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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandofgold

  1. bandofgold

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Dear Lynn, Thats great! I am so glad to hear your doing so well. and glad to hear there is hope yet for me cause I had a fill (first 0ne) on 7-15, and like you, I don't feel much of anything either. Good job, and keep me posted.....
  2. bandofgold

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey Dee, right here at bgh in buffalo by none other than dr hoffman himself. surg 6-09,. you will love dr. H. he is wonderful. good luck to you on your journey and keep me posted.
  3. Dear Linda, you got that right, i was banded 7 weeks ago, and i feel like i could still eat like i did before the surg. It is not an easy fix, and i hope i get better at it cause there are days, when i want to fall of the wagon and have a banana split. ohhhhhhhhhh!
  4. bandofgold

    1 week was not enough!

    Well, I was excited because i lost 10 lbs the first week after my first 1.5cc fill, but im at the end of week 2, and nothing, in fact, i gained 2 lbs back!!!!!!!!!:frown:
  5. bandofgold

    1 week was not enough!

    Well, I was excited because i lost 10 lbs the first week after my first 1.5cc fill, but im at the end of week 2, and nothing, in fact, i gained 2 lbs back!!!!!!!!!
  6. bandofgold

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    wow! it is great to see other women in my age bracket. I had my surg. on 6-09-08 and had my first fill on 7-15-08, however, i could eat just about anything i wanted but i hold back and eat just protien and vegetables. question, my doc told me no fluids 20 min before meals and 1 1/2 hrs after. I am not mistaken cause he wrote it down. I am thirsty all the time cause I can't get my 64 oz. in, and sometimes i am so thirsty i guzzle the water and get bloated. did your docs tell you this and if not when and how much can you drink. also what is Pb I see it in different threads, dont know what it is.. thanx and good luck to all.:teeth_smile:
  7. I had my surgery on 6/9/08 and my first fill on 7/15/08. My doc tellls me no drinking 20 min before meals and 1 1/2 hrs after. I don't seem to have enough hrs in the day to get enough fluids in and am always thirsty. and when I do get to drink I guzzle it down and then feel un comfortable. any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you sooo much. :tt2:
  8. bandofgold

    August Surgery

    Dear Mary, I got a couple of your e-mails, one from Debbie in arizona? anyway, just checking up on you to see how your doing. I am a bit frustrated cause I haven't lost any wt in almost a week and feel hungry all the time. oh well, guess it's just part of the process. keep me posted. vicki
  9. Dear Daniell, I also have sleep apnea and am on the machine, but it doesn't help me at all i'm still tiredl the m.d. told me 10% of people with sleep apnea are still tired, and I was one of those unfortunates. I talked to others who say they feel great and i hope you do too. it took me 11 months from start to surgery, I hope they are moving quicker now. I know the frustration you are feeling. Keep me posted.
  10. Dear steve, I know you will do very well, and i hope you all the luck in the world. I'm at a plateau right now, kind of discouraging, but I will just stay focused and wait it out. good luck to you and keep me posted.
  11. Hey my banded friends. I had my surg in buffalo n.y. by Dr. Aaron Hoffman on 6-09-2008. He is awsome! I lost 20 lbs befor surg. 10 lbs 1week post op and had my first fill on 7-15. Dr. Hoffman is amazing, he is your doctor first, and then your friend, and thats the way it should be. He cares so much about his patients, and his work, I can't imagine going to any other doc. I recommend him 110%.










  12. Dear Rain, I was banded on 6-09 and have lost 13 lbs and had my first fill on 7-15. it seems so many people are losing vast amounts of wt. how much have you lost since surgery, and when are you getting filled. I lost 20 lbs before surg. 7 lbs 1 week post op, and 6 lbs since. fill. does that seem normal or slow.
  13. Dear Steve, good luck on your journey, I am sure you can do it this time and keep it off. I am 6 weeks post op and had first fill 1 week ago. were all in this together, keep the faith.
  14. Dear Judy, I had the pain and pressure also,and was told it was the gas they used during surgery. I was told it could take 10 days to 2 weeks to go away. try walking, it may get things moving.lol
  15. bandofgold

    August Surgery

    I'm not sure what the doc told you to do, but I also had sugar free Jello, as well as sf popcycles, broth, sf drinks without carbonation. I don't know if he has you on protien shakes, but I added 1/2 bananna and or tbsp Peanut Butter and ice in the blender. Check and see if these are o.k. vicki
  16. bandofgold

    August Surgery

    Dear MaryD, That is awsome!!! I am sooooo happy for you. You will do great, and I am with you all the way. Our lives have just begun and we're in for a wonderful ride. Please feel free to ask me anything, and I will answer the best I can. Congratulations Mary.
  17. bandofgold

    lost 10 lbs. in a week

    surgery date: 6-9-08 first fill: 7-15-08 I lost 10 lbs. in 1 week, I'm sure this will slow down, but boy am I enjoying it while it lasts.............:biggrin2:
  18. bandofgold

    lost 10 lbs. in a week

    :smile: surgery date: 6-9-08 first fill: 7-15-08 I lost 10 lbs. in 1 week, I'm sure this will slow down, but boy am I enjoying it while it lasts.............:biggrin2:
  19. Dear rain, hang in there, i'm sure we will get to where we want to be in time. We didn't gain it in a few weeks. I will be thinking of you and hope your journey is a positive one..
  20. bandofgold

    Two steps backward

    I too am having a difficult time, I had surgery 6-9-08 and actually gained 7 lbs and have not felt any restriction, so when i got my first fill last week i thought yeah! now things will start happening.... wrong! i don't feel like i have a band. I hope things change real quick, i'm not 20 something anymore. good luck to you all on your journey.
  21. thanx judy, my excersize is restricted due to knee/back injuries, but will start pool excersize next week. thanks for your help, and good luck on your journey.
  22. bandofgold

    Just got banded on 7/16/08

    I also want to get a wt tracker and did go to tickerfactory but don't know what to do from there? any help greatful
  23. I was banded on 6-9-08, and had my first fill 7-15 and I still don't feel anything, I also have to watch what I'm eating and feel like i'm doing it on my own, like the old days.......anyway, i also was put on solids soon after and do not have to do liquids after fills as i have seen with others. keep me posted.. and good luck
  24. bandofgold

    Anyone from Buffalo NY

    Dear bugs, I had my surg done at buffalo general by dr.arron hoffman and if I can help in any way let me know. I'm only 6 weeks post-op and had my first fill tues. any questions, ask away. good luck!!!!!!
  25. bandofgold

    Anyone from Buffalo NY

    I have had my surg. done on 6-9-08 by doc hoffman at bgh. he is phenominal and spends as much time as you need. I have not been to the post op support groups anyone gone and how helpful is it. also. how many fill does it usually take to curb the appetite. thanx and lots of best wishes to you all...

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