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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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About SS50

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  • Birthday 05/11/1971

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  1. Ha ha, ask away. I’m home in my own house and had a nap as the journey was so tiring. The hotel was The Lodge Hotel Vilvoorde The hospital was AZ Jan Portaels
  2. Well I’m now 3 days post op. The travelling was ok but long. I arrived in Belgium on Monday evening and was visited in the hotel by Bart that evening and was given instructions and directions to the hospital, it’s so close to the hotel, but because of COVID restrictions you could only use the front entrance of the hospital so was about a 15 minute walk. I didn’t need another COVID test as my one for “fit to fly” was still valid. Remember to take your passport to hospital. I had blood tests etc done on arrival and had my surgery about 11am, I was very sleepy all that day, but everything was fine, they removed my band that had been emptied a few years ago due to terrible acid reflux and performed the mini gastric bypass. The staff at the hospital were lovely, and most spoke sufficient English, a couple of them were fluent and they seemed to deal with me often, probably because of that, I heard often “the English patient” from the corridor (even though I’m Scottish) and someone would appear 😂 you get no fluid at all that first day, just a cup of water with a little sponge to wet your mouth, I found this part the hardest, I could have killed for a drink, but until you’ve had your X-ray the following day and Dr Chris has checked it, it’s nil by mouth, only iv fluids. After the X-ray you can drink sips of water that day, then on day 2 you move to tea, crispbreads, smooth yoghurt and clear soup, not all at once obviously. I was discharged back to the hotel after 2 days, they did a COVID test that morning and gave me a copy for the airport tomorrow morning. I’m managing fine on my own, although it’s advisable to bring stuff with you to eat after you return to the hotel as the hotel only does breakfasts. my suggestion is bring crisp breads, I’ll try to post a photo here, low fat margarine, low fat spreading cheese or low sugar jam, and low fat smooth yoghurt. This is what you’re given at the hospital so completely safe. There’s a fridge in the room, but no kettle, so I’d advise bringing a travel kettle to make clear soup too. so I’m up early tomorrow for my journey home, I feel good, managing my pain with just paracetamol, although I’ve been told that the majority of my pain is from where they removed the port from my band. I hope this helps anyone who’s due their op soon, I’ve probably missed out loads, so please ask any questions. i can’t wait to be home and step on the scales and start my new life! I was 17stone before starting all this, but was 16 stone the day I traveled here.
  3. I am travelling alone, Frederik told me that any people accompanying have to stay at the hotel, so I’d feel too bad about someone being stuck in and then having to isolate on their return. I’m nervous about the op but also about travelling. My original flights got cancelled and I’ve rebooked new ones, but I now have to fly Edinburgh- Amsterdam - Brussels and then the same in reverse on the way home. I’m stressed about what COVID tests I need for where. My low fat diet starts on Tuesday, I can’t wait to fit into all my old clothes, but I’m hoping they’ll all end up too big!
  4. Hi, have you had your MGB done yet? I’m booked in for 8th June with Dr Chris in Belgium, and as you can tell with me being up, looking at forums at 1am, i’m a little nervous! I had a gastric band with Dr Chris about 10 years ago and lost about 4 and a half stone, then developed terrible gastric reflux, i had to have my band emptied and have gained all my weight back, and an extra stone. I feel horrendous. I’m having a band to MGB conversion. i think i’m more worried that i’ll be travelling with all the extra covid restrictions. And because of that i’ll be going alone.

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