  22. 13 days to band replacement. SO EXCITED to be rejoining the band life!

  23. Back to the grind of work. I swear I could easily be a lady of leisure....

  24. couldn't possibly be any more bored right now.

  25. Ahh if only I could be like this forever - not at all hungry. :)

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