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Posts posted by learn2cook

  1. On 10/26/2022 at 11:05, AllenKnight said:

    My best friend is ... fat, and he can't accept that. Additionally, our roommates (we live in the same student dormitory) are bullying him, and I have no idea how to help him overcome this difficult period in his life since being bullied is a seriously affecting problem.

    This is an RA get involved moment. Get the building supervisor or other higher Student Life folks to step in to help you help your picked upon roommate. Covid screwed up a ton of young people’s lives and everyone is a bit raw and new. I’m very concerned about your “fat” roommate and his possible depression and or thoughts (suicidal). Other than calling in help from trained older school staff (please do ASAP) you can stand up for him by just telling the others “that’s enough.” Interrupt the teasing. Your kind roommate needs to know he’s got an ally!

  2. I feel your pain. I’m maintaining between 214-220 lbs at 1000-1200 calories. There really isn’t anything to cut out and still be healthy. I’m fighting to stay at this by logging meals, measuring but not being totally obsessed. The goal all along has to be as healthy as I can be, not wearing a bikini or posting on popular social media.

    I hope your health choices are what you can live with long term. That’s what I ask myself too, every day. Are you mobile, in reasonable health, can you continue to do the active things you love with people who love you? Is your health limiting your job choices? I feel that this is something that we don’t talk about enough on here. What happens when you stop loosing weight and you are not at goal, and the calories are as low as you can reasonably eat? I think this happens more often than gets posted.

  3. On 10/14/2022 at 19:14, learn2cook said:

    I’ve never had this problem until RNY surgery! I keep up with Benefiber every day, getting Water, and exercise, but follow up with magnesium chews. If that doesn’t work, some kimchi or coleslaw or 1/2 a micro brew beer will get things really moving. Clear out the path to the bathroom before the next morning! Make reservations for bathroom time if necessary. I suggest you front load the evening before a day off, so there are no untimely surprises at work.

    So so sorry! Don’t do these things until 4 months down the road and your doc gives you the all clear. Just do what your team says! Constipation is an unfortunate issue after WLS because we just don’t have the capability to eat the high Fiber stuff.

  4. I’ve never had this problem until RNY surgery! I keep up with Benefiber every day, getting Water, and exercise, but follow up with magnesium chews. If that doesn’t work, some kimchi or coleslaw or 1/2 a micro brew beer will get things really moving. Clear out the path to the bathroom before the next morning! Make reservations for bathroom time if necessary. I suggest you front load the evening before a day off, so there are no untimely surprises at work.

  5. Yes, I felt that and called my office. I just had asthma reactions to the anesthesia and got practice on learning how to breathe deeply with a nebulizer. I don’t know your situation and suggest you call for help from your office or visit the ER with papers about your surgery so they don’t make do any stressful tests. You should have a nurse or service on call and a doctor to call you back within an hour from your surgical center. If you’re really worried just go to the hospital. Take your Protein Drinks, meds, and Water. The interns work the weekends and it will be slow!

  6. My guess is that you live somewhere in the US that has particularly bad insurance and health outcomes. You have the power to move. My cousin in NY state was able to get an ablation for her PICOS and it put her into earlier menopause at 40. My coworker in MA is able to stay on the pill every day, year round, no off days. She never has a period. She’s been able to get 75 lbs off and kept it off. There are medical solutions in places that treat women like humans even if you are on Medicaid. You have the power to move, or mobilize voters and change systemic laws. Moving is easier. Honestly bring your whole family, they probably need better health care too! Gitty up to Grandma. Ok seriously, instead of getting sad or giving up, get mad and do something. You deserve good health care!

  7. I love to sing too and couldn’t get a clear tone due to all the air in my chords. It was GERD! RNY fixed it. Also had to change the allergy meds. Anyone can develop allergies at any time in their life. I have also found that the low inflammation diet that my plan started with also cleared up some asthma symptoms and arthritis (not perfect but better). Keep singing, there’s a reason and solution for you too.

  8. I had a chart from the doctor office that said the same, two weeks for each stage. I found I had to go slower and spend 3 weeks for each stage. I agree with trying one food at a time. The dietitian kept suggesting scrambled eggs for soft food, but I got foaming and it got stuck. Later I found out eggs and chicken are the most common things to get stuck at first, lol. Now they are my go to Proteins, so you can try stuff later after more healing. Reach out to your team if something seems painful or you can’t keep liquids down.

  9. You are in THE worst of it and almost done. Everyday you will feel better and better. I kept a journal to look back upon to remind myself of what I had overcome, and the improvements I had made. If you dislike writing do a little video journal for yourself. I found a hobby too, and lots of non food rewards. You are a butterfly coming out of a chrysalis! This yucky part is almost done. Of course if you continue to have pain and can’t swallow liquids, call your doctor immediately! I took longer at each stage too:)

  10. On 09/24/2022 at 12:19, Jeanniebug said:

    I know this post is quite old and I hope that you're doing well now and living your best life. :)

    I have a fear that I'm going to lose too much weight. That I'm not going to be able to stop losing weight, when the time comes and I reach goal.

    I saw a talk show in the 1980’s that was about that, I think it’s a normal concern.

    Reality is you are more likely to be stuck far from your goal due to unhealthy habits, or age, or genetics, or years of yo-yo dieting altering your body (or some combination). Only you know how much thought space your worry takes up. Thankfully there’s help for mental glitches that may seem to be on repeat! Start with your team, and keep asking. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists helped my family get connected to help.

  11. Jeanniebug that was a great article! Thanks! It explained several things I was wondering about like why we should not drink Water before and after meals, and why my doctor is so adamantly against caffeine. It also linked the hypoglycemia to dumping syndrome. This has helped me, thanks! My inner Hermione thanks you too, lol research…

  12. Congratulations on your new home and your WL journey. It sounds like you’ve got two kids with sensory issues around foods, my son has ASD so I can relate. You just got to take care of you. The old saying about putting your own oxygen mask on in the airplane before you help other people is true.

    At first my family ate separately, but we all got over that and we eat together now. I just measure my portions out. The kid eats what he wants, some kid version of what I have like dinosaur chicken nugget when I have chicken. He has veggies on his plate that he might pass on, but he’s being offered healthy choices. He likes the veggie catchup and eats enough of that to qualify as a vegetable. He also started drinking a splash of coffee in a Protein Shake for breakfast! You just balance as best as you can, but take care of you first!

  13. On 09/16/2022 at 15:08, KimA-GA said:

    they can do a swallowing study with contrast to make sure everything is going food. the way it’s supposed to…

    hope you get answers soon!

    Not a doctor, this swallow study could find it. Try tracking the pain. I had/hernias and endometriosis so the come and go is endometriosis or lady issues. A constant pain can be more hernia like. Pain in the large bowel can feel very specific to to one side or the transverse, a colonoscopy could sort that out. Keep asking questions and don’t wait, my dad died of colon cancer (glad your white blood cell sounds ok), maybe it’s diverticulitis?

  14. Congratulations on your loss!

    I like to get my nails done, or visit a friend out of state. I’ve rejoined yoga, and tried balance boarding, and went to Great Wolf Lodge as rewards. Try something you’ve been curious about, pink hair? Or keep it simple like download a new song.

  15. I had/have that happen periodically. I fix it a couple of ways. One is to drink a cup of milk (your choice) and one or two prunes. It’s the electrolytes you are after. Another choice is a cup of V-8, or some Gatorade zero. They all work well in the middle of the cramp or to prevent them. I find the milk works fastest in the middle of cramping, like 15 minutes. You are almost to surgery, great, you’ve got this!

  16. I’m not going to lecture you. I can’t solve your problems. I got help for my family emotional problems by utilizing psychology today.com and found a therapist locally. Covid emphasized so many existing problems and like you, I reached out for help. It really worked and I can only encourage you to keep reaching out, be persistent because you are worth it!

    Even bringing these things up to your PCP will get the ball rolling. You can ask for a social worker to help you navigate the many specialists and paperwork you will need. You can ask for group therapy which is often cheaper and helps you make friends. Some people have tried OA to meet like minded people and support for weight loss. Meeting with real people locally is important for community.

    You are not alone, we all get in these ruts.

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