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  1. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to Highly_Undermedicated in Before and After Pics   
    Height 5'6.5"
    HW 325 (2/11/2020)
    SW 311 (3/9/2020 RNY)
    CW 148 ( I have lost 177 pounds thus far)
    GW 136 (bariatric surgeon's ideal weight goal is 136....but my goal was 150...and I'm still losing without trying).
    Sorry for all of the pics. Just wanted to share.
    Pics are from Today, 9/24/2021, yesterday, 2 weeks ago (9/10 the bathroom selfie. Lol. Took my soon to be 18 y.o. to their 1st concert and its my 18 month surgeryversary pic) and then collage is of me night b4 surgery (3/8/2020, at 12 months 3/9/2021, and 8/9/2021).
    Plastic Surgery for abdominal skin removal scheduled for October 2021, pending earlier date if there's a cancelation!

  2. Like
    pk88 reacted to ms.sss in Before and After Pics   
    ...what @Pilot my best self said!!!
    @sgz72 : i need to have whatever you are having. Seriously, you look even younger in your "proof-of-age-close-up" than the swimsuit pic.
    HIGH FIVE!!!

  3. Like
    pk88 reacted to Candace76 in Before and After Pics   
    Congratulations on your surgery! Keep us posted! 🤗
  4. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to ms.sss in Before and After Pics   
    Woot woot!!! Lookin’ great! 👍🏼
  5. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to Jaye W in Before and After Pics   
    Here are pics from my vacation exactly one year ago ( The first three in the Yellow shirt) and from my vacation last week. I had my first consult with my surgeon about 3 weeks after I got home from vacation last year. What a difference a year makes!

  6. Like
    pk88 reacted to Luna Girl in Before and After Pics   
    Amazing results! Congratulations on your weight loss!
  7. Like
    pk88 reacted to vikingbeast in Before and After Pics   
    A stall is very common between 3-5 weeks out. If you search this site there are more than 17,000 posts about the “three week stall”. Just stick to your plan and let your body sort itself out. The weight loss will continue.
  8. Like
    pk88 reacted to CurvyGirlJourney in Before and After Pics   
    Congratulations! 46 lbs looks amazing on you! I just had my surgery Tuesday and posts like yours give me hope!
  9. Like
    pk88 reacted to Pilot my best self in Before and After Pics   
    Ok was that supposed to convince us you are over 50?!? Not buying it! Or you were blessed with fountain of youth genes!
  10. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to ms.sss in Before and After Pics   
    Another year, another before and after pic:

  11. Like
    pk88 reacted to vikingbeast in Before and After Pics   
    Since I am now halfway between my heavy weight and my goal weight, I thought I'd show myself. I lost 26 lbs. on my own, then 9 lbs. on the pre-op diet, and 41 lbs. so far since surgery (five weeks ago). I only "see" the changes when I look at before-and-after pictures. I'm starting to see what I'll look like further along and I ain't mad about it.

    76 lbs. down, 76 to go.

  12. Like
    pk88 reacted to catwoman7 in Stalling   
    happens to about 90% of us. If you do a search on this site for the "three week stall" (yes, it's so common it even has a name), you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding.
    just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it will eventually break and you'll be on your way again. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks.
  13. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to MiamiMama in Thanks to this forum I hit ONDERLAND today!!! 173 Days Post OP   
    Thanks to this forum I hit ONDERLAND today!!! 173 Days Post Op
    I had been hovering around 202 and boom today 199.8!! I haven't been under 200 since high school and honestly thought it was impossible.
    I really don't have anyone to share this success with since only my boyfriend knows I had surgery but wanted to thank everyone here for your help in getting here. This forum has been a huge help to me and am so excited to be only 15lbs from goal!!

  14. Like
    pk88 reacted to Arabesque in What does 4-5 months out look like for you?   
    Glad you are doing so well & are happy with your progress. Whoo hoo!
    By 4-5 months I was eating a variety of meats, vegetables & some fruit & lots of dairy. Had a small amount of carbs in the form of rolled oats 3 or 4 times a week. Still small portions - almost 3/4 cup on a good day & depending on what I was eating. I ate three meals a day & usually two Snacks (yoghurt & cheese or fruit). No real difficulties eating most foods that I can recall by that time except for things I always had issues with like chilli & spicy foods. Though there are still odd occasions when my tummy says nope this is not for you but I’ve worked out what most of those things are now or why my tummy said no. I hit goal at 6 months so my weight loss was noticeably slowing especially by month 5. I did keep losing for another 11 months or so but it just took me time to be able to physically eat enough to stop losing & to work out how & what that meant & looked like for me.
    While losing my cholesterol levels increased & my liver function was off. Not because of what I was eating but because of what was being released into my blood stream from my melting fat. Once I reached my goal they settled & my cholesterol dropped back to the level it has been for years (regardless of my weight).
    Always had a tendency to low blood pressure & the occasional hypoglycaemic episodes & as I got closer to my goal, they increased in frequency (esp the low blood pressure: all day, ever day). So that did, & still does, affect my energy levels & my ability to be very active - start strong but fade fast. Lol!
    Now I eat almost a recommended serving size again depending on what I’m eating. Eat 3 meals & 3 or 4 snacks a day - about 1200/1300 calories. Cut out a lot of sugar, (real, substitutes & artificial). Only eat whole or multi grains - rolled oats & some crackers (2 serves a day). Can’t eat breads, rice & Pasta - sit heavily in my tummy & restrict what else I can eat. My surgery hasn’t limited me socially in any way.
    That’s my story anyway.
  15. Like
    pk88 reacted to brockit in Pain & Discomfort Remains After 7 Weeks Post Op   
    Hi Emma,
    Your post reminds me of exactly what I went through too. I am now 4 months post opp. I wanted to tell you something that helped me understand and relax about what was happening. My Doctor explained it to me this way. If you and I were both to cut our thumb on the same day, at the same time in the same way we would heal at different rates. You may heal faster or slower than me. This is the same concept. My stomach took a very long time to heal. EVERYTHING you describe I also went through and even ended up in the ER. Please be kind to your new little tummy. Lots of Water, stick with things like Jello, broth, Protein Drinks, etc. I know its counterintuitive and it can feel like your going to starve to death because you cant eat right now. I assure you that you are not and that you will be okay. Do what you can and keep your mind occupied elsewhere (trust me I understand your thinking about this alot I get it too). Pace yourself, be patient and kind to your body. Take warm showers, read, rest, sip and relax. Try tea, or try frozen Protein drinks. Small amounts. Your simply not healing as quickly as you thought you might or as quickly as others. I am 4 months post opp and I still cant handle ALOT of foods, so for right now Im concentrating on the foods I can handle and the things I can control while my body heals. I completely understand what is happening to you and just want you to know its going to be okay.
  16. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to Kimberly_TN in September Surgeries!   
    I’m 5 days post op. I’ve had a very difficult day 3 with severe Constipation and cramps. That finally subsided and I’m starting to feel better. I’m still suffering from gas from the surgery but even that’s better now. I was doubting my decision a few days ago and I even asked my doctor “what the hell have I done” but I’m back feeling good about it.

    I didn’t do a ton of research and support groups prior to making my decision because I didn’t want to read negative comments. My Mom died two years ago and I saw myself going down the same road so I knew I had to make a change regardless of which direction I went.
  17. Like
    pk88 reacted to elleemann in September Surgeries!   
    How did the surgery go @Jinxavier?
    I felt the same way right before. I think it was just cold feet. I'm 1 week post op and SO GLAD I did it!!
  18. Like
    pk88 reacted to Kimberly_TN in September Surgeries!   
    I had the same exact thing happen. I’m a cash pay as well and I was postponed from Aug to Sept. I had all the same thoughts too. My surgery was last week and I’m so happy I did it and it’s over. The waiting and the liquid diet is really the hardest part. Breathe and go to your happy place.
  19. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to HerdingCats in September Surgeries!   
    I had mine on the 28th and just got home last night. It's been difficult drinking enough and I've got a huge bruise on my side (and no gallbladder any more!) But I'm trying to stay positive.
  20. Like
    pk88 reacted to Sophie921 in What I've Learned Four Years In   
    I am 3 years postop and did amazingly well, 100+ lbs. However, the magic is long gone and it is a daily struggle. I have gained 30 lbs back sitting on my backside due to Covid, health and family issues. However, every day I get up and try to do something different. I appreciate all of the responses and stories that I have read from each of you and feel that I can continue to fight the good fight. I never want to be back where I was prior to the surgery with all of the things each and every one of us goes through on our postop journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I wish every one of you the best on your journey.
  21. Like
    pk88 reacted to ms.sss in What I've Learned Four Years In   
    Amen sister. I honestly think this is the not-so-secret to weight loss and maintenance: keep doing what works until it doesn’t anymore.
  22. Thanks
    pk88 reacted to Danpaul in What I've Learned Four Years In   
    Stall and Loridee, out of necessity I had to form my own support group. Are there others that you know who have had the surgery that you can talk with? I found that just by talking and bouncing ideas around we all benefited. I told my surgeon that he should try to set up a way for his patients to exchange emails so we could network. Prior to covid he had two group meetings a month. He tried zoom meetings but they were not effective. So far he hasn't done it. I subscribe to Dr. Becky Gillespie on you tube. She doesn't give bariatric specific weight loss advice. Hers is geared more for us mere mortals and it's usually backed up with the science behind it. I find that fasting for 12 hrs a day helps me control my weight. I don't eat between 7PM - 7 AM. I'm also considering a longer fast but don't want to try until I'm absolutely sure that I can commit. One thing I've found out from not only my experience but with others, if you do not commit to a plan it will never work.
  23. Like
    pk88 reacted to catwoman7 in What I've Learned Four Years In   
    the closer you are to a normal BMI, the tougher it is to take off weight. That's because you're already pretty much at an equilibrium (calories in - calories burned) when you're normal weight - or pretty close to it. The last 20 or so lbs are always a bear to take off for most people. My last 20 lbs took FOREVER to get off - and now, slight regains are as well.
    and it's not just us. I remember so many times sitting at Weight Watchers meetings when I was pre-op and super morbidly obese, rolling my eyes at these normal weight - or slightly overweight - women b**tching and moaning about how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Yea right - try losing 100, people. Now I totally get it....
  24. Like
    pk88 reacted to Arabesque in What I've Learned Four Years In   
    Thank you so much for sharing, @Danpaul. Your experiences are what all of us will likely experience in some way at some stage. Yes, we are only human.
    Interestingly, Dr Matt Weiner did a video recently about making single easy changes to your diet just like you & your support group are implementing. In essence, he suggested about every month make a change - drop something from your diet or add something. A small change is always more achievable than a major overhaul. It resonated with me & I was so happy to read of your actual successful experience of making small changes to your diet & routines.
    Congrats on being almost back at your goal (happy) weight.
  25. Thanks
    pk88 reacted to Danpaul in What I've Learned Four Years In   
    I'm four years into my surgery this month and here are the things that I've learned.
    At the beginning most will feel mixed emotions. Euphoric due to rapid weight loss, concern due to stalls and minor setbacks and trepidation due to looking at how others are doing and you feeling you're not doing enough. The one feeling we all have will be a renewed confidence in ourselves due to the fastest weight reduction you might have ever experienced.
    We attain our goal weight. We then transition into making wise food and lifestyle choices. No longer are we to eat the things that made us obese and unhealthy such as the three C's, Cookies, Cake and candy. We will get more exercise. Maybe we park further from the building, maybe we join a gym, maybe we walk, run or work out. We are feeling great and we love our new selves.
    Next we work on maintaining the weight loss and our healthy lifestyle. One thing happens, we decide since we lost so much weight it couldn't hurt to visit our friends the three C's. If only for a short while and only in small amounts. Hey, why park so far? It's really cold/hot, I'll park closer. You're still feeling confident even if you gained only 10lbs of the 100 you lost. Hey, you're still down 90lbs. No problem, I can lose the 10lbs. I've lost far more than that after surgery.
    Then we realize, we are no longer weight loss super beings. We are just mere mortals who now have to work hard to lose the weight. Our bodies after time (usually after the one year mark) will not give us that rapid weight loss we once depended on. Here is when your determination and or lack of it will affect you for the rest of your life. We will all get back on a diet or healthier eating plan to lose the weight we gained. The majority will not succeed because it is not as easy it was when we first had surgery. Some will become complacent and throw up their hands and surrender. The weight will come back and the thoughts of a revision will come to our heads. Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not allow for a do over. For a few they will overcome and work on shedding those pounds. They will succeed due to a variety of reasons such as a good support group, using the honeymoon period wisely and really making better lifestyle choices or simply losing one pound at a time instead of trying to lose all of it at one time.
    Since my surgery four years ago I had five friends and family members undergo the surgery. We ALL gained back some of the weight. Some were able to lose it and regain their healthy lifestyle. Some never were able to lose the weight and went back into the habit of eating for gratification.
    This is what I did. I originally got down on myself. How did I after three years let myself gain 10 lbs. I vowed to get it off. My 1st week I lost 1/2 a pound. I was devastated, how could this be? The next week I gained a pound. Why? I needed help!! My regular group meetings were cancelled due to covid so I lost valuable support there. I decided to call my family and friends who had the surgery. I spent hours talking to everyone, I told them about my struggles and they told me about theirs. We all came away with a few good ideas of what to do. First don't look to lose the WHOLE amount in one shot. It won't happen and it will derail you from succeeding. Set a goal of 1-2lbs per week. Don't worry that some friends or family might be losing more. We aren't in competition with them. Look at the little things. One friend said she stopped putting Crystal light or Mio in her Water. She only drank plain ice water. It seemed to help her jump start her weight loss. Another friend said he started taking the stairs instead of the elevator. He climbs seven flights at least once a day. Another told me her husband who did not have the surgery brought Snacks home and that she would eat them. She purged her home of the unhealthy snacks as she did right after her surgery. I started to implement these and other ideas and I have lost 5lbs in five weeks. I'm at the half way point to getting back to my goal weight.
    We are not super humans we need help and we need encouragement in order to succeed. There are a few on here who have done a tremendous job on their own and they are to be commended and emulated. For me, I need and I will take all the help I can get. Everyday is a struggle to be healthy. I told my surgeon that all this is happening after only four years, how do people succeed at maintaining the weight loss? He said sadly, the majority won't.

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