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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. lizonaplane

    7 months after ESG

    I had sleeve almost 8 weeks ago and I travel for work. I worked from home the first 4 weeks and started back to traveling the 5th week. OMG... I travel light, but I can barely lift my suitcase into the overhead compartment now because I've lost so much upper body strength. I was so careful about lifting during my 4 week restriction - I would ask the grocery store to just put a few things in each bag or I'd bag things myself. I asked for help carrying EVERYTHING. And now I'm weak as an overcooked noodle. Glad you're doing so well!
  2. Boy, @Smanky, I sure hope it gets better for you soon! That sounds really unpleasant. Did they tell you about how long they expect that to last?
  3. My surgery center doesn't do it and my insurance doesn't cover it. My choices were sleeve or bypass. I don't know that I would have chosen it given the increased risk of complications/problems after surgery. But, if my BMI were higher, I might have. My starting BMI was just under 50. I went with sleeve but I seriously considered bypass.
  4. lizonaplane

    BCBS Vitamin Approval

    My surgery center said these have enough B12 that I wouldn't have to take extra.
  5. lizonaplane

    "Behind" program guidelines

    Man, I'm TRYING not to eat too many calories. I'm hungry all the darn time. Maybe I should try adding some "good" carbs... I wish my surgery center would get back to me someday with answers to my questions!
  6. Maybe try eating more slowly with smaller bites very well chewed and see if this helps?
  7. lizonaplane

    "Behind" program guidelines

    I'll have to look into that sauce. I'm sort of terrified of sauces because most are high in sugar...
  8. lizonaplane

    Support - Post and Pre Op

    This is a tough journey, even if you have no complications. Glad you're doing well. I am 7-8 weeks out and I have found the hardest thing is that I'm not sure if I'm eating too much. I'm on the road for work and I've been hungry all the time since surgery, so I'm eating 800-900 calories a day. I'm not as hungry now that I'm on the road because I'm busier, but now I'm eating more because the food is less healthy (Or, am I less hungry because the food is less healthy/I'm eating more?).
  9. I have that when I eat too fast. Does eating slowly help? Did it just start or has it been going on since surgery/starting solid foods? But, it could be just from losing weight - I've had back pain since starting to lose significant weight and I've never had back pain my whole life.
  10. lizonaplane

    Shoe sizes... aargh!

    I've had doctors say people's feet don't shrink, but I know from personal experience they do. Doctors can be so clueless sometimes.
  11. lizonaplane

    Regret and Depression

    Lentil pasta and bread are pretty much carbs. I have read a lot about those not being easy to eat for many people after surgery. Also, you might be eating too quickly? Not sure, since I've never watched you eat 🤓 Meal prepping is great. When I was working at home I did that. Now that I'm on the road it's actually a lot harder to eat healthy. I agree with @SleeverSk that you might consider having a protein shake (or a low sugar yogurt) in the morning if you're feeling nauseous. Also, could your multivitamin be making you sick in the morning? I take mine at night and if it's been too long since dinner, I get really nauseous. I'm going to try taking it with dinner. Some things that have been very easy for me to eat (I'm 8 weeks out) are ground turkey/chicken, deli meat, tuna fish with Miracle Whip (you could use mayo, same thing), trout and other fish, and refried beans. I had a really hard time with lettuce but most other veggies have been fine. I hope it gets better.
  12. lizonaplane

    "Behind" program guidelines

    I would like your Korean BBQ ground turkey recipe plz and thank you
  13. lizonaplane

    BCBS Vitamin Approval

    https://procarenow.com/once-daily-bariatric-multivitamin-capsule/?sku=Vit-BariCaps45mg-30ct I will say that the other night for the first time I got really nauseous, but it had been hours since I had eaten anything (like 5-6 hours) so I ended up eating half a protein bar and that fixed it right away. It's because I take them with all my other meds before bed time. I should really take them with dinner. I think they also sell them on BariatricPal.com and I know you can get them from Amazon. Amazon is actually more expensive than buying directly from the company, not sure about BariatricPal.
  14. Sometimes you have to do things other people don't agree with. It's hard, and you can try to educate her by having her read asmbs.org (lots of good resources). It's definitely not easy. I've been struggling and I haven't even had any complications! It's not guaranteed that you will keep your weight off with surgery, but you have no chance if you don't have surgery. (I lost 100 lbs 7 years ago but in 5 years gained almost all of it back; I knew I needed surgery to get a re-set on my metabolism. But no matter how much research you show her, she may not be willing to support you, and you may have to decide to do it anyway. I am super close to my mom, so whenever I have to do something she disagrees with, it breaks my heart. But I would have done this even if my parents didn't agree. Fortunately, they were very supportive. Good luck to you!
  15. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    Well, it wouldn't just be scratchy sheets - there are not usually extended stay hotels near where I work, so I'd have to drive further or spend more on Ubers and get stuck in traffic getting in and out of the city at the beginning and end of the day. No thanks! I'd definitely prefer to have cold food than spend 2 hours sitting in traffic!
  16. lizonaplane

    Shoe sizes... aargh!

    Yeah, I'm down 70lbs and down from a 9 to an 8. Last time I lost 100 lbs I replaced all my shoes and then when I gained it back I threw the "new" ones out and just started wearing hiking shoes all the time due to a neuroma. Since my hikers were getting too big to be comfortable, I decided to try wearing real shoes again; so far, so good! My feet were never wide, but I do have a high instep, so it's hard to get some styles on. My mom has the same issue and she's "average" sized. I don't know if my feet will shrink more, but I'm not going to invest in a lot of shoes right now!
  17. lizonaplane

    "Behind" program guidelines

    I'm so jelly that you're not hungry. I've been hungry since the first week. But.... all plans are different. Yes, ideally you should follow your surgery center's plan, but don't freak out if you can't eat as much. Some plans are much more restrictive and say only three meals a day with no snacks, and other want you only eating 800 calories or whatever... I had my surgery a week before you and I'm not eating 1200 calories a day. I'm at 700-900. Of course, my surgery center didn't give me a number of calories to eat, so I'm just eating until I'm full 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day. I usually but not always have a protein drink in there because otherwise it's hard to get my protein goal (I was told 80g to keep from being so hungry). Ugh... it's so hard to know what the right answer is. Please post what your dietician says!
  18. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    The hotels I stay in tend to have sit down breakfasts, not the grab and go continental breakfasts. I've looked for microwaves in the common areas and haven't seen any. I have tried in the executive lounges, but they don't have them either, and many are still closed due to COVID. I do go grocery shopping but I get sick of cold food.
  19. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    I book my own hotels, but those hotels tend to be not located in the downtown areas where I work. Plus, they have scratchy sheets LOL. I have a mini fridge in a lot of the hotels so I can get things that have to be refrigerated, but I'll have to see if I can find microwaves. I've been looking, but I haven't seen them.
  20. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    Thanks, I'll look out for restaurants that have those options (I did sashimi two weeks ago in LA, it was great. I usually get low quality fish that needs a lot of other stuff, but this restaurant was very fancy and the fish was like buttery soft and delicious).
  21. I suggest you check out "My Level 10 Weight Loss" videos on YouTube by Erin Branscom. She had surgery in Mexico and has a FB group (private, $10 a month, but I think it's worth it!) where many people talk about this. However, this is not really "research". I think you would have to see if there are any clinical studies on patients who had their surgery in Mexico and compare them to patients who had their surgery in the US, but then I'm not sure if you'd find those studies. You could contact ASBMS (American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery), to see what data they have, but I suspect they are biased in favor of people doing it in the US. I wouldn't have done it Mexico. Sure it's cheaper, and most people come out fine, but what if you have a complication? Some doctors in the US won't treat you if you had your surgery elsewhere - at least based on some posts I've seen. And you may have to take a flight home. It's risky to fly right after any surgery due to the increased risk of blood clots, which are also increased if you are obese.
  22. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    The places I've been recently haven't had their salad/hot bars open yet due to COVID. They're definitely not open where I live.
  23. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    I need protein. I'm only 7 weeks out. I used to love just getting veggies and salads. I had my first salad (with chicken and egg) yesterday, and the lettuce did not sit well.
  24. lizonaplane

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    Thanks. I was eating in restaurants and leaving most of the food (I'm not ashamed to throw out food), but restaurant food isn't healthy, so that's what I'm worried about. I carry a water bottle with me and usually don't have trouble getting in more than 80 oz of water a day. I often go to grocery stores, but I don't like to eat things cold that are meant to be hot (like the salmon with green beans that you mentioned, which sounds great!). I bought a salad at Publix yesterday, but the lettuce didn't sit well (I'm only 7 weeks out). Thank you for chiming in. I've followed your success and I'm glad it's possible to do!
  25. lizonaplane


    Yes, I went on amazon and saw some of these. I just looked at this one. I don't know that I'd want to add additional pound to my suitcase as I have to lift it into the overhead and in and out of Ubers and such, and I've lost a lot of upper body strength. I'll think about it. Thanks!

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