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Midwest Grateful

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Midwest Grateful

  1. I'm 7+ weeks post-op from Gastric Bypass/RNY. I have zero appetite. I've spent over a month in the hospital because of infections, dehydration, etc. Since I wasn't getting results from the surgeon's facility post op, I decided to see my PCP for help. Best decision! Small changes (doubling my nausea meds, etc.). I may even receive IV fluids when necessary, maybe even from home, if possible.

    I realize the part of my stomach that communicates with the brain has been removed. I don't see an end in sight. I was told by nurses at the hospital that this aversion to food and drink is not unusual; for some it lasts months, or even years (I'm going on 8 weeks). It sounds like this improves with the sleeve, but has anyone else experienced this long term after a gastric bypass?

  2. Hello. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. It's been a rough couple of weeks - severe allergic reaction on abdomen and a bad UTI. But I really didn't expect to have almost constant heartburn. I might have expected it with a sleeve, but this is horrible. Anyone else have persistent heartburn with gastric BYPASS? What have you done for it?

  3. 3 hours ago, JanetSS said:

    I didn't have much GERD, but they did do a hiatal hernia repair that I didn't know I had. My dietician said it can take a few weeks to see weight loss, but it's frustrating when I lost 15 lb before surgery and nothing now with barely eating.

    Welcome! I am 8 days post op. One day after surgery I stepped on the scale to see I had gained 9 lbs. I knew it was from the IV fluids, but it's not fun to see. One week later I've lost that and more. Hang in there. Did they instruct you on a clear liquid diet in these early days/weeks? I encourage you to talk to your doctor and team. All the best! 😊

  4. Day 4 post-op.

    I'm more sore than expected, especially from my upper right quadrant (abdomen). I did have a liver biopsy so I wonder if that is adding to it. I had the gastric bypass. I also have HORRIBLE hives on abdomen because I'm allergic to the scrub, benzoin...you name it. That alone is miserable.

    I gained 9 lbs (nine!) immediately after surgery. I'm sure it's from all the IV fluids. But I've lost most of that. Also, I am required to give myself injections in my belly for 2 weeks to decrease the risk of blood clots. Continuing another 2 weeks of clear liquid diet w/protein drinks; I'm ready to advance this diet, that's for sure. All in all, I'm glad I did this and the surgery is behind me.

    Anyone else experience right upper quadrant pain or discomfort? How long did it last?

  5. Finally. Surgery day is here! God, I can't do this without You.

    I completed my 14-day clear liquid sugar-free and caffeine-free diet along with some Protein Drinks. I didn't cheat once. That in itself is a miracle! I've lost 10 lbs. during this time, and 25 lbs. overall (since January 1st). I was placed on prednisone (steroid) twice this past Spring, which set me back. It causes. much weight gain whenever I'm on it and it takes many weeks to get the weight off. So as I was losing, I'd gain weight while on that medication. So frustrating, but it's behind me, hopefully forever.

    These two weeks really prepared my mind for this journey moving forward. I will work to continue strengthening this new mindset. Not easy, right? I appreciate the input this forum - you beautiful people - has provided. I hope optimal health and strong minds for you all.

    Onward! 💟

  6. 2 minutes ago, Midwest Grateful said:

    I appreciate your input on this topic, @CarmenG. 1) Is there one or two main things you don't like about the bypass, or is it just more restrictive overall? And 2) Have you done much exercise in either case? Just wondering if that was a factor in your weight loss.

    Actually, you may have answered most of this with your previous post. I hope things level out for you soon! ((hugs))

  7. Day 8 of my 14-day liquid diet/liver cleanse. It's not as bad as I thought. I made sure no food is sitting in clear sight, which helps a lot. And it's a good thing I like sugar-free Jello! Looking forward to getting this surgery behind me. I'm scheduled for gastric bypass next Tuesday, with the sleeve as a Plan B (depending on how extensive the scar tissue is from previous abdominal surgeries). Onward! Hope everyone is doing well!

  8. 2 hours ago, Chewchew46 said:

    Hello everyone my surgery was a success I was sleeve yesterday. I am able to keep down my Fluid and shake. You get pretty full. currently drinking out of little med. Cups. So I am no where near the marks. I am having issue with my blood pressure. But all in all I am doing well.
    good luck to everyone. 🥳

    Awesome news! Congratulations on a successful surgery. I hope it's smooth sailing going forward. Now just get that BP down. 💟

  9. @GreenTealael, @WanderingLass, @CarmenG, & @pintsizedmallrat...

    Thank you! I appreciate your feedback. Like most of you I had my gallbladder removed (in 2017). Plus many years ago I had two cesareans, hysterectomy/oophorectomy, and two hernia repairs (the doctor who did an emergency oophorectomy cut through my first hernia repair so it had to later be redone). I'm expecting quite a bit of scar tissue. So, your comments are helpful. Amazing stories...I'm glad things worked out for you all! 💕

    My surgeon did mention if the scar tissue is attached to the bowel (or small intestine, etc.) and it's too risky to work lower in the abdomen as necessary for the gastric bypass, then he will do the sleeve where he stays higher in the abdomen. I get that.

    I hope you're all doing well now. WanderingLass, you JUST had your surgery, so I hope you're healing quickly. And CarmenG, you just had surgery last month. All the best to you!

  10. Hi everyone!

    I'm scheduled for gastric bypass on July 25th. I mentioned to my surgeon today that I was concerned he might run into a lot of scar tissue (I've had a few abdominal surgeries in the past). He informed me he'll clean up old scar tissue, but if he sees excess scarring that poses a concern he may opt to do a sleeve as a Plan B. I told him I trust his judgment.

    I'm curious. Anyone here have old scar tissue cause a problem?

  11. 1 hour ago, FifiLux said:

    This will be short as I am physically and mentally exhausted.

    My sleeve op was a success HOWEVER I am still in hospital and not expected to be released until Friday (19 days vs 2 days) as I suffered severe pancreatis. My blood work is starting to show improvement but I'm signed off work until end of August and it could take up to six months to recover.

    I'm so sorry, @FifiLux. Please keep us posted. Get plenty of rest. I'm glad you're starting to show improvement. Praying for a full and speedy recovery! ((hugs)) 🙏 ❤️

  12. 3 hours ago, Glampreneurs31 said:

    Hi everyone
    I’m Andrea Moore
    My surgery date is 7/27
    I’ve already started the pre-op diet
    Things are going good so far.
    Glad to be here with you ladies.

    Hi Andrea! Welcome! Keep us posted on how you're doing. I'm doing the pre-op now also. My surgery is the 25th. All the best! 😊

  13. @MasonMoonGirl... Congratulations on saying no and resisting the temptation to give in to food invitations! I respectfully disagree with the suggestion to go to Com Con. Not at this stage. I am on my pre-op liquid diet (day 5 of 14). It's doable. Day 3 was my hardest, especially emotionally. I have been seeing a therapist to help prepare me for a drastic lifestyle change (I'm also a counselor, so that was an easy choice). Good for you for making that choice as well.

    The liquid diet isn't half as challenging as the mindset re food choices, etc. Hang tough. You're wise to begin this serious lifestyle change now. From all I've read - and I've researched this for eons, as well as know several people who have had WLS - the ones who get therapy or at least find a way to change their lifestyle and their mindset surrounding food are the ones who stay consistent and are less likely to return to old destructive thinking and gain weight later.

    Keep those boundaries clear for you and others to see. Anyone who doesn't respect your boundaries and journey, put much space between you and them. This is too important.

    All the best! 💟

  14. 13 minutes ago, Inspectorjh84 said:

    Thought I would up date you guys, surgery went well and recovered quickly! Went back to work today! Feeling great! No remorse! Best thing I have done!

    Thanks for the update. So glad surgery went well and you're healing quickly!

  15. 10 hours ago, dslay said:

    Hi all!

    I have lurked for a long time, but I have my appointment with my surgeon tomorrow (July 12) and should be scheduling a surgery date. Hopefully before the end of this month, but maybe beginning of August. Trying to get it done before my daughter goes back to college so she can drive me since my husband has to work (saving vacation days for mandatory shutdown at Christmas).

    Good luck to everyone scheduled for this month!

    Welcome! Keep us posted. I hope you get your surgery date soon. 😊

  16. 18 hours ago, Foodie2VSG said:

    Hi everyone - my surgery is actually tomorrow. For some reason I’m weirdly calm right now. Maybe the nerves will set in tomorrow?

    Unfortunately my procedure isn’t until late in the day… lots of time to think…

    All the best on your surgery day! Looking forward to hearing how you're doing. Keep us posted. Hang in there! Keep the calm going. 😊

  17. 20 minutes ago, kla7403 said:

    With the regular Vitamins you were able to absorb everything in one dose. After surgery you don't absorb as much at one time. For example I was told anything over 500 mg of Calcium wouldn't be absorbed at a time. So with bariatric vitamins they need to break up the doses over the course of the day instead of taking it all at once. That's why they might seem like "weaker" vitamins.

    Makes sense, and others have suggested the same. I do get it. When I'm required 3,000 IU (75 mcg) of D3 and a fusion chewable has 18.8 mcg, I'll take 4 chewables daily. It gets tougher with Biotin (required 3000 mcg and Fusion has 150 mcg), and B complex with Thiamine, for example. i'll ask my nutritionist in an upcoming appt. how they suggest I get enough if I'm unable to absorb large amounts. It's definitely a learning curb for me. Thanks!

  18. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback! I'm sharing my supplement requirements from my program (see attachment). They expect more than what the typical bariatric Vitamins offer, even if I were to take 2-3 per day. Plus my neurologist requires a daily minimum of 25mg of B6 - most don't come close to that, so I'll just take an additional B complex. I'm just surprised the dosages are so low in the vitamins.

    I'm looking into each supplement suggested here, so I appreciate your input. I start my pre-op liquid diet tomorrow.


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