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About lussa

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  1. lussa

    BCBS Federal

    Would probably be best to ask this as a new question rather than on an existing thread for fed insurance. Also be advised surgical programs have their own waiting lists and COVID may strike again so switching a plan that already has coverage to get surgery sooner may not be worth your time. My three month long wait from my insurance ended up being 17 months.
  2. I can start more solid foods tomorrow. So excited! I’m so sick of soup and liquidy foods! First thing I’m getting is a bowl of Wendy’s chili.
  3. Yeah, I got 28 days of blood thinner doses to inject post-op. Came at a surprise to me. The actual medicine burns more than the needle because the needle just penetrates fat, which we all have enough of here lol. A lot of people have some bruising from this though.
  4. Have to go to the ER 😕
  5. Had my surgery Thursday. Not gonna lie it’s been rough, please tell me it gets better 😭 I think it’s just gas pain but swallowing water is hard, the pills are just torture. Only spent a night in the hospital and back home now.
  6. Hoping it goes well! If they submitted it then you should hear back within 72 hours if it’s classified as urgent.
  7. I went to my final pre-op appointment yesterday. Was nervous about being delayed bc the weight was up a few pounds but I was approved at all stops (surgeon, labs, anesthesiologist) to move forward! I’ll be the first case of the day on my surgery date too which is nice, the only procedure that’ll be done on time that day as they said lol. Been on my liquid diet for a few days and I’ve been doing all right with it, hope to get in every last bit of weight loss I can.
  8. Starting my preop diet. Gotta be honest, one day in and I’m dying already!
  9. Mine took nearly two months (no kidding) to submit to insurance after my final appointment. Took insurance a calendar week to approve it. Then it took 4-5 months to schedule my surgery for 2-3 months later. It’s been so long I’m ready to get this over with lol
  10. I can sort of relate, though it has less to do with my insurance and more with the surgeon’s office/hospital. So busy. Called in March 2021, finally got in May 2021, and just now getting the surgery this coming October 2022 after all the required appointments and many delays. I was hoping to get it last fall so it’s been a year and a half in the making. Very curious as to how this holiday season will go because it’ll certainly be different…
  11. Thank you all for your help, I’ve gotten a lot of helpful tips. My mom is coming around to me having surgery and has made it a normal part of our interactions. She will still return to work almost immediately after I have it done but it’s become less of a weird subject between us thankfully.
  12. lussa

    Panniculectomy worth it?

    Would you mind sharing your part of the cost? Am considering going this route when I get to that point.
  13. If it weren’t for covid I’d probably have already had it. I just figure I’ve been like this for my whole life, another month won’t kill me.
  14. It depends on the hospital. Both times I’ve had surgery with my insurance (non-WLS) I was billed for my portion after the fact. It’s usually copays I pay up front bc it’s a small charge but larger charges come later. If you’ve gotten preapproved already then the hospital shouldn’t be too paranoid…
  15. Getting surgery in October. I’ve got some work events coming and my closet is pathetic right now. Would like to refresh it a little bit but I’ve got surgery coming up. I know the weight will take time to fall off but I’m in that weird area so not sure what to do. When did you stop buying clothes? Bonus: if you’ve had the surgery, when did you need to start buying new clothes?

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