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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    pk88 reacted to pmorgan315 in May Surgeries - check in!   
    It is absolutely not too late. You just have to break up with your bad food choices. I recommend you make an appointment with a nutritionist and discuss where your weaknesses are and get her to help design an eating plan for you! You may also want to find a licensed therapist and work through some of those issues that are life long. We all have them and mental health has a huge part to play in this.

    in the meantime, be kind to yourself and forgive yourself. This is not always easy and finding the balance between old and new is not easy to navigate alone. Find your support system and surround yourself with those who will help you! Wishing you luck! I feel you absolutely can turn this around!
  2. Like
    pk88 reacted to AFrijoles in May Surgeries - check in!   
    You can totally get back on track! You haven’t thrown away the whole surgery. The important part is you know what you need to change to get back on track. You can do it.
  3. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from james2021 in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I think that's remarkable weight loss! A month-long stall is probably super discouraging. Are you exercising more, less or not at all? Too much salt in your diet? Thyroid meds (should you take them) off? Hang tough, sistah. Nearly 90 lbs less than March is incredible!!
  4. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in May Surgeries - check in!   
    So i feel like I have good news, and not so great. I'm a hair under 90 lbs since starting this process, meaning the pre-op diet, and I'm down 73 lbs since surgery on 5/12/21, all of which still stuns me. I am grateful beyond measure and trying to adjust to my jiggly, flappy body. When ordering clothes online, I wind up ordering 3 of the same item, all in different sizes.
    I'm proud of the journey, and not so proud of some of the food choices I've been making, ie. skipping meals, lack of exercise and am sitting with the realization that the eating habits that got me to 277 lbs are still right.... there! Er, here!
    So, here come the holidays, a trip to Hawaii after Christmas and life. I need a pep talk about how my body, my LIFE is important enough to eat healthy, whole, live foods and some serious encouragement throughout the winter (hibernation season in my neck of the woods). I also have an adult daughter who is overweight and has been gaining. We also work together..... it has been challenging.
    LOVE hearing all your stories.

  5. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to SummerTimeGirl in May Surgeries - check in!   
    Thanks!!! It is discouraging. I have just been walking every day (well, at least 5 days a week). So that has not changed. Been doing that for months. Don't think it's too much salt. My diet has pretty much stayed the same. The only thing new that I eat on the regular now, and it's not much (volume wise), is stuff like quinoa, brown rice, etc. As per the instruction of my nutritionist. But I have been doing that for months now too. No thyroid meds. Never have.
  6. Like
    pk88 reacted to AFrijoles in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I had this issue in September. My dietitian had my up my Protein and back off on exercise and just walk. I was super worried id get even deeper in my rut but nope, she was right. I’m not sure where you are at with your activity and protein intake, but this was a good reset for me. All I was doing prior was riding my stationary bike and walking on my lunch breaks and regular house work and chasing kids. I upped to 75-80grams of protein. Don’t know if this will help but thought I’d share what helped me.
  7. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to SummerTimeGirl in May Surgeries - check in!   
    You all are doing great!!! Congrats!! I'm still at my same 69 lb lost since surgery/87 lb since March. Haven't lost a thing since Oct 25th and no idea why. Total inches lost last month (Oct thru Nov) was only 1.75 too when previous months had been close to 10 inches or more. I usually measure on the 7th of each month but checked a few measurements last night and it looks like there won't be much loss this past month either. Don't know what's going on. Never had a stall last more than a few weeks. I tried shaking things up by eating things off plan/lil more calories/lil less too. NONE of it worked.
  8. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to AFrijoles in May Surgeries - check in!   
    That is awesome 😀 I’m down 90lbs and am also trying to get to a personal goal. I want to be out of the obese category and just be overweight. I’ve got about 25lbs to go. Who’d have thought things would be so different in 6 months? I hope everyone is doing well and celebrating all the milestones, big and small. They all matter.
  9. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to MsKayla in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I have only lost 40lbs. I try not to get discouraged, I go to the gym and to the park to work out. Then there’s others that say they never stepped a foot in the gym. I still have 42 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight. Hope everyone else is doing good.
  10. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to MistySkye in May Surgeries - check in!   
    Everyone would be 6 months out now I hit 6 months today, so close to the goal I originally told my surgeon I wanted to reach. Like 0.4 close. I'm going to keep going, next goal is to reach a "normal" BMI
  11. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to JDLane in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I'm about 58lbs down since surgery and 80lbs overall since I started looking into WLS. I just crossed into Onederland yesterday and hopefully will stay there. I've recently been stalled for about 3 weeks which was incredibly frustrating but dropped yesterday and today so hopefully regular progress will be resuming again. I really need to get the gym more often and increase my exercise. The goal for success my dietician set was 180-200lbs so I'm technically within that but I would personally like to get down to 175 maybe even 150 if I can. I'm hoping to start trying to conceive this coming summer after I hit my 1 year mark and get cleared by the surgeon and I'd like to be as low as possible when that happens to avoid gaining too much back. Stalls are so hard on your head but I'm really hoping things move along again now.
  12. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to Silvia14 in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I had my surgery on the 19th of May and have lost 69 pounds since then. With the exception of around 3 weeks when i did not lose weight at all, i am currently at a steady pace of around 2-3 pounds per week.
    No major issues but i do feel acid in my throat in the mornings or evenings if i go to bed more than 4 hours after dinner. Anyone else get that?
    Also, any pescaterians in here? I've been eating more fish than i would have ever wanted to and strugling to find vegeterian Protein sources that can pack a decent protein punch in the portion size that we have. I eat a lot of tofu and seitan. Any ideas what else i could add as a regular in my diet?

    Sent from my Mi 9T Pro using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to pmorgan315 in May Surgeries - check in!   
    Surgery was May 26th. Down 69 pounds and have lost 52 inches on my body. Down from a tight size 20 to a 14. I am walking/running and doing reformer Pilates for strength. I sometimes still wake up and am convinced I gained it all back overnight. I think it will be a while before my mind realizes this is permanent!!! Still not hungry and no cravings so sometimes it makes it hard for me to figure out what to eat. Thankful that I have had no negative side effects and that I am getting g healthier everyday!
  14. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to Charlie C in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I had my surgery on 5/18. It's been an amazing journey. I'm down 105 pounds. A size XXL shirt to a medium/large. A size 40 waist to a 33/34. I'm off blood pressure meds and my C-pap machine is history. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be in this position just 5.5 months post surgery.
  15. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to SummerTimeGirl in May Surgeries - check in!   
    So I'm down 69 lbs since surgery (may 19th), 87 lbs total since March 1st. Feel like things are slowing down for some reason. Could be lack of Protein and/or Water periodically. I try to be good every day and do what I need to but it doesn't always go as planned but at least I know the WHY when this happens. Just have to get better at doing the right thing. I am, however, still ahead of where my surgeon said I should be for this far in. He said at 9 months out I should weight between 217 & 245. So far my lowest has been 241. So yeah, ahead some so I think I'm doing ok.
    I still walk every day but have been slacking in the lifting weights department. I really need to get my butt in gear again with that. Otherwise, all is well. Still no aversions to any foods I have tried. And no issues otherwise. I have my 6 month check up next month and another full blood work up so that will be interesting.
    Oh, one last thing. I was put on metformin like 10 years ago to help with my insulin resistance and PCOS. My endocrinologist said that it would help greatly with keeping me regular when it came to my period. Something that was never regularly before that. And it did. Well, during my last doc appointment he halved my metformin and now it's been 44 days since I last had a period. It's really disappointing because I loved knowing when it was coming and it always did between day 28 and 33 and it would be gone in like 4 days. So, not sure if that too is having an affect on my slowed down weight loss either (hormones being out of whack?). Who knows. But that's really the only odd or off thing that has happened to me since surgery. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
  16. Like
    pk88 reacted to GingersnapMI in What is your why?   
    Interesting... I'm single and thoughts like yours have crept into my mind, too. I'd think something like, "He must be one of those 'chubby chasers' so he must be a weirdo." Of course, it really should be no more "weird" for men to enjoy chubby bodies than to enjoy slim bodies... the whole slim is best thing is social conditioning. But despite knowing that, I still couldn't get my head to accept that a "normal" man would enjoy my admittedly more-than-just-chubby body.
  17. Like
    pk88 reacted to Smanky in What is your why?   
    I did it to get my life back. I didn't want to waste any more years of what's left of my life as a self-loathing shut-in, which is what I'd allowed myself to become.
    And it's already working. My self esteem is slowly returning, my energy is back, my happiness is growing. I can see the sunrise on the horizon for the first time in 17 years.
  18. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to Tara81 in What is your why?   
    So I can be around longer for my children and be around for my future grandchildren. I also wanted to be healthy and not short of breath all the time. I was 349lbs in March 2021 and started my gastric sleeve journey May 14 (342lbs) and I’m 271 and about to have surgery Nov 15. I’m so excited!!
  19. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from baygoss in Stalling   
    What they said
    Stick to the post surgery plan. Make SURE you are getting plenty of Water and Protein. Water and protein are essential to losing fat rather than lean muscle. During the first two months post surgery, I found it best to weigh just once a week. I still had bloating and the healing process encourages Fluid retention. That will cause stalls too. You're doing fine. All the best!
  20. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from baygoss in Stalling   
    What they said
    Stick to the post surgery plan. Make SURE you are getting plenty of Water and Protein. Water and protein are essential to losing fat rather than lean muscle. During the first two months post surgery, I found it best to weigh just once a week. I still had bloating and the healing process encourages Fluid retention. That will cause stalls too. You're doing fine. All the best!
  21. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from MistySkye in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I think these are the best wins; when we can go do "real life" and still remain aware and make good choices. Great weight loss and congratulations!
  22. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in May Surgeries - check in!   
    As we approach November and 6 months post-surgery, how is everyone doing? Thinking about you all and hope you're well.

  23. Like
    pk88 got a reaction from MistySkye in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I think these are the best wins; when we can go do "real life" and still remain aware and make good choices. Great weight loss and congratulations!
  24. Like
    pk88 reacted to MistySkye in May Surgeries - check in!   
    @CJEE I found it pretty easy to find options. Especially at the sit down restaurants. I always looked ahead of time to see if they had something I could eat. Sometimes it might be a Turkey sandwich …but I just ate the inside (well what I could, portions are huge). A lot of places have chicken breast as an option with the kids meals. If my friend wanted the same entree as me, we would share. My favourite picture to post is this one from Saana - kids meal is huge! I just ate about 3-4 chicken pieces with the toppings and and a few green Beans.
    We we’re staying off-site so Breakfast & dinner we’re at the timeshare. I also brought Snacks - like cheese sticks, Turkey, Protein Bars to the park.

  25. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to MistySkye in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I’ll be 5 months post Surgery tomorrow. .8 shy of 60lbs lost…which when I first talked to my surgeon I said I’d be happy just losing 60lbs. I am comfortable in my body again, but the weight loss will continue. New goal - get to a “healthy” BMI.
    I made it thru a 2 week vacation at Walt Disney World …where I didn’t lose, came home up a measly 0.6lbs. Lost 8.2 in the 3 weeks since I got home. So that’s a positive. The trip did not derail my progress.

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