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River Moon

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    River Moon reacted to Maribelle76 in Second Guessing Myself   
    That's so excited that you're facing your fears and taking a step to stop serious health problems before they develop! It is MUCH easier to prevent them than it is to reverse them.
    I always say the same thing when people post about pre surgery anxiety: first, the sleeve has a lower mortality rate than a c-section. Also, read through a few of the monthly threads. I read through the March, April and May threads before my surgery in July. I was reassured by how many people had no or few complications. It was the majority for sure. Hopefully that will help you.
    I can say personally that I have done band and sleeve surgery, and both times I had no complications and I was back to work quickly. I'm feeling amazing now about 6 weeks after my sleeve surgery. I have so much more energy and I'm sleeping well for the first time in my life (I think because I cut out the caffeine and sugar). You can do it!!!
  2. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from greenwitch17 in Second Guessing Myself   
    I think it's fantastic you're starting this journey for yourself. I am 7 weeks out now from my gastric sleeve and I am definitely one of those who wishes I would have done it sooner. I was terrified at the idea of having surgery. I had my gallbladder out years ago, and for many years I just couldn't see myself purposely making the choice to have surgery. Finally, after multiple weight losses and regains and my body feeling exhausted at doing any little thing, I said enough is enough. I am so happy I did now. As for the catheter fear, I was so scared of that too. I did not have one. And like Lizonaplane said, they want us walking around literally hours after the surgery. And trust me, as tired as you will feel, walking is so good 'cause it helps to get rid of the gas pains. Also, let your surgeon know you don't want a catheter that way they know. I told mine I didn't want one. I'm not even sure if he does them or not, but I just made it clear I really didn't want one if it could be helped.
    I worried about risks too, but again just as lizonaplane said, they are rare. I kept looking at it like, either I go and have surgery now and fix this, or keep going downhill with my health and wind up in the hospital for my health down the line anyway. The fact you have such a supportive family is awesome! It makes such a huge difference to have that sort of support. I have that too and it has made this such a smoother process.
    One last note... I was very nervous the morning of surgery and I asked them to give me something to help me calm down before they took me into the OR. What they gave me was amazing! So, you can ask for something before your surgery too and it really REALLY helps. It's good stuff. My sister said I apparently gave her a big smile and thumbs up when they were wheeling me out. I do not remember that. Last thing I remember was being told to move to the table. Then, I was waking up in post-op.
  3. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from greenwitch17 in Second Guessing Myself   
    I think it's fantastic you're starting this journey for yourself. I am 7 weeks out now from my gastric sleeve and I am definitely one of those who wishes I would have done it sooner. I was terrified at the idea of having surgery. I had my gallbladder out years ago, and for many years I just couldn't see myself purposely making the choice to have surgery. Finally, after multiple weight losses and regains and my body feeling exhausted at doing any little thing, I said enough is enough. I am so happy I did now. As for the catheter fear, I was so scared of that too. I did not have one. And like Lizonaplane said, they want us walking around literally hours after the surgery. And trust me, as tired as you will feel, walking is so good 'cause it helps to get rid of the gas pains. Also, let your surgeon know you don't want a catheter that way they know. I told mine I didn't want one. I'm not even sure if he does them or not, but I just made it clear I really didn't want one if it could be helped.
    I worried about risks too, but again just as lizonaplane said, they are rare. I kept looking at it like, either I go and have surgery now and fix this, or keep going downhill with my health and wind up in the hospital for my health down the line anyway. The fact you have such a supportive family is awesome! It makes such a huge difference to have that sort of support. I have that too and it has made this such a smoother process.
    One last note... I was very nervous the morning of surgery and I asked them to give me something to help me calm down before they took me into the OR. What they gave me was amazing! So, you can ask for something before your surgery too and it really REALLY helps. It's good stuff. My sister said I apparently gave her a big smile and thumbs up when they were wheeling me out. I do not remember that. Last thing I remember was being told to move to the table. Then, I was waking up in post-op.
  4. Like
    River Moon reacted to greenwitch17 in Second Guessing Myself   
    I agree about the binging, but that has been a very recent onset that I believe I can get back under control fairly easily. I am sure going to bring it up with my therapist and surgeon. My husband, mother, and friends are all supportive so that is awesome also! I think I am just psyching myself out by fearing the worst. Thank you for the reassurance and support!
  5. Like
    River Moon reacted to lizonaplane in Second Guessing Myself   
    Most people on here say their only regret is not doing it sooner, so I don't think you are too young... EXCEPT that I think you need to get the binge eating under control first, or you might just gain all the weight back.
    I haven't had surgery yet, but I was told I will not be having a catheter put in because they want you up and walking to the bathroom and around the halls a few hours after surgery.
    There is always a risk of complications in surgery, but they are rare, and the risk of death is EXTREMELY rare. Especially if you get it done someplace really good. If you have fewer co-morbidities and your BMI is on the lower end (like yours is) it is less risky.
    It's natural to be anxious about surgery - I am worried I will chicken out, but my dad said he knows me and that I always get scared but do it anyway. That made me feel better. Is your family supportive?
  6. Hugs
    River Moon reacted to greenwitch17 in Second Guessing Myself   
    SO let me start this by saying I have TERRIBLE anxiety when it comes to anything medical. For example, I pass out when getting my blood drawn. But lately, I have felt my health declining in a way it never has before, and I am also the heaviest (and saddest) I have ever been. I have been in a state of binging lately and have realized I need help. I have tried and failed many diets and I feel that before I develop any co-morbidities, I need to get the weight off for good.
    This brought me to bariatric surgery which I have discussed with my therapist and PCP. I got a referral and am scheduled for my first consult on 9/1/21. I am super excited, but lately little stupid fears have crept up into my mind. What if I am too young for this and it is too extreme? What if they have to use a catheter on me? What if the surgery fails? What if I die?
    Even typing this I know there are WAY more positives than the fears could ever outweigh. I just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else is feeling the anxiety before starting their journies? Or if any veterans recall the same fears?

    My stats for reference:
    Height - 5ft 4in
    Weight - 247lbs
    Age - 22
  7. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from FINFAN3DP in Who else from the 400+ club is in the 200's for the first time in 20+ years??   
    Congratulations!! Your hard work and success definitely shows.
  8. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from GreenTealael in Concern   
    I agree with Dame21. I had one of my incisions (one of the smaller ones) open like that. My surgeon used this clear stitch glue stuff, so I never had any blood come out, but it did look like it bled just a little under the glue stuff. When I saw my surgeon for my next follow-up soon after, he said it looked fine. I think they just sometimes heal like that. So far, that is the darkest scar forming out of all of them. Like Dame said, just follow up with your doctor on Monday.
  9. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from GreenTealael in Concern   
    I agree with Dame21. I had one of my incisions (one of the smaller ones) open like that. My surgeon used this clear stitch glue stuff, so I never had any blood come out, but it did look like it bled just a little under the glue stuff. When I saw my surgeon for my next follow-up soon after, he said it looked fine. I think they just sometimes heal like that. So far, that is the darkest scar forming out of all of them. Like Dame said, just follow up with your doctor on Monday.
  10. Hugs
    River Moon reacted to canadianpopcycle in Am I doing this all wrong?   
    I hope some people can give some advice! I have been stewing on this for a number of weeks, and I am not really sure what to do. I will start by saying that my program is in Canada, and it is set up a bit different than most Americans. I go to a bariatric clinic that includes the psychologist, internal medicine doc, Dietitian, Nurse. The surgeon you are referred to after you have jumped through the hoops with the other professions. You are assigned the surgeon who does your surgery, for the most part, you don't get to shop for one...and they have little to do with the Diet/Medical Part (vitamins, labs, etc). The surgeons are general surgeons that obviously know how to do these surgeries, but they are not solely bariatric surgeons. So essentially, if I have questions I go to the bariatric clinic, and not the surgeon.
    The problem is, I hate my Dietitian. I don't feel like I can ask her anything without her being weird, and control freaky about everything. She has argued with me over my food logs (aggressively suggesting berries instead of the banana I ate everyday pre-op), She got upset with me for taking psyllum husks and Omega 3 after surgery because "WHO TOLD ME TO DO THAT??!". I asked her about when my Protein requirement would reduce (since I am losing weight obviously), and was told never because the protein requirement was based on my height, and not weight. (????). When I ask what calories I should be at, she won't answer and tell me my calories need to be higher. She also made a point to tell me that my weightloss will greatly slow down now (at my 3 month appointment).
    I was never a big/fast loser since starting this. Other than the first 2 weeks after surgery...I average out at about 2.5 pounds a week. In my program, regular food started week 4 after surgery. Once I went to solid food at week 4, I eat between 1100 and 1300 calories. I have yet to eat out, the 'worst' thing I have had is a very small bite of candy to taste it. There is no forbidden food except for carbonated drinks...and obviously they recommend staying away from overly fried, processed, sugary things.
    Prior to surgery, the last time I had lost weight sucessfully was in 2016 when I went to the gym 6 days a week and tracked all my calories. I used MFP and fitbit. I ruined my knees in the process of that (a whole other story lol). I still use MFP to track food. So right now, MFP has 1300 calories to lose 2 pounds...and I am still a bit over 250. How in the world am I going to keep losing weight if I am supposed to eat more?
    Currently, my body is doing this thing where I lose 2.5 one week....0.7 the next....2.5 the next...I feel like I stall every 2nd week or so. The dietician doesn't help at all. She always rags on me to eat 5-6 times a day. I get all my protein in, in those 3 meals and I currently still don't experience a hunger sensation at all...so why would I eat more? She wants me to eat more and I feel like what I am doing is okay. I told her I would add more Snacks if I need it, and she doesn't like that.
    I am at 5 months out...I feel like I am trucking along...but then I get really worried that I am not going to continue to lose weight, especially when she is on me to eat more and more often when I frankly don't want to. Everyone wants to believe that they have some tailored medical diet...and we don't. Every single program is done by an expert and they are all different from each other...and it really annoys me when people say 'follow your program'...when it seems every doc has a different idea of what would be successful., and nothing is standardized.
    Am I too set in CICO that I am frustrating myself? How can I continue to be successful and get to the lowest reasonable point that I can?
  11. Like
    River Moon reacted to Dame21 in Concern   
    If is doesn't have a lot of blood, I think you're probably ok. Keep it covered, keep an eye on it, and follow up with Dr on Monday. Good luck.

    Sent from my moto g play (2021) using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Congrats!
    River Moon reacted to FINFAN3DP in Who else from the 400+ club is in the 200's for the first time in 20+ years??   
    Finally broke the 300 mark, and now weighing in at 296 as of today. First time in the 200's in 20+ years. Never thought i could do it, the sleeve is the ticket. I have started walking in the last two months, and i'm up to 3.5-6 miles a day walks. When did everyone else start lifting weights?
    A friend of mine told me she thought my face lost a lot of weight. Until i saw the pic on the left in my Facebook memories, i didn't believe it. Now i do.

  13. Haha
    River Moon reacted to ms.sss in R.I.P. Boobs   
    Its been over a year since I bought a bra (eff you Covid)....I just took my measurements and according to those, I should be wearing a 30C. At my biggest, I was a 38DDD.
    Collectively we all could have pooled our lost boob fat and opened up a soap store.
  14. Haha
    River Moon reacted to ms.sss in R.I.P. Boobs   
    Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of The Girls.
    While having the excess weight pass on was a welcome event, sadly, many had to pay the price in Boobies.
    Today is the 10 year wedding anniversary of a pal o' mine. She is holding a zoom party tonite to commemorate the day and made a special request for the groomsmen & bridesmaids to wear the outfits we wore that day. I put mine on, and yes, it's way too big, and so I went looking for a pic of me wearing it back then and found this.
    So yeah, R.I.P Boobs.
    P.S. And the pic from 2011 is even AFTER I had a boob reduction in 2005
    P.P.S Feel free to post pics of your loved ones as well....lolololzzzzzzz

  15. Hugs
    River Moon got a reaction from SecondChance4Kelli in ONEderland   
    That's awesome! Congratulations!
  16. Congrats!
    River Moon reacted to SecondChance4Kelli in ONEderland   
    Surgery was July 20th and today I hit ONEderland!

  17. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from Maisey in Thrilled to be Overweight   
    That's so awesome!! Congratulations! 😊
  18. Hugs
    River Moon got a reaction from Jon1rene in 15 year old   
    I don't know of any specific doctors, but I see you're in California like me. Stanford Children's up north has adolescent bariatric surgery and they list their doctors who do the surgeries with their hospital too. I know Stanford is a great hospital and family who have gone to the hospital (non-bariatric reasons). Here's a link to their bariatric page for adolescents. I wish your son and you the best in this new journey!

  19. Like
    River Moon reacted to Jon1rene in 15 year old   
    Thank you so much for your help. Greatly appreciate it!
  20. Congrats!
    River Moon reacted to Maisey in Thrilled to be Overweight   
    I am officially overweight with a BMI of 29.8! Started at a BMI of 53 at my HW and 46 at SW.
  21. Like
    River Moon got a reaction from MISCUTIEPIE in Curious   
    Welcome! Congratulations on being on this awesome journey. I did not have my surgery with that doctor, but I wish you well and lots of success!
  22. Like
    River Moon reacted to Lunekp in It’s been a year!! Before and after pics (weight loss surgery)   
    So it’s been one year!

    my weight before surgery (August 2020) was 330 lbs!
    my weight today is 170 lbs.
    I really want to inspire people as much as I can.. I want my journey to show you that you can do it no matter what. I’m much healthier now and I feel like I own the world, my life has completely changed, I don’t have sleep apnea anymore, I’m back to being the energetic kid I used to be, no more sleeping 24/7, and I can finally drive! ( I never had the chance to due to severe sleep apnea)
    I couldn’t ride roller coasters before duo to my weight, and I’ve waited in line just to discover that I don’t fit into seats many times. But now, I can fit in every single ride and I just feel so happy, I feel.. alive!

    Before pics and after pics included ❤️ Hope this inspires someone!!

  23. Like
    River Moon reacted to ldawn in I got boobs!   
    I got a breast lift and implants this week! I’m so excited! Before I got fat I had no boobs. I was like a 34A. When I gained weight I carried a lot of fat in my breasts. I went up to a 44G. Losing 110 certainly deflated them. I had no volume on top at all. I got Gummy bears. 375ml on left and 275 on the right trying to even them out. So far it looks like they are pretty evenly sized now. I still have a lot of swelling. The incisions are so itchy. Can’t wait to go bra shopping in a few weeks!
  24. Congrats!
    River Moon reacted to Jaye W in 101 pounds GONE pic included   
    I hit the next goal!

    Down 101 lbs. 5 months post sleeve, 1 week post Gall Bladder removal ( Cholecystectomy).

    HW 264
    SW 235
    CW 163
    GW 130-145

  25. Hugs
    River Moon got a reaction from Jessica Williams in 3 days post op   
    Hi there, Jessica. Congratulations on having your surgery! Each surgeon has specific plans they want their patients to follow, but the 2nd stage (what you are on) seems to be pretty universal. All liquids is what you should be getting in. Soups (clear broth only at this stage), shakes, sugar free Jello, sugar free popsicles, and juices are all counted as your daily Fluid intake, so that helps a lot with getting in our fluids. I still have zero appetite, so I have to force myself to drink my shakes (still my most efficient way of getting in protein), and get my Protein in. If you find you're forgetting to eat, just set some timers on your phone to remind you. Also, be sure to sip Water or fluids all day a little at a time so you don't get dehydrated.
    Due to not having any appetite, it took me a while to learn what full felt like in my stomach now. For me it's not that old pre-op feeling of fullness. It's now like a "ugh, ok I'm done" feeling. One sip I will feel fine. The next sip, "ugh ok, I'm done." It's so weird eating so little now, but awesome at the same time. You will eventually learn when you're body is telling you it's full. Just remember, we can only eat whatever we can eat. So, don't force anything down you feel is too much. And, of course, our surgeons and nutritionists are good friends of ours right now.
    As for bloating, I felt bloated too for a good week or so after my surgery. Our bodies are still healing, and we still have gas trapped inside us from the surgery itself that adds to the bloating. sleeping can be difficult too in the beginning. For me, the gas pain was so bad that sleeping was hard. I had to prop myself up if I was in bed, or just sit up in a recliner and recline just a little in order to get comfortable. It will get better, though, I promise! It just takes time for that gas to release (gas-X chewables are amazing for that), the stomach muscles that were cut to heal, and for our bodies to adjust to the new change in lifestyle.
    Edit: Also wanted to add that for the first week I was only able to get down one 11oz shake a day, and water. My nutritionist told me that was completely normal and to slowly work my way up. So don't stress yourself out if you can't get much down right now.

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