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Posts posted by learn2cook

  1. If you couldn’t cite Wikipedia or TikTok on a term paper why would you believe they are reliable sources now?

    I found I have more cavities, but there are reasonable explanations. One, menopausal hormone changes make women more susceptible to cavities due to dryness of the mouth. Two, weather/climate change is causing more allergies and mouth breathing. Three, cheap US dentists when on Medicaid use cheap filling products that don’t last more than two years, not many dentists take Medicaid anyway so you’re kind of stuck with who you find. Four, yeah the hernias and GERD caused lots of regurgitation. I never had a cavity until I was 44. Not everyone has the same experience. I can honestly say that the bypass and hernia repair have corrected the terrible GERD symptoms! Teeth I’m coming after you.

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss! I have saggy boobs now that most of the weight is off, so I get the rashes too. Like above posters said, figure the root cause, get the particular thing that treats the cause. I have used Triple Cream, from the baby isle, for extreme situations. For basic prevention I have found anti perspirant deodorant (expensive) or cheap drug store/chemist petroleum scented with lavender works well in all the skin on skin situations that cause rash. Both my mother and grandmother were nurses and said during the 1960’s to “never use powders ‘down there’ if you’re female because it causes cancer in people with vaginas.” So use the cream of your choice. Anti fungals for feet are the same as for privates. The private version is 2x stronger and the men’s is the same as the woman’s but cheaper. Also Dollar Tree version works fine too. Sorry for the long message. Unless you have surgery or have great genes or youth, the saggy skin still makes rashes. Don’t use powder near your vajaja, Congratulations on your weight loss! I hope you find relief soon, and you are not alone.

  3. I used that wait time to loose weight and develop hobbies so that the actual surgery would “lock in” that pre-surgical weight loss. Maybe it’s just magical thinking, or not, but it worked so far. I ended up waiting 11 months to have surgery from meeting my surgeon. You’ve got this!

  4. Yes, I understand the relearning to name feelings. Therapy helped with that. You may need more mental health work if you have a history of trauma, or a difficult situation like raising a special needs child.

    I found new hobbies like others have said on here. In the winter I crochet. In spring pickle ball is a great game and social too. I’m looking at sit on type kayaks now, or a paddle board. Find hobbies that keep your hands busy and your mind engaged. Oh, I like goofing off on my guitar too!

    When I look at my older relatives that seem to be aging successfully, I see that they are always busy doing interesting things, AND some of those things are helping their local communities too. Nothing beats seeing a homeless guy wearing a scarf, hat, and mitten set you made! It’s nice to stop thinking of feeding myself inwardly and then help others outwardly instead. BUT, if you were never nurtured properly to begin with in life, you may need to do the therapy work to heal yourself first before knocking yourself out to help others around you. Only you can answer that for yourself.

  5. On 07/20/2022 at 11:39, SHORTY_ said:

    I've become obsessed with veggie kabobs on the grill, Zucchini, mushrooms, peppers & onions especially!

    OMG I just had a salad for lunch and now want this for dinner! Yes, veggies are your friend during the pre op diet. They will be your friends again after you are fully healed. Yumm.

  6. When there are multiple doctors with specialists and you are not a medical expert yourself a hospital can appoint someone to oversee the different people and make sure they talk to each other. You have to request it or they often won’t offer. Sometimes it’s a social worker who helps coordinate things and breaks down the results and sometimes it’s a physician. Just ask for a coordinator and someone to help with all the jargon because it’s so emotional for you. Like said above, teaching hospitals are there to teach across specialties so are more used to communicating. I hope this helps!

  7. On 07/08/2022 at 20:54, The Greater Fool said:

    Perhaps I'm just being selfish here but if you could indulge my curiosity here I'd more than appreciate it. In fact, it seems rather required. It's your fault for such an achievement.

    A detailed account of the actual summitting experience would just be the bees knees. There's a lot of details here I can't even realistically even grasp the stuff to ask for.

    A detailed account of your training regimen. I know what training for marathons is like, but I can only believe such pails in comparison to your program.

    Your travel adventures getting there and back again must be a fantastic story in it's own right.

    Please, please, please!

    Thanks ever so...


    I agree, the process of climbing sounds very interesting.

    Also, my big challenge was switching careers at 50. Like get masters and really go for it. I’m thinking some martial arts next, or a new love interest. Think about what scares you and do that?

  8. I had significant Hair loss and planned on splurging on a wig made with real hair for the transition. ShoppGirl was right about no magic potion, just time. Anyway, I found I wanted a change and got a cute haircut that flatters me and is easy to style. The cut hid the hair loss and I don’t need a wig. One woman in my WLS group shaved it all off, she looks great! Open your mind to trying new things and save the wig idea for a backup. You might be surprised in a good way.

  9. I agree with the above posters. I was curious about the same thing and measured out what feels comfortable when eating. I can eat 4oz of meat, tofu or whatever Protein. Then I feel good with 1/2 cup of salad or berries or anything veg/fruit. If the meat is physically bigger, just 2 oz of veg/fruit fits in afterwards. I’m 11 months out. All mashed up, about 1 cup of food fits in, like the size of my fist closed up. I did overeat at family reunion this weekend for the first time, watermelon, I went for a walk to feel comfortable again. There was no throwing up. Again, everyone is different.

  10. Was it good? I melted the butter and dipped my fork tines in the butter to get the taste, but not too many calories. I’ve made sauces with olive oil or grape seed oil, or cook with the oils in spray can form from Trader Joe’s to keep amounts low. Sometimes I heat up a low calorie Salad Dressing for a dip, it brings out delicious flavors warmed up. I went out last fall with friends and ate my lobster with just the lemon. It was still tasty!

  11. On 06/27/2022 at 07:34, Recidivist said:

    My insurance company initially denied coverage for my RnY. I had my surgeon contact the company directly to explain why I needed the surgery and that did the trick. (Mine was not a revision, which might make a difference.)

    Mine was the same as this. The two doctors got involved one to one. The surgical doc explained to the insurance doc why it was necessary due to extreme GERD. It sounds like it may happen if your surgical doc graduated from Harvard and the insurance doc was a retired pediatrician let’s hope. Crossed fingers!

  12. On 06/23/2022 at 23:34, zinebmekoui said:

    Hi everyone I’m 25 and I’m getting sleeved on the 13th of July I’m super nervous about whether I will have loose skin I’m 5’0 and 245 lbs my initial weigh in I was 265 about a week ago I plan on getting to 230 by the time I get sleeved my question is how much loose skin can I expect to have

    I remember going to WW at that age and loosing 50lbs. There was no loose skin after a short while. (Can’t say the same at 54yrs!). Give your body two years to reabsorb itself. My knees never looked smooth, but everything else tightened right up, you will too.

  13. Well said Tek! I have found that I can combine Protein with a sugary treat and then don’t dump, but then there is the trade off of calories or not feeling deprived. Well, if I’m full of hamburger, I can eat that cookie, but I’m already “full” the extra will just be uncomfortable!

    It sounds like the original poster walked to the ice cream shop. Exercise can sometimes buff off the original sugar high of a dump and prevent one from starting. Or you are just in the majority of non-dumpers.

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