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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mommy.ArmyWife

  1. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    A couple people asked for experiences, and I just got banded, so I'll share a bit. I actually was nervous about the surgery! Not about having the band itself, but the thought of something going wrong during surgery. Well, I had NOTHING to worry about. The doctors and nurses were so kind, and took WONDERFUL care of me! First, I got checked in, and settled into my pre-op room. My surgeon came by, made sure I knew exactly what was going to happen, and wanted to make sure I didn't have any last minute questions. Then, he went to get ready for my surgery. The nurse came in after Dr. Cribbins, and put my IV in, then the anesthesiologist (sp?) came in. He explained what he was going to do, then gave me a shot in the IV. Basically for nerves, and a precurser for going under. I got kinda loopy, and wasn't nervous any more! I remember being wheeled into the surgery room, and then, the A-ologist put the mask on me, told me to take a couple breaths... the next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room. I was quite uncomfortable, I have to be truthful. Not so much pain, just really uncomfortable. I was hooked up to all sorts of monitors and such, and it really was no fun. I dealt with it, and soon, I was moved to my hospital room. There was a flurry of nurses at first, respiratory therapists, and techs checking monitors, asking if I had pain, and such. Basically making sure I was ok. I got pain meds every 12 hours, and was able to ask for more if I needed them. I did a couple of times. My hospital was as close to a 5 star hotel that it could be, movies on demand, room service (although all I had was som super-yummy apple juice), and internet on the tv. Everyone made sure I was comfortable. I was asked to drink 2 ounces of cold water an hour if I could. I was SOOOOO thirsty! It wasn't uncomfortable to drink, and although I could definately tell a difference with the band, I had no pain or nausea when I drank the water out of my little "shot glasses". I really could have drank more, as I was so thirsty for a while! Luckily, all the fluids they gave me through the IV helped. It was difficult to get up and go to the bathroom, though, with all the wires, and cords, and such! My husband had to help me get the hang of it, lol. I had "puff shoes", as I call them, that were sort of like a blood pressure cuffs that puffed the bottom of my feet to help with circulation. The puffed like twice a minute on each foot, left/right/left/right...Those were annoying as heck, but I got used to them and was able to sleep. I got more comfortable as time went on. My nurse and tech woke me up alot during the night. Checking IV's, and my oxygen levels, and blood pressure and what not... it was bareable. The next morning, They came and wheeled me to X-rays. I got the upper GI done, and all was fine. It was really cool seeing the Xray of my new pouch, and the band and all. Seeing that made it SO real! Then, afterward, the nutritionist came and talked with me. She was really nice, and so much like a Lap Band Cheerleader, lol. She made sure to tell me so many times, "We want to hear about your success! Please let us know! You're going to do so great!" Then, my doctor came in, and checked me out, told me how well the surgery went, and that it was super-fast. He said that it was the picture perfect surgery, lol. Like anyone would like THAT picture! He was really encouraging, and such. Then, his nurse gave me lots of info, most of it the nutritionist already gave me, but they gave me a special calendar that showed when I could have certain foods, and when my appts were and such. It was cute. I did have one unexpected thing. I had an On-Q. It's basically a pressurized, portable IV that has pain meds that are put directly into my stomach area. Now, it REALLY helped control the pain, the only worrysome part was the fact that I had to remove it myself, 4 days after surgery. Not to mention, having to carry the little purse around. It was fine, and I am definately glad I had it! I just wish they would have told me before hand. Anyway, they came and removed my IV, I got dressed, and I got to go home! I'm on day 4, and starting full liquids. Making sure I get my protein, and trying to make sure that I stick to the diet, and don't screw anything up. The LAST thing I want is a slip! In anycase, that's my surgery. All doctors and hospitals are different. And, of course, every surgery will be different, but I hope that all of you who were wondering will realize that it will be FINE, and all will be well! Just know that you don't have to worry, and you don't have to stress out! It'll be great, and you'll be on your way to a new you!! I know I am!! Even through the pain, I know this was an EXCELLENT decision! You will think so too!
  2. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    A couple people asked for experiences, and I just got banded, so I'll share a bit. I actually was nervous about the surgery! Not about having the band itself, but the thought of something going wrong during surgery. Well, I had NOTHING to worry about. The doctors and nurses were so kind, and took WONDERFUL care of me! First, I got checked in, and settled into my pre-op room. My surgeon came by, made sure I knew exactly what was going to happen, and wanted to make sure I didn't have any last minute questions. Then, he went to get ready for my surgery. The nurse came in after Dr. Cribbins, and put my IV in, then the anesthesiologist (sp?) came in. He explained what he was going to do, then gave me a shot in the IV. Basically for nerves, and a precurser for going under. I got kinda loopy, and wasn't nervous any more! I remember being wheeled into the surgery room, and then, the A-ologist put the mask on me, told me to take a couple breaths... the next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room. I was quite uncomfortable, I have to be truthful. Not so much pain, just really uncomfortable. I was hooked up to all sorts of monitors and such, and it really was no fun. I dealt with it, and soon, I was moved to my hospital room. There was a flurry of nurses at first, respiratory therapists, and techs checking monitors, asking if I had pain, and such. Basically making sure I was ok. I got pain meds every 12 hours, and was able to ask for more if I needed them. I did a couple of times. My hospital was as close to a 5 star hotel that it could be, movies on demand, room service (although all I had was som super-yummy apple juice), and internet on the tv. Everyone made sure I was comfortable. I was asked to drink 2 ounces of cold water an hour if I could. I was SOOOOO thirsty! It wasn't uncomfortable to drink, and although I could definately tell a difference with the band, I had no pain or nausea when I drank the water out of my little "shot glasses". I really could have drank more, as I was so thirsty for a while! Luckily, all the fluids they gave me through the IV helped. It was difficult to get up and go to the bathroom, though, with all the wires, and cords, and such! My husband had to help me get the hang of it, lol. I had "puff shoes", as I call them, that were sort of like a blood pressure cuffs that puffed the bottom of my feet to help with circulation. The puffed like twice a minute on each foot, left/right/left/right...Those were annoying as heck, but I got used to them and was able to sleep. I got more comfortable as time went on. My nurse and tech woke me up alot during the night. Checking IV's, and my oxygen levels, and blood pressure and what not... it was bareable. The next morning, They came and wheeled me to X-rays. I got the upper GI done, and all was fine. It was really cool seeing the Xray of my new pouch, and the band and all. Seeing that made it SO real! Then, afterward, the nutritionist came and talked with me. She was really nice, and so much like a Lap Band Cheerleader, lol. She made sure to tell me so many times, "We want to hear about your success! Please let us know! You're going to do so great!" Then, my doctor came in, and checked me out, told me how well the surgery went, and that it was super-fast. He said that it was the picture perfect surgery, lol. Like anyone would like THAT picture! He was really encouraging, and such. Then, his nurse gave me lots of info, most of it the nutritionist already gave me, but they gave me a special calendar that showed when I could have certain foods, and when my appts were and such. It was cute. I did have one unexpected thing. I had an On-Q. It's basically a pressurized, portable IV that has pain meds that are put directly into my stomach area. Now, it REALLY helped control the pain, the only worrysome part was the fact that I had to remove it myself, 4 days after surgery. Not to mention, having to carry the little purse around. It was fine, and I am definately glad I had it! I just wish they would have told me before hand. Anyway, they came and removed my IV, I got dressed, and I got to go home! I'm on day 4, and starting full liquids. Making sure I get my protein, and trying to make sure that I stick to the diet, and don't screw anything up. The LAST thing I want is a slip! In anycase, that's my surgery. All doctors and hospitals are different. And, of course, every surgery will be different, but I hope that all of you who were wondering will realize that it will be FINE, and all will be well! Just know that you don't have to worry, and you don't have to stress out! It'll be great, and you'll be on your way to a new you!! I know I am!! Even through the pain, I know this was an EXCELLENT decision! You will think so too!
  3. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Hair loss???????

    Well, I think I'll try it for PREVENTING my hair to come out... I am getting lots of protein, but I'd really rather keep my thick, healthy hair!
  4. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Wow! I had to stay over night, but I was at Plano Presbeterian, and let me tell you, that place is the HILTON of HOSPITALS! Free Movies on Demand, Room Service (not that I could EAT anything, though) and internet on the TV! Plus the hospital itself was amazing! I'm glad all is well, and I hope your recovery is swift!
  5. Yes, I had to MAKE SURE I didn't loose any weight before they approved me. I had a BMI of 39.5 which tricare went ahead and approved because it was so close to 40, and I have no comorbities. I have heard of several people who actually had to regain weight before approval. Don't worry, after approval, you can loose as much as you want, and they will still do surgery.
  6. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Depo and Lapband?

    I am on BC, Nuva Ring actually, and I was told to USE it because I can't get pregnant for a year after surgery... I've never heard NOT using BC...
  7. Wow! That's a little unsettling! How does a port flip? What causes it?
  8. Mommy.ArmyWife

    To all the MOMMIES!

    Really? My doctor gave a 6 week 20 lbs restriction. The Army gave him a month as well, and I'm SOOOO gonna put his big muscled arms to work in my classroom!:biggrin2:
  9. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Hair loss???????

    That's a great idea! Is it a relatively small pill? Or does it have to be crushed?? Thanks!:biggrin2:
  10. Mommy.ArmyWife

    when did you start solids?

    I don't think any of us are attempting to validate her actions, but we also don't want to be RUDE and belittle her about it either. We're here for support, and that kind of comment is not supportive. However intended, I don't think anyone would have taken that as support. What WE were saying is that she's ok, and probably has no problems, but to keep to the diet. We all tried to give her better options, and HELPFUL comments so that she can move past her BAD behavior, and attempt to move forward to BETTER behavior! That's what she needed, not someone to belittle her. What's done is done, and she can't change her past actions, however, we can all choose our future behaviors, and we hope that because of our helpful and supportive comments, that she, and others who have made bad choices, will move on to better, and more healthful choices of eating.
  11. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Restriction right after surgery

    Lol! Good for you! I'm on day 4, and I hope I have that restraint!
  12. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Restriction right after surgery

    Exactly... it's just because the swelling went down. You'll have to wait for your first fill to get that great restriction again! So many people here have such a problem from the time the swelling goes down, to their first fill! I'm sure hunger returns with a vengence! Don't worry, though, there's nothing wrong at all!
  13. Mommy.ArmyWife

    when did you start solids?

    That would be the END of a friendship with me! I guess I'm lucky, my family and friends have been so supportive! I've gone up and down with my weight over the last few years, and I don't think I would get high and mighty about loosing! And, there's no way I'd tell someone what they should and shouldn't do to loose weight! As long as it's healthy, it's fine! Whatever works, you know? I have a friend that has lap band, she has done LOTS that she SHOULD NOT do, but she's lost a lot of weight! She told me everything that she's done thats WRONG, and said, if you want to do it right, don't do these things. She has been super supportive! Why would ANYONE that has the band NOT be supportive??
  14. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    I know I told you this, Joiful, on another thread, but I'd like to share with all the new bandsters here... Slimfast is probably not the best option. It's ok, but if you want lower sugar and higher protein, go to Vitamin shoppe or GNC. They have protein shots. They come in what looks like test tubes, taste like Kool-Aid, and have over 40 grams of protein! Of course, you're body can't absorb 40 grams all at once, so split it up, half in the morning, half in the afternoon, then work in a whey Protein shake (I got a double chocolate Fudge that has 23 grams in a 6 ounce shake), and you've got all your protein! :confused: We can't eat much, or drink much. My doctor said 2 oz an hour. I don't know about y'all, but I would rather not be sipping on the same protein shake for 3-4 hours, lol!
  15. Mommy.ArmyWife

    when did you start solids?

    You're just fine. We're not perfect, no one is! Just remember that when people are mean, and hateful! Just keep going, and it will get easier! I wish I FELT like eating a Big Mac! The gas pains are horrid this morning! Day 4, and I was SO looking forward to cream of wheat, lol. Now I don't want anything!
  16. Well, I'm on chewable vitamins, and they don't taste like candy, lol. That's all I'll say! I do enjoy my double chocolate fudge 100% whey protein shakes! Althoiugh, I can only drink a little at a time!
  17. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Hair loss???????

    Get all the protein you can get! Protein will keep your hair loss in check!
  18. Mommy.ArmyWife

    when did you start solids?

    My doctor said to stay away from SlimFast because it has so much sugar. Have you looked at GNC? I got a double fudge chocalate shake protein mix that has 23 grams of protein in a 6 oz shake. It's actually really good, and I can blend it with milk and ice, and it's great, and really filling! They also have Protein "shots". They look like little test tubes, and they have 42 grams of protein in 1 shot. Tastes like kool-aid, and I take a half in the morning, then half later, then drink a shake and I get more than 60 grams of protein!
  19. Mommy.ArmyWife

    when did you start solids?

    I'm on clear liquids for 3 days, and full liquids for 5 weeks. The nurse did say my doctor will probably allow mushies after 2 weeks of full liquids... maybe 3 weeks. Every doctor is different, and every patient is different, as well. Call your doctor, and see what he recomends. I bet he'll have ideas. Also, are you getting lots of protien? That will definately help with hunger!
  20. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Well, let us know how you're doing! I know that's worrysome! But, there are all sorts of doctors who do things their own way. Mine is very laid back, but he did stress what was MOST important to follow.
  21. Well, I ate maybe 2-3 ounces of jello too quickly tonight. I felt like I ate enough for an ARMY! I'm supposed to start blended soups and cream of wheat and such tomorrow, and I'm not sure I can!!
  22. I'm allowed diet soda when the full liquids for 5 weeks is over...
  23. Mommy.ArmyWife

    can anybody answer my question pls

    No, you're ok. Even my doctor said he knows that sometimes you just want FOOD. He did tell me if I stray from the diet, to keep it healthy. Ramen Noodles have little fat, but lots of sodium so I'd choose something else. I actually ate healthy choice often, and my liver was perfect for surgery. The doctor said the surgery was really fast, and went really well! You'll be ok!
  24. I don't feel much restriction on the liquids, do you? I mean, I don't feel hungry, but I don't feel really full either. So many people say they don't have an appetite, but I kinda feel as though I do. Not that I could eat a whole meal or anything...
  25. Mommy.ArmyWife

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    I am actually taking the liquids great! I feel slight restriction, but I can definately tell the swelling is going down. I have a feeling I'll be one of those who will need quite a fill at the 6 week point!

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