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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. I think you'll find that for almost any issue there are a variety of recommendations across surgery centers and even surgeons. It drives me nuts, because I work in clinical research and we have to ensure that everyone at every site follows exactly the same protocol to make sure things are consistent, here the surgeons just do whatever each one thinks is best and there doesn't seem to be a consensus. My mom works as a consultant in the field and she says this is how it is in surgery; things just aren't standardized. I would talk to your surgeon or nutritionist about your concerns about using straws, ask why they feel it's important not to use a straw. I think some surgeons feel that you swallow more air that way, which can be uncomfortable. There are water bottles that have openings that are similar to straws but a bit bigger; maybe that would be a good compromise? If all else fails, remember that it's your body and you get to decide what you want to do with it.
  2. lizonaplane

    What Was Your Biggest Challenge

    I'm pre-surgery still, but I will say the hardest thing I've done so far is go on vacation and not eat everything in site. Usually I gain 5-10 lbs on vacation, but this time, I gained only 0.4 lbs. I did it by tracking everything I ate and sharing meals with my mom (she actually did gain weight, which is unusual for her, but she's a lot thinner than me). It's hard especially because my mom is so focused on which "nice" restaurants we go to and what we're going to eat; if it was just me and my dad we'd eat from a chain salad place every meal.
  3. I think it's hard for us, non-medical professionals, or even if some people are medical professionals, to say what it might be. If something "doesn't feel right" I always find it's best to call your doctor, especially since you're just recovering from surgery. That's why they get paid the big bucks!
  4. I wonder if, after your plastic surgery, if you don't feel better about yourself, you might consider therapy. I see a lot of people on here who won't wear bathing suits when large and won't wear something else when small. Even at my highest weight of 293lbs, I wore swimsuits, shorts, t-shirts etc. It's not that I didn't know I was and am still morbidly obese, but I wanted to wear the clothing that made me happy and comfortable, and I wasn't going to avoid swimming or travelling or hiking or getting my picture taken or anything else just because I was fat.
  5. lizonaplane

    Fitness watch.

    I have a series 1 or version 1 Apple watch that my friend gave me used. I'm sure you could get a used Apple watch. I didn't think I wanted one and wouldn't have bought one except that my friend literally gave me her old one. It's so easy to use (Apple is good at that) and although I don't believe the calories from exercise are accurate, I don't believe any calorie counters are accurate because I've read a lot about how we really don't burn what we think we do from exercise, more like 10% of what calorie counters show. So, I don't eat the calories I "burn", but I like trying to close my rings and I have it set up that the face rotates pictures I've taken. And I love being able to see texts on it because sometimes I don't hear my phone, but I can feel the watch vibrate. You could also look at FitBits; they have a variety of price points.
  6. lizonaplane

    Woot Woot!

    That's great news! The delay will pay off, I'm sure, because the hard work you're putting in now will help you in the long run.
  7. lizonaplane

    Hungry! Post op 2 weeks

    They are both PPIs, so you would not take both. They are not the exact same drug, but they both do the same thing. It would help with stomach acid which can cause you to feel "hungry".
  8. lizonaplane

    Fever & Chills 1 wk post op

    I agree. Fever and chills could be a sign of infection. Call your surgery center.
  9. lizonaplane

    Dream Eating

    When I used to do Weight Watchers I used to dream that I wasn't counting the points of what I was eating... Now that I'm counting calories, I have dreams that I am not counting the calories. I haven't had surgery yet, but I suspect I'll have similar dreams.
  10. lizonaplane

    Documented weight loss attempts!

    I did Weight Watchers years ago too, that didn't seem to matter, just that I had done it.
  11. So, I made this tonight, but the only "flavored" protein powder I have is SlimFast High Protein vanilla, and I think it wasn't the right thing to use because it turned out really rubbery; not at all like your picture of a fluffy cake. I added a bit of ice cream and it was okay, but I think I prefer just eating a square of dark chocolate. Maybe if I buy some different protein powder I'll try it again.
  12. lizonaplane

    Maintenance meal ideas?

    What about adding in some "whole grains" like brown/wild rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc? Or fruits and vegetables, once you've eaten enough protein. I haven't had surgery yet, so I'm eating about 1400 calories a day. I usually have a protein shake or steel cut oats with protein powder for break fast, and for lunch I might have tuna fish with light miracle whip and whole grain rice cakes with a red bell pepper or dinner leftovers. For dinner I might have meatballs in red curry, or turkey chili with beans topped with shredded cheese and fat free greek yogurt, or chicken curry, or deli turkey and cheese in a low-carb wrap sauteed in non-stick spray. If I really want dessert I'll have a ten gram square of chocolate or a half cup of light ice cream. For a snack I might have a cheese stick or a banana or pistachios. I also roast a lot of vegetables to eat with my meals and as snacks.
  13. I'm so so on the protein pancakes. I like them for the first few bites then I get sick of them. I was actually wondering about adding chocolate to them, so this is like in between. I'll probably try it next time I'm craving chocolate.
  14. I wanted bypass because I have GERD, but the surgeon is worried I won't be able to absorb meds I have to take after surgery for other conditions I have that surgery won't solve, so he and my doctor both recommend sleeve. The surgeon is also not convinced I have GERD, but I'm not sure why. I'm just hoping the GERD is no worse after surgery. (I'm on omeprazole now since having gastritis last year and I don't have any symptoms. I don't care if I have to stay on it).
  15. I haven't done weight watchers in a long time, but have you considered a habit tracker? You can do these on paper or as an app. It didn't work for me but I am in a bariatric support group on Facebook and many people there swear by them as a way to stick to habits. You could give it a shot. You might also try "rewards" for getting your water or exercise in for two weeks in a row, like a manicure or a piece of jewelry, or a movie night (without snacks!).
  16. I missed this - I was wondering if I could used mashed banana because I have tons of those, and I even have some applesauce. Great!
  17. I will have to buy more pumpkin puree to make this! I use pumpkin puree in curries a lot but I don't have any in the house right now.
  18. Can you go back to your PCP who switched offices even if it's a bit of a drive? Or even ask if the PCP will write you one based on your history as their patient? Or find a new PCP? My PCP is the one who recommended WLS to me.
  19. lizonaplane

    Scared this is serious

    I would call your surgery center.
  20. lizonaplane

    Goal rewards—suggestions?

    In the past I've taken trips when I've gotten to milestone weight losses. Of course, I take trips for any reason or no reason at all. I'm so-so on spa stuff and no interest in tattoos, but I will definitely need new clothes when I've lost more weight, since I've gotten rid of all my smaller clothes from my last weight loss. I don't know yet whether I'll need/want plastic surgery. Part of me worries that I either won't get to goal weight or will just gain the weight back if I do get to goal weight.
  21. The surgery itself takes only about 20 minutes for VSG, from what I heard from an interview with a bariatric surgeon.
  22. Last week I went on vacation with my parents and usually when I go on vacation I gain 5-10 lbs. We were eating out every meal and my mom likes to make a big deal out of food and finding special restaurants. I was really worried, but I shared meals with my mom, tracked my food as best as I could, and we exercised a LOT (hiking, walking, and swimming most days). I gained 0.6 lbs, and that includes a pizza party the day after we got home with my cousin, where I only ate one piece of pizza and instead filled up on veggies and salad (I did eat dessert; I'm not perfect!). I'm pre-op, so anything I can train myself into now, rather than having food funerals, makes me happy!
  23. lizonaplane

    Funny realization

    I bought a similar sized bar of chocolate a few weeks ago and I don't even feel like eating it every day. I haven't had surgery yet, but I find that when I don't eat sweets, I don't crave them as much. However, when I go out to eat and the food is saltier, I do crave dessert more 🙁
  24. That's so amazing! Conga-Rats! You should do something to celebrate!
  25. lizonaplane

    Joing a gym

    I have been to YMCAs and other gyms like Planet Fitness. I agree that the quality of the Y depends on the local Y; the ones I've been to are fine, and they offer more different things to do, but they are also much more expensive than places like planet fitness. When I went to a gym that was like Planet Fitness, I got a training session for an additional fee one time just to learn how to use the machines (I had done this decades earlier at the Y, but it had been a long time and I wanted a refresher). You could also check out Orange Theory Fitness which has HIIT classes at scheduled times. I thought the workouts were great, but it was too loud for me (I'm very sensitive to sound). Always check out cancellation policies at any gym you join!!

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