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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. If your BMI is JUST under the requirement of 35 and you are gaining 5-10lbs every few months, it seems like you could just wait a few months and you might be able to get insurance to cover it given your co-morbidities, depending on your insurance. Having said that, it's likely that some/most surgeons would still do the surgery since you are willing to do self-pay. I have heard that many industries/jobs are pretty fatphobic, and I'm so sorry you are facing that. I also know what you mean about being uncomfortable in my own skin, and tired going up the stairs, etc. I've always been fat, at least my whole adult life, so I don't have much to compare it to, but it's still horrible to feel it every day. Whether you keep gaining weight or do the surgery, you'll be facing food prep, and it's easier to deal with food prep (I hope!) with a smaller appetite. I understand from the people on this board that the first few months after surgery are pretty tough, but then it's really a much better life (for most people - some people have a hard time for a long time and regret the surgery, but most people say their only regret is not doing it sooner).
  2. lizonaplane

    No pre-op diet?

    I won't have to do a liquid pre-op diet, but it will be low carb and low calorie and I believe high protein and low fat.
  3. lizonaplane

    Nutritionist was NO help at all

    Bada beans are something I ordered from Amazons. I had had something similar I got from a grocery store or trader joe's one time, but I've also had toasted chickpeas from the grocery store that were flavored and pretty good. The Bada Bean Bada Boom (I looked up the full name) I got are in 100 calorie packs, which works well for me. I know the nutritionist is from your surgeon's office, but there are other bariatric-focused nutritionists out there. Try a google search or go to a dietitian or nutrition society page and see if you can do a "find a nutritionist in my area" and see if they have a way to select a specialty, or just call a few to see if they have this specialty. ALso, SX is surgeon.
  4. lizonaplane

    Can I change my surgery?

    I'm torn between sleeve and bypass too. My surgeon and my psychopharmacologist want me to get sleeve to ensure I can absorb my psych meds, but I'm worried about GERD and weight regain, and not losing enough weight. I am hoping to get a second opinion, but I'll have to do that soon.
  5. lizonaplane

    Too much info

    I also gained a ton of weight from my bipolar meds (100 lbs in two years, more in the years after that). However, both the surgeon and the psychopharmacologist said that I should do sleeve to ensure I can still absorb the psych meds fully, rather than bypass. I do occasionally have reflux, so I'm a bit worried and I'm trying to get a second opinion, but think about that, especially since you don't have that much to lose. The meds made me crave sugar like crazy, but I find that when I don't have sugar, I stop craving it. See if you can do that before surgery, because the surgery won't fix that and you can just gain the weight back if you're head's not in it, since you'll still be on the psych meds.
  6. It was a grand opening special. I wanted to see how much muscle I lose, and how much fat, so I want to see my starting point. Honestly, I would have done it at $150 too.
  7. lizonaplane

    Nutritionist was NO help at all

    Even caffeinated beverages count to your fluid intake. It's outdated thinking that caffeine dehydrates you more than the fluid hydrates you. They've done new research on this. So, if you drink coffee or tea, include this. The only drinks that would NOT count would be alcohol. Have you considered taking lactaid pills with your dairy? For some people that completely solves the problem (you have to take it each time you have dairy). Or drinking lactose free milk? It depends on the person, because some people have a slightly different lactose-related problem. One of my friends can eat dairy just fine as long as she has lactaid pills with it, or uses lactose-free milk, but my neighbor can't have dairy at all. I agree with adding beans if you can digest them, and foods like farro, quinoa, chia seeds, vegan protein powder (it doesn't have dairy - only if you decide to increase protein again), etc. There is also a snack I've found called Bada Bean (I don't think that's the exact name), which is toasted fava beans in different seasonings, and I think they're great. They are high in fiber and have some protein and fat. I agree with others who say to find a different nutritionist, but I would suggest finding one who specializes in bariatric needs. I'm so sorry you had this experience.
  8. @SethSnap That sounds rough! I'm glad you are not suffering from any "head hunger" or true hunger so it won't be so hard for you. I hope that keeps up. Maybe your doctor feels that the weight loss will be better with that plan? What surgery did you have? Maybe different surgeries require different post-op plans? I know it is usually similar between sleeve/gastric bypass. Good luck!
  9. I actually just signed up for one at the end of the month (before surgery) to get a baseline. It was $99, although I'll probably have to pay like $25 for parking since it's downtown!
  10. Thanks. I think I would like to keep track of my body composition as I'm moving through this journey and $100-$150 doesn't seem unreasonable to do in six month intervals for the first 18 months or so as my body changes. At least get one at six months out for starters to see how much muscle I've lost and what my body fat % is to see what I need to work on.
  11. How often should you have a DEXA scan and at what point(s)? Does insurance cover them? Are they hard to find? I live in a large metropolitan area with lots of academic medical centers.
  12. lizonaplane

    Before Surgery Shopping List

    This is how I set up my pills: https://smile.amazon.com/iMBAPrice-Clear-Reclosable-ZipLock-Ploy/dp/B00UIJHI80/ref=sr_1_2?crid=4C5SA56J4GYD&dchild=1&keywords=bead+bags+1.5x1.5&qid=1622565997&sprefix=bead+bags%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-2 They're called bead bags but CVS sells an almost identical but more expensive item as pill bags. I put a day's supply of my pills in each bag, and the bags can USUALLY be reused many times (sometimes the bags are defective and the bag rips when you open it, different brands are better or worse but I never remember which brand I ordered last time). I take a lot of medications and I travel all the time, so every month I set up a month's supply of pill packs and put them in a bag to take with me, so if I have to be gone longer than expected, I still have my pills ready to go, and I don't have to take all the bottles with me. Also, I've had pill holders pop open on me, and I've never had a pill bag open on me. They're like mini ziploc bags. And they take up much less space than the big pill organizers!
  13. lizonaplane

    Portion Control Containers

    If the containers are bigger than you are supposed to use, just use a measuring cup to put in what you are supposed to eat rather than filling up the entire container. Like a quarter cup is 2 oz by volume (not by weight).
  14. lizonaplane

    How do you Cope?

    I tidy things up. I started having a woman come clean my apartment every few weeks recently, and it has made me really happy because it used to bother me how gross it was, but I couldn't get myself to "deep clean". Now I actually enjoy keeping it tidy and it makes me happy to have a beautiful home. But you might find actually cleaning to be a good way to distract yourself - many people do. I just found it frustrating, although I love putting things away. I like looking at cute animal pictures and videos online. I like reading junky books or watching trashy TV (although I avoid anything with commercials because they're always about junk food). I like throwing things out or donating things - it feels like I'm losing metaphorical weight, the weight of unwanted objects. I joined a Buy Nothing Project on Facebook and I've given so much away on there. Crafting is great, but can be expensive if there's a lot of supplies to buy. But it can keep your hands busy and away from food! I will call up a friend to see if they want to go for a walk.
  15. lizonaplane

    Gastric balloon newbie

    I'm curious as to why you chose the balloon rather than a surgery that has a longer track record or is likely to cause more weight loss? Not trying to judge; maybe 100kg is a good weight for you, I can't see your stats/BMI. I know that my surgery center only does RNY and sleeve because they have the most evidence of safety and effectiveness. I hope you get the results you want!
  16. lizonaplane


    Is there a reason you can't take Miralax? That is usually pretty safe. They give that to cancer patients, including the elderly and toddlers. You can take it every day for long periods of time (It says on the bottle not to take it for long periods of time but that's just because they want you to tell your doctor if you have constipation for a long time - doctors will tell you to take it if you have chronic constipation for a reason they are aware of that can't be solved any other way). You do have to take it for a few days for it to work and you have to keep taking it until the reason you are constipated is resolved (in this case, not eating enough calories, taking pain pills, not eating enough roughage, not enough exercise, surgery, etc).
  17. I don't have a liquid preop diet. The preop diet I have is actually pretty similar to what I'm already doing, so I don't know how much extra I'll lose.
  18. lizonaplane

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    @SummerTimeGirl I'm sorry it's so rough right now. It's awesome that your husband is so supportive! Please keep us posted on how you're doing. @Elahnen Sorry it's so rough to be left out, glad your husband was supportive too! I spent the weekend with my semi-ex-boyfriend who is skinny as a rail and he's being super supportive of my trying to lose weight in preparation for my upcoming surgery (no date yet 😞) . We walked and walked and walked and he supported me as I left food on my plate sometimes.
  19. This formula would have me at 154, but I think you lose more like 60% with sleeve, so that would have me at 167, which I'd be fine with. I think. My fear is that I'll never be happy with my weight.
  20. I'm wondering this too. I haven't had surgery yet, and the surgeon just said I might lose about 70lbs. Well, he said this when I was at 280, and I've lost 35 since then. So, I'm hoping I'll lose more than another 35 with surgery. While in theory I'd LOVE to be in a healthy BMI range, I don't think that's likely. I'd be thrilled to be a size Medium, but I have no idea what weight that is. Yesterday I came up with "Mini Goals," to get under a BMI of 40, to get under 200lbs, to get under a BMI of 30, and to wear normal sizes. I put 150 as a goal for this website, but I don't know that it's realistic.
  21. lizonaplane

    Lying about not getting surgery is awful

    Someone else here said you can just say "My doctor and I came up with a treatment plan and it's working". You could also say "I completely overhauled my life". Both of these things are true but not the WHOLE STORY. I'm telling people I'm having surgery, even though people may not respond well, because that's just my personality. If they don't like it, eff 'em.
  22. lizonaplane

    No more boobs

    I have had good experience with bra fittings at Nordstrom, but I've had even better experience with bra fittings at local lingerie stores that specialize in mastectomy products as well. Unfortunately the one near me closed a few years ago. I agree with everyone who said to get a bra fitting. I haven't had surgery yet, but a number of years ago I lost 100 lbs and while I lost band size my breasts didn't get much smaller. I find underwires so uncomfortable that I just wear sports bras all the time now even though they look like crap...
  23. lizonaplane

    150 Pounds down!

    That's so amazing!
  24. lizonaplane

    Where to start

    I am not seeing any vegetables in here. I love eating vegetables and fruits and I'd be very sad if I stopped eating veggies and fruits long term. I see that you are two years out from surgery. Is there a reason you are not eating produce? Thanks!
  25. lizonaplane

    Stall/Gaining HELP!?!

    Maybe change up the types of foods you're eating for a few weeks, like eat different vegetables or different proteins, or do different exercises to the extent your able to? But I agree with @catwoman7 that depo can cause weight gain so it could be from that, or just your body reacting to the medical procedure you just had. I hope you are able to lose again soon!

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