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LAP-BAND Patients
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About hallfamilyx2

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/25/1970

About Me

  • Biography
    3/07 stroke survivor :)
  • Interests
    spending time with family, scrapbooking and neices and nephews!
  • Occupation
    work with children
  • State
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday hallfamilyx2!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday hallfamilyx2!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary hallfamilyx2!

  4. hallfamilyx2

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    I am going with 10.
  5. hallfamilyx2


    I just searched this topic after another horrendous bout with hiccups. I realized that it happens usually when I eat too much, too fast or haven't drunk enough Water........... My band is VERY tight when I don't drink enough during the day - especially in the mornings. Once I drink plenty of liquids, I am able to eat a little more. :mad:
  6. hallfamilyx2

    Dr Pinson

    Just saw this post ( a year late) - DId you end up getting the surgery done? He did mine last Oct and is wonderful!
  7. hallfamilyx2

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Is it too late to join? I haven't posted in forever! I am glad everyone seems to be working at it. I seem to be stuck. Just got my second fill about 3 weeks ago - am down a little more but still staying around the same!
  8. hallfamilyx2

    Day Two and Miserable

    Hey guys! Hang in there - It does get better! I foudn that when I had gas it helped to walk. I must have walked 10,000 miles on my driveway b/c I did not want to get too far from the house. I felt like crap but walked anyway and it did help. I felt tremendously better after 4 day. I am feeling back to normal now (it has been roughly over 1 month since my surgery) but I followed all the instructions that I was given to a "t". I did suck down the instructed amount of liquid loritab each night for many weeks. It WILL get better - I questioned whether I had made the right choice or not the first several days up to a week. Now if someone asked if I would do it again tomorrow, I would in a heartbeat! Will be thinking about each of you!
  9. hallfamilyx2

    Common Problem Foods

    What I have to do (Because I have been used to sucking down several glasses of liquids during my meals since I was little) is to ask for a "to go cup" (if out) and get it withOUT a straw. That way if I pick it up by accident, there being no straw reminds me. If I am at home, I just do not put a drink around me while I eat........ Good luck.........
  10. hallfamilyx2

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hi to all. Haven't posted hardly at all since my surgery. I am glad to see that we made it through Thanksgiving! It wasn't as hard as I had thought it would be. My portions were SMALL and eating off a dessert plate helped tremendously! I had my first "hang up" the day before Thanksging on some deli meat. Didn't chew well enough. Are there others who are NOT wanting a fill just yet? I am wanting to wait until I think I need it............I am eating as I should and small amounts.......... Now, I want to get personal because I want to know........Has anyone experienced any changes to their bowel movements? I went from being constipated to experiencing a good bit of gas and b.m. at times (usually after I eat........) Doesn't last long - Anyway, I wasn't sure if this was due to adding solid foods/meats to my diet.........Anyone else?
  11. Okay - I am still experiencing this problem. For a while it would come in sharp pains - usually when sitting at length or sleeping. Doesn't seem as bad now - I only recognize it when I touch the side of my leg. My doctor doesn't seem concerned since my back is not hurting and I have no other problems. I will admit that it has been somewhat better since losing more weight................
  12. hallfamilyx2

    Baby food?

    Those that have already hit that stage can give you better information. My nutritionist and my informational book with the eating stages say that stage 1 & stage 2 baby foods are okay to eat............ Good luck - I considered all sides and did tons of research and talking to others. I went in knowing the ups and downs and am ready for my journey! :eek:
  13. I was banded on 10/21. Today was my day to wake up and think "gosh, I feel pretty good". Anyway, I have a numbness on my right thigh on the outside. Runs from the knee up to about my butt. I spoke with the nurse on Friday as it had not got away. She said that it may have to do with how I was laying on the operating table............ Feels as if this area is asleep all the time Anyone else experience this or know what is going on?? Thanks in advance.
  14. Was banded on 10/21 - back in my hospital room by 10am. Nurses had me up walking by 11am. Everyone I had spoken to had told me to walk and walk and walk. I did, and knock on wood, I have not had gas pains that others have experienced. I am sore on my port side (left) but find getting up and down to be easier and easier........ I am going back to work on Monday and hoping that I will feel even better. I didn't drink much liquids or Protein on 10/22 when I got home from the hospital. Was able to drink 32 oz of Water and most of my Protein shake during the day. Today 10/24 I have eaten broth (a little) at lunch, sipped on my 42 gram proteim EAS shake during the day and still working on 32 oz of water...........yes, i know it needs to be more water but I just am still trying to get it down right now. What has been your worst day since banding (healing process).
  15. hallfamilyx2

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Was banded 1021. Yipee. Thought the day would never come. I was able to only have ice chips on surgery day. 2nd day when I came home I had a little EAS protein drink and a liitle broth. Tried to drink water during the day but didn't really feel like it. However today I drank on a 42 gram protein drink, 32 oz of water and 1 cup of chkn broth with some protein powder in it. I am sore but haven't had any gas pains - does this come later or was it just sugery day? When is the sorest day? I am wanting to get back to work (light duty) on monday...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
