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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. lizonaplane

    What fears did you have?

    I haven't had surgery yet, but I can tell you I have some fears too. Like, can I do this lifestyle change forever? Will I even lose weight? If I do lose weight, will I keep it off? Will I end up being sick all the time and in worse shape than I am now (and no longer able to travel!)? I can't answer how much support you'll need, but my parents are flying up to the city where I live and will stay in a hotel. Only one person will be able to come to the hospital due to COVID, and it's likely I will only stay one night, so I just will have my mom come (in case I'm indecent in my hospital gown after surgery - too bad because my dad would be better at just sitting there as I'm dozing off). From what other people have said, mostly you're just sleeping in the hospital, although some people have more pain, and whether you want company when you're in pain is sort of a personal thing. I have been in the hospital by myself a few times (not usually overnight) and it wasn't terrible, but surgery is totally new to me. I don't have any pets, but maybe you have a friend who could sit with your dog while you're in the hospital?
  2. lizonaplane

    What am I doing wrong?

    As @AjaSlimtone said, your starting weight is quite low, so you will not be able to lose fast, like people who start at 300 or 400 lbs. Just follow your surgery center's instructions to the letter and trust in the process. Make sure you're getting your fluids and protein. You got this!
  3. lizonaplane

    In pain

    Since ibuprofen and other NSAIDS are gastric irritants, I would avoid them as they could make the stomach pain worse. I would reach out to your surgery center. You could have an ulcer or gastritis, or so many other issues. If they are not responsive, keep trying, or talk to your PCP/GP or a gastroenterologist. Keep pestering people till you have an answer!
  4. lizonaplane

    Has anyone ever gotten Nexplanon after VSG?

    Talk to your doctor about whether there will be absorption issues. I take a lot of medications and was told I should get the sleeve because the absorption issues are really with bypass, not sleeve. However, birth control in general can be really iffy after WLS because you become much more fertile, so they tell you not to rely on pills alone. I don't know if nexplanon would be sufficient. However, common side effects of nexplanon include weight gain and mood swings, both things you want to avoid after WLS. If Yasmin worked for you before surgery, it might be best to stick with it (my surgeon requires me to be off my BCP for a month before and after surgery to reduce risk of blood clots), but also use back up birth control like condoms. The reason that they want you to use condoms or some other barrier method is all the hormonal changes after surgery - fat cells release estrogen. So, obviously, I'm just some random person on the internet and you should talk to your surgeon and whomever prescribes your birth control, but this is what I've learned from my research. Good luck!
  5. lizonaplane

    Lost my focus!!

    I'm so sorry, they can be so heartless sometimes! I got through all my appointments and then I couldn't get scheduled for surgery and no one told me why for over a month... turns out they were waiting for two docs to get in touch, but I didn't know that so I couldn't push my doc to call theirs! You will have to look within yourself to keep your eye on the prize, I'm afraid. Remember this is not just changing your eating so you can get the surgery, it's changing your eating for the rest of your life! I try to remind myself of this when I'm ready to give up. (I'm not perfect though!) You got this!
  6. I'm also not in NJ but my PCP prescribed it. There is some new online service that prescribes weight loss medications, I keep seeing ads on FB for it, but I don't know if it's legit, it's called "found". Good luck. I also took phentermine, but since I was eating when I wasn't hungry, it didn't work at all. I tried it a few times as I am preparing for surgery and it works a lot better for me now... too bad my insurance won't pay for it now because I failed it the first time.
  7. lizonaplane


    The frozen kind might not work that well in maki because it's weird shapes, but I just saw a kind in a shelf-stable bag at Costco (I didn't buy it because I was with a friend and didn't have time to look at the nutrition info) that might be better.
  8. lizonaplane


    Call your doctor... that's what they're there for, that's why they get paid the big bucks!
  9. I think you're going to have to discuss these all with your surgeon. The surgery can cause a lot of constipation. Some pain meds can be taken after surgery, but NSAIDS usually cannot, especially with bypass. If you have GERD, you don't want to get the sleeve, because that can make it worse. I think there are a lot of issues there and probably you're going to want the doctors who treat you for these issues now to discuss your case with the surgeon, and maybe get a second opinion from a second surgeon. Is there any way you can move towards using PT and other forms of treatment for your back injuries, rather than medications? Just to simplify things. Good luck!
  10. lizonaplane


    No. What do you mean by that? Like because you have surgical staples in you? Or because you're going through life mechanically?
  11. I haven't had surgery yet but my doc said he'd fix any HH if he saw one when he operates. He said that's why he doesn't need to do EGD first. I am not thrilled about that, but that's what he wants to do.
  12. I agree a lot with what @Creekimp13 says, but I also would say this: cut out the alcohol. Completely. It is empty calories AND it lowers your inhibitions so you are more likely to make poor food choices. I think you look AMAZE-BALLS! But, you want to keep looking amaze-balls and not get to where your weight keeps creeping up and you're back where you started. But maybe you shouldn't listen to me since I haven't even had surgery yet and I don't drink at all. I'm just speaking from watching the food choices I see my friends and family make when they are drinking vs when they are sober, plus a number of things I have read including nutrition textbooks.
  13. lizonaplane


    I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I don't have a lap band so I can't help, but I did want to offer my sympathy.
  14. I am looking into changing surgeons because I'm having a hard time getting the first people to call me back. I've already seen the psychologist twice, the nutritionist multiple times, and the surgeon twice. The second surgery center said I'd have to see their psychologist and nutritionist but I wouldn't have to do the 4 months of insurance nutrition classes over again. I would also have to have an EGD, which the first surgeon didn't require.
  15. lizonaplane

    Covid Test!

    It's unpleasant for those few seconds and it feels like longer than it is, plus your nose and eyes hurt for a bit afterwards, but definitely not the worst pain I've felt.
  16. lizonaplane

    Drinking Alcohol after surgery

    I agree with what everyone said, but I will also add this... alcohol lowers your inhibitions, so you might eat things that aren't great choices and end up not feeling great and that would ruin the celebration... Focus on making the graduates and your family and friends the things you celebrate, not food and drinks. Become the group photographer if you need to keep your hands busy. (you can just use your cell phone for this) Or dance up a storm in a new outfit that fits your new fab self!
  17. I have bipolar disorder and the surgery center's psychologist is requiring that my psychiatrist speak to her to ensure that my bipolar disorder is "stable" before I have surgery. Obviously, I will still have bipolar disorder and still be on meds. I also have done some restrictive eating and a small amount of over exercising/vomiting in the past, but it was more than two decades ago, so they didn't think it was an issue. I think the best thing for you would be to work with a therapist trained in eating disorders during this time while you are preparing to have surgery. You won't be "cured" of your disordered eating patterns but you could get them in better control - this means being aware of when your emotions are getting out of control and having better ideas than running to food to soothe yourself. I can't see your weight, but I will say that when I saw a therapist for weight issues, I didn't lose any weight at all in several months, so I don't think you have to worry about not qualifying for surgery because you lost weight from treating your eating disorders. I also think that if you don't treat your disordered eating, you will not be successful after surgery long term, based on what I've seen people here say.
  18. I see now you are 1 lb away from your goal. What is your plan to CELEBRATE!!!
  19. lizonaplane

    Pasta - UGH

    I'm quite sure you didn't ruin everything, but next time you want to check the temp of something, hold it against your wrist. That's what they do with formula for babies.
  20. lizonaplane

    Thinking about Lap Band surgery

    Most doctors won't do lap band anymore because the results aren't very good - most people don't lose too much weight and many people have a lot of complications. A lot of people end up having to have them removed and getting it revised to sleeve or bypass. Is there a reason you really want lap band rather than sleeve or bypass?
  21. I am still preparing for surgery and I'm on metformin not for diabetes but because it's thought to help in weight loss from certain medications. I had stopped it for a while because the mail order pharmacy got it messed up but then it got straightened out and I started again last week. I'm not hungry now but when I look up the side effects for metformin it doesn't list lack of appetite. I notice I've been a lot less hungry the whole time I've been preparing for surgery (5 months) because I've been eating high protein low carb, but the last week it's been ridiculous. Anyone else have this issue? Might not be the metformin. Might be just anxious/frustration from not getting surgery scheduled, could be just a virus.
  22. Thanks. I hope so too!
  23. Even with an appetite suppressant, you will still gain weight if you are "loving" food and grazing too much. I took phentermine and it didn't work because I ate when I wasn't hungry. So I didn't lose weight. You have to do the work to not eat too much and not eat unhealthy things.
  24. It has not caused me hypogylcemia, diarrhea, or any other issues. I didn't have any blood sugar issues when I was prescribed it and I still don't. It is well tolerated by most people.

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