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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to t0bell@ in June Surgeries   
    Thank you so much! I really value you sharing that information 🥰
  2. Like
    pk88 reacted to Sueguen in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    Not for a second. I would not be here if I did not do this 20 years ago! Went from 297-165 and and still there. I would tell you that I have had to deal with all of the other issues that creep up. I am an AE-holic. A is Anything and Everything, usually the thinks that thrill me the most which are potentially bad for me. Work with a therapist to learn positive behavioral changes.
  3. Like
    pk88 reacted to chunkarella in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I definitely don't regret surgery, at all. I wish I had done it sooner.
    And like others have said, it does depend on your diet. I have had McD's, and Peanut Butter cups.. no red meat bc I didn't eat much before surgery, and am iffy about trying anything beyond maybe a burger.
    Do I miss my diet dr pepper or mcdonald's sprite? sure. I'm human and enjoyed them (for real, tho.. mc'd sprite is out of this world, ya'll). However, I find myself a lot happier and still tweaking my relationship with food, so it's getting better. You can still have what you liked before, but instead of 4 peanut butter cups, you can have 1, and still enjoy it.
    I just hit 100lbs down and i'll take that over any of those old foods anytime. It's a personal decision and not one to make lightly. Just do what's best for you. Life can be so much more than food.. which has been so amazing to discover.
  4. Like
    pk88 reacted to Cherylanne22 in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I am almost 8 weeks post surg, I am doing great, lost weight, I was on 3 diabetes meds and now only 1, Gerd is doing good, I was on 11 meds and now only 4 including bariatric Vitamins. I am so blessed that I have not had a bad experience with my sleeve surgery as others, beyond the first week. My only problem is still BM issues, but I am dealing with it. I am so happy I did this. Hang in there I know it will get better for you all soon. God Bless
  5. Like
    pk88 reacted to Supersam in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    So I am 1 month post op and am down 28 lbs. my starting weight was 245 lbs, My surgery day weight was 235 lbs and I’m now 217 lbs. I have no regrets. I had the gastric bypass on 5/6. My heartburn that I’ve experienced for years is GONE. It’s like magic. My sleep apnea is already better and I’m fitting into clothes that have been excruciatingly tight. I have more energy and can climb stairs at work without wanting to die. I have zero regrets. However, this decision was a risk benefit analysis. In my mind the risks of serious health complications secondary to my obesity were way higher than me getting the surgery. That’s not to say that this has been easy. I have a complicated relationship with food. I eat too much, I vomit. I eat something like candy (even the smart low sugar candy) I get dumping. Mashed potatoes, one of my favorite foods makes me dump. But I’m now craving healthy food like salad, fruits and veggies instead of Taco Bell and soda. If you feel like you’re ready and truly understand the risks than go for it. So far the best thing I’ve ever done.
  6. Thanks
    pk88 reacted to BriarRose in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I sincerely believe that we, as consumers of weight loss surgery, because we are or were grossly obese; need to be our own best supporters, and we need to advocate for ourselves, because no one else is going to do it for us. That means for me:
    1. Find out everything about each possible surgical procedure and find the one that you can LIVE with - not the one that a particular surgeon likes to perform, or the one that your neighbor had, or the one that has a girl on Tic Toc. Or the one that a TV surgeon does.
    2. Weigh the risks and benefits of each surgery and add in your PERSONAL medical and mental health history, support systems, possible issues 10 months out and 10 years out.
    3. Work on the mental health part of it BEFORE surgery. Surgery only fixes tummies and intestines; not mindsets, and we should NOT expect it to have any effect on depression, anxiety, or anything else. And those of us who obsessed about being overweight will continue to obsess about it, or how imperfect we still may be.
    4. Most people, who have a particular surgery expect to be "cured". Unfortunately this is not always the case. Just like treatment for any physical illness, not every medication works for every person , and not every surgical procedure for weight loss surgery will fix every patient who has it. That does not mean giving up. It means being stubborn and going back to your doctor or finding a different one and figuring out the next step.
    Be PRO-ACTIVE in your own care. Pre -Op, Post Op, and 10 years or 20 years down the line. Just MY thoughts today
  7. Like
    pk88 reacted to Lisa LoVuolo in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I also had kidney stones and gallstones. I was diabetic, high blood pressure and now I have pain from my head to toes but I am walking my dog Bentley 5 miles a day to keep my heart healthy

    Sent from my U693CL using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    pk88 reacted to ABA in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I am two years post op (Gastric Bypass > Route En Y) and I do not regret my decision. I have lost almost 100 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 4/6. It definitely has been a journey overall, but having the surgery for me put me back in control over my life. It forced me to identify the root/cause of why I was overweight and as I result I sought help mentally/and physically which has changed me forever.
    Granted, I still have moments where I do ask myself the same question just because I haven’t reached my target/goal weight and I have struggled with remaining consistent with exercise, getting enough fluids in (water) and having excess sagging skin. The ideal image after weight loss surgery that you may see on social media is not applicable for everyone’s situation because each person is different. I have found that theses images that are portrayed are sometimes helpful, but also can be hurtful because the content shared may not be 100% truthful.

    I am not sure if this is something that you have found to be challenging but for me it has been, because sometimes people on social media portray that sagging skin was completely tightened by exercise when it reality they had skin surgery to remove excess skin; for example. I have also found that after making such a great change, the people who said they supported me, have now began to ostracize me because they are envious, spiteful and refuse to acknowledge that change is necessary to be able to live a fulfilling life.
    Had I had known, that having weight loss surgery would reveal true intent of others as well, I would have had the weight loss surgery sooner! Regardless, I had the surgery for me, so that I can live freely! Being 2 years post op, I know only take Vitamins and 1 maintenance drug to assist with some mental issues that I am still struggling with but besides that all of the health issues/conditions that I faced before have subsided. I also have identified specific food intolerances which I try to stay away from and I’m constantly reminding myself to slow down when eating to prevent indigestion and reflux.
    I do not eat or use dairy products because I have an dairy allergy/intolerance which existed before the surgery. I also do not have a galbladder, so I there are some foods my body doesn’t digest well. I primarily foods that are dairy free, gluten free, Non-GMO and have either low sugar content/low sodium content. I had a stomach ulcer last year; as a result of having the surgery and as a result I was hospitalized for a week. From my understanding it is common for weight loss surgery patients to have this issue post op.
    I also had kidney stones last year as well, which was a extremely painful ordeal, but I made it through. Even with all of the challenges that I have faced, I am still grateful that I had the surgery! Sharing my story with others has been liberating, freeing, and inspiring experience and has influenced multiple people to make decisions towards their own weight loss and one person even had weight loss surgery, as well.
    Overall, I hope that you don’t regret your weight loss surgery decision, because it’s your life and you live it the way you want to live it! I hope that reflecting on how far you have came will increase your inspiration and motivation, because having weight loss surgery is only half the battle. I start over almost everyday, but I refuse to go back to where I came from.

    I wish you nothing but the best in life and congratulations on your successful journey!
  9. Like
    pk88 reacted to GummyBearQueen in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I hope you have a supportive surgical team. I’m in the pureed phase (post-VSG) and only slightly hungry. But…this procedure requires significant mind and body changes. We have to follow our plans (I’m on four ounces at this point) and seek guidance from our medical teams if we’re struggling. This tool is amazing if we use it as just that: a tool to assist us with making a lifestyle change. I encourage you to reach out to your nutritionist and bariatric therapist to sort through these challenges. You can do this, one day at a time!
  10. Like
    pk88 reacted to lizonaplane in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    You should definitely check in with your surgery center to make sure they know your concerns and see if you're on track. You may not lose a ton of weight right away, you didn't put on the weight overnight and it won't come off overnight. You need to be honest with your surgery center about what you're eating to make sure it's on your plan. Also, it sounds like you would benefit from some therapy, as you said, this surgery doesn't fix everything. And many people are still hungry after surgery - sometimes it's head hunger, sometimes it's "true" hunger, sometimes it's thirst, sometimes it's GERD. It's important to talk to your surgery team.
  11. Like
    pk88 reacted to GummyBearQueen in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I’m sorry you’re struggling with these very fast changes. I hope you’re feeling supported in therapy or a strong support system.
  12. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to SAS11 in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    To answer the original question: yes. I’m 7 months out, and although I’ve hand a good outcome from an objective standpoint, I regret this decision deeply. These are my reasons:

    1) There’s not a day when I don’t think about how terrible my body looks. I’m currently very close to where I thought I wanted to be long term, but I can’t stand seeing myself. I’d rather look at my old self in the mirror.

    2) My menstrual cycle is totally screwed up and has been ever since surgery. I was having constant periods for a while, and now I haven’t had one in 8 weeks. Totally unpredictable, and all my surgeon has to say is, “That shouldn’t Ben happening.”

    3) I’m tired of being praised for how great I’m doing, how great I look, and what I eat. I don’t eat anything different than I’ve ever eaten: the amounts are just smaller. Not all fat people are fat because of pizza and fast food. Some people gain lots of weight during a period of chronic illness, and that reality is totally lost on my medical team. I’ve stopped following up with my surgeon because I’ve tried discussing how anxious our appointments make me due to all this praise she’s giving me for nothing, but she never stopped doing that even after I requested. The thought of seeing her gets me really upset, so I’ve just stopped going. I’m a healthcare provider myself, so I’m aware of that being a risky decision.

    4) I’m tired of the random comments about my body from people I know as acquaintances. Losing this much weight isn’t heroic, and I don’t like it when other people refer to me in that way and with similar adjectives.

    5) I hate that people treat me differently now. It’s like my worst fear has been realized: there are a lot of people who like me now only because of my smaller body size. Suddenly, I get to sit in on conversations where thin women make fun of fat women: conversations where I would’ve been the one being gossiped about a few months ago.

    Granted, there have been good things about it. I like being able to do more things with my body. I like having more clothing options. But that’s it. If I could, I’d take this entire decision back and be as I was before.
  13. Thanks
    pk88 reacted to catwoman7 in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I get full on much smaller portions now. For example, I used to be able to eat half a large pizza. No way could I eat that now - I'd be in pain. I can eat 1-2 pieces and I'm done. Or today for lunch - my husband and I split a packet of Costco's Madras Lentils (so I had about a 1/2 cup of them), and we also split a piece of naan (so that was another 100 calories - so about 245 calories total for lunch). I am stuffed. I'll probably get hungry again in about three hours, so I'll probably have some Greek yogurt.

    the thing you have to watch out for is grazing. The surgery will limit how much you can eat in one sitting. But it won't stop you from grazing all day. Using the pizza example, I physically cannot eat more than 1-2 pieces at one sitting. But I could probably eat 1-2 pieces at 5:00 pm, 1-2 more pieces at 7:00 pm, and 1-2 more pieces at 9:00 pm. ta da - there's your half a pizza. So that's what you have to watch out for. So I always have things like sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, raw veggies with some kind of dip made from Greek yogurt, or those Light & Fit or Carbmaster yogurts around for times when I'm really dying for an unplanned snack (or sugar free fudgesicles if I'm craving chocolate. They're 40 calories each). This all was pretty easy the first year, but it gets harder. This is life now. But I never want to be morbidly obese again. And as I mentioned, this seems to be the way of lot of normal weight women eat, from what I can tell.
  14. Like
    pk88 reacted to catwoman7 in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    those things should all be treatable. I have RH - I'm just supposed to eat Protein about every three hours - and if I eat a carb, I'm supposed to eat a protein with it. Dumping can usually be prevented by avoiding or severely limiting sugar. And Vitamins - are injections or increased dosages not working? Have you been working with your medical team on these?
  15. Congrats!
    pk88 got a reaction from BDL58 in June Surgeries   
    I think it is helpful to spend quiet time with yourself, get lots of rest and I listened to some guided imagery/meditation that Kaiser hospital has posted on their website. I've done this prior to surgery before and I honestly think it helps me recover more quickly. Here it is if you're interested https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/podcasts/conditions-diseases/surgery.
    As to the nail polish, your blood oxygen levels are monitored via your fingertips and nail polish can interfere with their readings. But, you know what? When you get out of the hospital and have recovered a bit, you can take yourself for a mani/pedi and treat yourself to some lovely self care to go with your new journey. Best of luck to you and let us know how you are doing!
  16. Congrats!
    pk88 got a reaction from BDL58 in June Surgeries   
    I think it is helpful to spend quiet time with yourself, get lots of rest and I listened to some guided imagery/meditation that Kaiser hospital has posted on their website. I've done this prior to surgery before and I honestly think it helps me recover more quickly. Here it is if you're interested https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/podcasts/conditions-diseases/surgery.
    As to the nail polish, your blood oxygen levels are monitored via your fingertips and nail polish can interfere with their readings. But, you know what? When you get out of the hospital and have recovered a bit, you can take yourself for a mani/pedi and treat yourself to some lovely self care to go with your new journey. Best of luck to you and let us know how you are doing!
  17. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to JustSJ in June Surgeries   
    I had my surgery June 3rd. Apparently, I lost more blood than average and my BP went way low during the procedure. He also found a blood clot on my spleen. I have no idea what that will mean.
    I was on bedrest (not allowed to get up at all) for the first day. Finally got to get up to walk and try to pee without a catheter yesterday.
    My gas pain is pretty bad - probably because I had to wait so long to walk. Today is post-surgery day 2, I guess. The pain is worst when I'm getting up from being seated or lying down. Have only had Water so far, but that's all I've been wanting. Been finally passing gas, so that's good.
  18. Like
    pk88 reacted to Aprice76 in June Surgeries   
    I had surgery on June second as well. The day of the surgery and the next day we're bad for me, nausea and gas pains. I noticed that walking helps me feel better little by little. Hang in there! You will start feeling better in no time.

    Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Like
    pk88 reacted to Iluvbats in June Surgeries   
    I'm so used to stuffing my face when I'm stressed, but I'm determined to make this work. Not receiving alot of support from my husband right now. He had a heart attack in September 20 so I'm not pushing it. That's partly why I'm getting this done NOW!

    Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to ClarkKent in June Surgeries   
    My surgery is the 16th too and my diet is pretty much the same as yours. Started a day early and so far so good just missing my carbs!!
  21. Hugs
    pk88 reacted to Tonya1986 in June Surgeries   
    Had my surgery on June 2nd and yesterday was really bad today is a bit better... wishing all June Dates the best of luck
  22. Like
    pk88 reacted to Nsch1018 in June Surgeries   
    I’m leaving to fly home in about three hours. Dreading the flight but anxious to shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own bed.

    I had sleeve and hernia repair on Tuesday afternoon, and feeling really great. Others have mentioned nausea and so I’d like to share my tips since I get nauseas so easily.
    pre Surgery I was given zofran and Pepcid in IV. They also gave me a patch to wear behind my ear and sea bands for my wrists. After surgery I alternated between zofran and phenegrin by IV and then orally. I was discharged just a few hours after surgery so worried I wouldn’t be able to swallow pills ,but strangely that hasn’t been a problem for me.

    I was also given “queues ease clip on” to wear and that helped a lot. They can be purchased on Amazon and you just clip to shirt and the aromatherapy is mild but effective. I also find that rubbing Vicks baby rub under my nose helps as well and plan on using that on the plane. It’s invisible so you won’t feel like Claire’s from Silence of the Lambs.

    Since I get nauseas when laying down, I walked as much as I could and my companion did back percussions which helped a lot and felt good.

    I know this journey is not easy, and that I’m far from perfect, but I am going to try as hard as this 62 year old body will allow to take advantage of this tool I’ve been given.

    Good luck to everyone. I know we can all do this!
  23. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to Shyree Wimberly in June Surgeries   
    I'm scheduled for June 25th I'm nervous but excited.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Congrats!
    pk88 reacted to mwentzrn in June Surgeries   
    I am scheduled for gastric sleeve surgery on June 10th. Just started my liquid diet today for pre-surgery
  25. Like
    pk88 reacted to BypassedSophie in May Surgeries - check in!   
    I am glad to hear that you are doing well. I am on week 5 post op and still introducing foods back into my diet—I don’t have carte blanche the way you do, though! I think it is interesting how doctors’ offices are so different. This week I am on shaved deli meat, cheese, and turkey chili, and melba toast/saltines. LOL! I agree with you on taking it slow and trying one food at a time. eggs did not bother me at first, but now they do. I had to take anti-nausea meds for the first time since week one because of a scrambled egg! I have also found that certain foods make me gag—yogurt, cottage cheese, and fish! I am so disappointed in losing 4 quality means of Protein because they just are not palatable! I also find that I can’t eat much. I certainly can’t drink a whole Protein Shake in one sitting—I have to drink 1/2 in the am and the other 1/2 in the pm. I find I struggle with getting enough protein. It is my #1 goal right now—get 80 grams of protein a day! I am barely getting 50. I have lost 31 lbs since the beginning and 20 lbs since surgery. I go for my 6 week check-up next week. I am so excited for next week because fruits and vegetables return. I cannot wait! I don’t reach any food I want until Week 12! I am still tired—I try to walk every day, but I haven’t made it to the gym yet. That is my 2nd goal—go to gym 3x a week. All in all—I am doing well. Still learning how to navigate Tiny Tummy, but so much happier when I look in the mirror! One more pound, and I will be in the 180s! 31lbs down and 50 to go, but my first small weight goal is 185!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
