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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bandofgold

  1. 8_1_233.gif8_1_232.gifHey guys, haven't written in a while, wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holloween. The candy is in the house, has been for four days now and I've been alright with it, but it has also been in the laundry room "my least favorite room" lol...but tonight when its in the bowl in my hands, that will be the real test. down to 227 now from my original 289 so I am starting to feel the loss, but when I look in the mirror, I still see the fat girl. oooohhhhh.... any way, I'll talk to you all soon.


  2. Dear Bloom, I hear you, I also have problems with eggs and have heard others who do also. I don't know what it is maybe because it is a protien, and i do have problems with all protiens. I also am very tight in the a.m. everything gets stuck. I do feel it is loosening a little and the book i have says as you lose wt, your stomach gets smaller, and the band gets looser. Hoff also told me to eat Breakfast everyday but I have to wait a couple of hrs. and drink some before i attempt to eat.

    Judy, I do chew, chew, chew, because until you get stuck and have pb's and sliming, I don't think we have the fear instilled in us. I have never before now had this feeling and it is painful and scary at times. I think my problem is slowing down cause I go from no pain to PAIN! without warning, so I think If I slow down, I will get to know when to stop.....oooohhhhh.....

    8_1_214.gif Linda I am glad you are doing well, your stomach is still swollen inside that is why you are tight. In a few weeks, your appetite will probably return, and you will have your old appetite back and be begging the Hoff for a fill...LOL


  3. Hi everyone, I am so bumbed out, remember, i didn't lose any weight 4_14_6.gif for 4 weeks, and then i got a fill 2 weeks ago, and the first 5 days, i lost 4 lbs, well, since then I put 2 back on and haven't lost anything since. I am tight in the a.m. but still can't eat much the rest of the day. Little portions several times a day. I've been more active than I've been the last several years, but I can't lose weight. any advice, I'm totally baffled!


  4. Welcome back Linda, I can't believe you even contemplated going to the meeting tonight...Wow, your an amazing woman. I felt like crap for a few days after surg. Anyway I coudn't make it tonight because i didn't get home from a function i went to today till 7:30P. I am still pb-ing and sliming but it does seem to be a tad better, maybe it is stretching somewhat...talk to you guys later, vicki

  5. Well ladies, let me tell you something about sugar free Peanut Butter cups, cause I had a few the other day and man oh man I was in the bathroom for 45 min. and then some. I guess the good news is if your constipated the laxatives taste yummo! lol...

    8_1_233.gif Also. I got filled on tues. and for the first time I can say I have good restiction and even though It hurts like heck when it gets stuck it is worth it cause i've lost 3 lbs in three days. and if you all remember i was b**ching about my 4 week plateau, and so i am over it. good luck to everyone and just remember this time next year, we will all be thinner and much happpier ladies...


  6. Sorry Bandofgold, that was for NoBuffalogal, I couldn't get in to send her a private message. Now she wont know if it is for her anyway duh.

    I just came back from the WLS Center for my final weigh in and I asked who was scheduled to run the next support meeting. The support group meeting on the 15th will be run by NP Laurie.

    I stopped up to see Dee at 2:30 and she wasn't in her room yet. Her family was getting anxious but I am sure she is fine.

    thanx for the update on Dee Linda. I will stop in to see her tomorrow, I have an appt. with the Hoff. at 1:30

  7. Band, do you want to meet for coffee Monday or Tuesday this week? Do you work during the day? We could meet after work. I am also available in the late afternoon. Linda would possibly come and we can get her pumped up for her surgery. Linda, we promise, no complaining.

    Tues, would be good for me, maybe later in the day cause I have Hoffman at 1:30 and then have to drop a friend off at home. Call me and we will set something up.

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