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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by learn2cook

  1. I made a list of things that help me get out of or lessen a mood. I’m currently working on anger today so; Journaling Singing/playing music with instruments Thrifting Any self care-lately dry brushing skin Exercise Go to church Outside time Talk with a friend Plan a vacation Go on vacation There’s more but you eat the idea. Just DO something. When I find myself procrastinating I hand wash the dishes to get me started on momentum. It’s small and easy and I feel accomplished when I look at the clean stuff. When I’m sad or burnt out, self care is essential. My motto is “self care is health care.” You are not alone, “this too will pass.”
  2. learn2cook

    A long story . . .

    You might have (temporarily) gotten lactose intolerance. Most medications have lactose as a binder and if you’re sensitive, look out! You’ve sure been through a lot! It’s only been a week so I guess you’re on liquids. I used OWYN shakes because there’s no lactose in them. Others on here turned me onto Fairlife milk and shakes, there’s no lactose there either and both are high in protein but less than 5gms carbs. Who’s at home with you now?
  3. learn2cook

    Struggling to slow down

    I agree with the others! You just had major surgery and your calorie intake is still super low. I was so tired the first 2 months, I remember sleeping like before motherhood. You probably still have little ones waking you at night so you’re not getting any recovery time! Listen to your inner voice and trust yourself. At one week I was pleased to get out of bed, do some simple house chores, move around hourly, and take a shower. I went back to work after week 2 and went to bed as soon as I came home. My kid thought it was great playing outside longer living free like a Gen X kid! Lol, seriously sit in the shade with a fan on while the little ones play outside with water. Send the older ones off to friend’s houses with bikes. Enjoy your pause in life :)
  4. learn2cook

    Dumping Syndrome is Dumping!

    I dump and my first sensation is feeling loopy, then I see bright spots that don’t go away, they get worse. Then the sweats and shaking starts, and if I haven’t fixed myself with some protein then it turns into vomit/diarrhea town. Others could feel different, but the clue to me is you saying your “skin was crawling.” If it’s food allergy related, it’s very serious. I wish you the best!
  5. learn2cook

    What’s for dinner? The non cooks version.

    I’ve done this with spaghetti squash! The kiddo liked it too. No, I don’t make little fancy stuff because by the time I figure out I’m hungry, I’m too hungry to care about rosettes.
  6. I soooo feel this! I think I’m going to try OA again because they’re cheaper than a therapist. I hope they don’t hate on me for WLS, I get so sick of explaining WLS is medical help for a health problem like glasses for seeing. I think I’m due for a psych tune up.
  7. learn2cook

    What’s for dinner? The non cooks version.

    I’m into charcuterie for summer meals. I got some mini boards at Dollar Tree. I’ve been playing around with horseradish and mustards to change it up. I tried some pickled peppers and olives for flavor. In the winter I like hot foods and cook up big orders of chicken and meatballs, freeze and use as needed. I love a salad but it can get boring and early on after WLS they were not digested. Cue pictures of cute charcuterie boards now lol. We’re having pre-cooked shrimp on ice for dinner tonight!
  8. learn2cook

    Pre surgery liquid diet

    I didn’t loose any weight with the liquid diet because I had already been following the bariatric plan for a whole year before the surgery so my body was used to being calorie restricted. The salt levels sound kind of high… like others have said. Don’t be surprised if you gain weight while in hospital because the IV fluids are full of salt too. Just keep drinking water and it will come off. Best of luck with your recovery!
  9. learn2cook

    A little concerned

    I’m glad you’re going to see your doctor, because I would have suggested a call. Maybe it’s your body still healing, or a little hernia starting. Don’t push yourself too hard, and follow your team’s advice. You’re in major metamorphosis right now!
  10. learn2cook

    Bathroom issues

    Hmm, I don’t like purée anything so I stayed in liquids stage a full 4 weeks. As long as I was on liquids, the BMs were liquid too and would announce themselves with surprise. I got regular and less liquidy with more solid foods and the introduction of magnesium and probiotics at night. My son says the RNY caused me to make the paint peel in the bathroom, (mom eye roll here)There seems to be more unpredictability for relatives and friends with Crohn’s or cancer. I wonder if it’s because of sections removed lower on the intestines? DS and RNY seems to effect the first part of the small intestine.
  11. learn2cook

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    I kept loosing until the 2 year 3 month mark. I found the last year of it needed more attention from me. I still need to be mindful, not obsessed, but mindful. If you make the effort to keep your good habits up the scale will go down and stay down.
  12. learn2cook


    Whoop whoop 🙌🏽!
  13. learn2cook

    One year anniversary!

    Stuff happens, sometimes randomly. I tell myself that feelings are just feelings, nothing good or bad about them. They just are. Feeling low is not your fault, and you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I’m glad you’re getting the emotional support! It takes great emotional strength to admit out loud that you need help with something you can’t fix (like we all did by asking for WLS). You gained experience and better health overall that no one can take away from you. Bravo!
  14. learn2cook

    Weight gain three weeks post op

    I did. You may also be hitting the famous three week stall. It’s a well known topic thread on here. I had/have PICOS (does menopause get rid of it?) and it made me a slow looser. Just stick to your nutrition plan. 10lbs will just suddenly fall of when your body adjusts. I suggest not getting on the scale until you notice your underwear feels a little looser. Also, you might want to check in with your endocrinologist about any adjustments if you still feel overwhelming hunger and/ or wonky fatigue. Number one thing I’ve learned is be patient with yourself. You’ve got this!
  15. learn2cook

    Same dress, different girl

    B e a u t I f u l
  16. learn2cook


    Fabulous, which one are you getting?
  17. Welcome and congratulations on choosing your health and yourself as important. As well as pictures, measure yourself with a tape measure, all over. I checked thigh and knee and upper arm girth. I even had my son take photos of my butt with me bending over lol. Really, really, there will be days and months of stalls later on and those before measurements to compare your results will help keep your momentum in choosing self care. You may find yourself in this journey so much stronger in setting healthy boundaries for yourself instead of constantly sacrificing yourself non-stop. Your expectations for your family members will grow and you may be strongly encouraging them to be more independent. You won’t be eating for entertainment nor will you be slaving for kids and spouse and parents. Get a hobby for yourself. Do something for you that you find passion about. Make a bucket list and start fulfilling it.
  18. OMG I greatly dislike cooking but this sounds so good I’m going to make this! I do better with weight loss and maintenance with some regular structure too. I do change up cooked veggies for winter and salads for summer. I’m glad I filled up on seafood this Spring because it’s suddenly gotten costly in the US heading into summer. Best of luck with PT, it’s kept me away from knee surgery for 10 years now, good stuff if you keep it up!
  19. learn2cook

    Indoor or Outdoor Exercise

    I love both. My Fitbit says I burn more energy outside, and I feel more refreshed emotionally when in nature. So I guess I lean towards outside but I changed my living room into a gym so I would have no excuses. Lol it worked! (It keeps me from yelling at my family when my job is stressful too.)
  20. learn2cook

    Meat or Plant Base

    Team meat! I do like to have my pea protein shake with coffee in the morning though. It doesn’t interfere with morning exercise.
  21. learn2cook

    Vitamins for better sleep

    I have found that 400mg of magnesium supplements at night help with anxiety and muscular issues (as well as digestive). Regular use for a month shows subtle results but when you stop (because you ran out) you’ll notice it really was helping you. I used to have very bad hormonal migraines and it helped that too. I use Benedryl to make me sleepy too. It’s non addictive and I have allergies anyway. There’s liquid kid versions too. If you wake up at 3am, your luck is out. It helps to make your meal, and exercise times regular too. Becoming a regular breakfast eater has helped me become a morning person. Also I take my B vitamins in the morning because they make me peppy and energetic, not something you want at night lol.
  22. learn2cook

    Is this true?

    Not sleeve but RNY here and I can say you can stretch it out a bit. I can definitely eat grazing style all day and definitely gain weight back (as I found out over Christmas tho year). It’s a Conscious choice to eat healthy regular planned meals to keep the weight off. When I want to slide back to binging to handle life and feelings, I use my skills from eating disorders therapy. The feelings of wanting to binge are still there, but I’ve worked really hard to substitute healthier rituals to deal with anxiety and depression and just feeling unlucky. I strongly suggest OA or an eating disorders therapist. The size of your stomach doesn’t really matter. If you want to eat the whole bag of cookies or chips you can do it. Or, you could choose not to and have sex, crochet, go for a walk, talk to a friend, journal, bird/star watch instead. It’s all a choice. The fact that you are investigating choosing surgery is a choice for yourself to live a healthier life. Why surgery at all then? It’s true it’s a metabolic “tool” that helps your body with the healthier choices you make. It’s like an e-bike, you still have to steer and pedal.
  23. Did you wish a hernia on yourself? You didn’t “fail” it’s just another opportunity to learn. I’ve been told that people who get hernias tend to get more of them. I had bypass and my doc offered ozempic for me, so apparently it’s ok. (I didn’t do it, yet.) would you be willing to try a surgical revision due to your GERD?
  24. learn2cook

    I'm hungry ALL THE TIME

    I believe one hungry person was @lizonaplane . They worked with their team and I believe metforman was one of the solutions. After the second year my doctor suggested Wegovy, but I would like to see more studies. Two people I work with got stomach paralysis from it… Liz do you have any ideas?

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