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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. lizonaplane

    Stalls GRRRRR

    LOL. I'm usually the one venting to my parents! My apple watch didn't have me going fast enough to get "exercise" minutes, but I can't really work up steam. I might try going into the hallways outside my apartment, but not on the phone!
  2. lizonaplane

    Stalls GRRRRR

    I broke my stall this morning! Down 1.8 lbs since yesterday and down 1.6 since my last lowest weight, so I think the stall might actually be over. 😁 I am trying so hard to exercise but yesterday doing steps my knee started hurting, plus my hip is still hurting from the treadmill, and my arm is still hurting from the trainer I met with. I was going to swim, but then I realized that might be hard with my arm messed up... Last night I walked all over my apartment following @ShoppGirl's suggestion. It was nice. I was on the phone with my parents but still managed to get my calorie goal for the day (according to my Apple Watch).
  3. lizonaplane

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I only take one pill in the evening, and I do need the iron (I needed iron prior to surgery too and it never made me nauseous then). I messaged the NP to get clarity and she made it sound like it was more about "persistent" vomiting and that I should just do clear liquids until the nausea subsides. However, I only throw up once (it is fully throwing up, not spit) and then I'm not nauseous any more. I also have a message in to the nutritionist about switching multivitamins. I don't mind taking more than one pill, but I don't want to have to take it multiple times a day.
  4. lizonaplane

    Stalls GRRRRR

    I really should appreciate the pool more. I had gotten back into it before surgery and then I had to wait to start again... but I never started back! I lived in Miami for 7 years and rarely swam - I always get sunburned. My mom (an avid swimmer) bought a "rash guard" which is essentially a sun proof shirt that goes over your bathing suit, and I looked on Lands End and they have pants, too
  5. lizonaplane

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    Thanks! I also sent a message to my nutritionist. The thing is, my labs were great last month, so I am hesitant to change it
  6. lizonaplane

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I tried chewables and I couldn't choke them down they were so gross. I switched at two weeks out to capsules.
  7. lizonaplane

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I've tried taking it with dinner - it's even worse. It's better if I take it right before bed and then lie down.
  8. lizonaplane

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I've tried so many different ways of taking this vitamin. I've asked the nutritionist for a different option.
  9. Yes, I realize that, but you're doing pretty good even for a guy! What did you start at?
  10. Mine are $99. I'm in Boston. There might be more competition in CA. I have to go up to the 4th floor of an old building. I would be thrilled to be at 30.7%!!!! I'm hoping for 45% lol
  11. lizonaplane

    Stalls GRRRRR

    I'm sorry for your loss! I only have a one bedroom apartment, and I do walk a lot around my apartment every day (multiple times an hour!) but it doesn't amount to much. I agree, treadmill is much harder on the joints than "natural" walking. I have considered doing some step works (I have a step from exercise years ago) and I really SHOULD swim, but there's so much set up/break down time for swimming!
  12. lizonaplane

    Eating too fast maybe?

    I would definitely call your doctor. This does not sound normal to me. Even if they are two hours away they can see you or recommend someone near you. Taking your supplement is critical. Are you unable to take it because you throw up? Mine makes me throw up sometimes. I have to take it with food. Can you take yours with a protein shake? Are you not able to drink? It sounds serious, so call the doc or their office to talk to a PA/NP. Good luck!
  13. He is basically skin and bones and a giant but dysfunctional brain. We're still very close. The word in Spanish is "amigovios", if you speak Spanish. If not, it's a cross between "amigos" (friends) and "novios" (boyfriend/girlfriend). He's actually really supportive of my weight loss efforts, despite liking larger women and not understanding weight issues at all. He's 5'10" and weighs 135lb soaking wet and holding a cheese stick (that is literally how he weighed himself when he was here last).
  14. At my first one (which was several months into my weight loss journey but a few months before surgery) I was over 55%. My current body fat per my home scale is 48.7% (by my home scale in May it was 57%). I don't know about these pictures. My semi-ex boyfriend has a 6% body fat and he just looks really scrawny, no muscles at all. He is strong, but there's no six pack or anything. Certainly no pectoral definition (or arm definition for that matter).
  15. lizonaplane

    Finding Fitness Opportunities in Every Situation

    We had 30 inches of snow here this past weekend, so I wasn't going out on Monday (I was in SF over the weekend so enjoyed some glorious walking on Saturday and lots of airplane time Sunday), but I have been doing lots of treadmill this week. I do it in ten minute increments, every time I get too cold. However, I've noticed that my hip pain is starting to come back like the last time I used my treadmill every day, so I might switch to stairstepping or marching in place. We have an indoor pool in my building, but it's so cold and dark when I'm not working!
  16. lizonaplane

    What vitamins is everyone taking?

    I take the pro-care health multi with 45 mg of iron too. I get nauseous and throw up sometimes after taking (I take at night with a snack). Do you have that problem? Any suggestions?
  17. lizonaplane


    Good on you for taking some steps towards a healthier life, and congrats on the weight loss so far! Talk to your neurologist maybe about some exercises that are tailored to your abilities or ask to work with a physical therapist.
  18. lizonaplane


    I would definitely track calories. It's the only way to know for sure how much you're eating. Make sure you're getting 60 g of protein (or more depending on your activity level/height, etc). Drink enough, because you need the fluid and also fluid will help you from feeling hungry. It's best to limit added sugar (you can see added sugars on the nutrition label) and avoid grazing. Start with protein, then veggies, then whole grains. Re-gain is incredibly common, so don't beat yourself up. Just go back to making the best choices you can. You're aiming for progress, not perfection!
  19. lizonaplane

    Feeling guilty eating not as healthy as i could

    I will add another voice to the "very hard to stretch out stomach" camp. It sounds like your surgery team might be behind the times on their advice. I have listed to a number of talks by surgeons and researchers who say that there's not much evidence that being able to eat "too much" means your stomach is "stretched out". Some surgeons will look at someone's stomach and say "hmmm, this is bigger than I expected, they must have stretched it out!" But people just have varying anatomy and the stomach naturally stretches and contracts based on a number of factors.
  20. lizonaplane

    restarting food diary

    I try to drink more than 64 oz of fluid (including coffee and tea because it's a myth that caffeine dehydrates; in truth only alcohol dehydrate), 60-80g protein, less than 80 g carbs with including very little added sugar (fruit and veggie sugar okay by me), less than 40g fat (although I often eat a lot of cheese and nuts, so this goes over frequently). I'm 4.5 months out. I count my calories on myfitnesspal and eat about 900-1300 calories a day. I am not trying to do ultra low carb because I want to be able to sustain this. I eat crackers or pretzels or sweets occasionally in very small amounts, and I eat out all the time because I travel for work. Good luck!
  21. lizonaplane

    3 weeks until Surgery!

    Best of luck and keep us posted!
  22. lizonaplane

    Dr says no more protein shakes

    That doesn't make sense. Can you email him or the nutritionist and get it in writing? Ask why you should only eat 2 oz a day? I have heard some doctors say they want patients to stop using the shakes to eat "real food" but no one who expects you to live on 2 oz of food a day!
  23. lizonaplane

    Eating too fast maybe?

    It could be reactive hypoglycemia, but you said you've checked your blood sugar. It could be a form of dumping (are you eating things that are higher in sugar or fat when this happens?), it could be that you are eating too fast. I would keep track of when this happens and see if you can identify what the common factors are. Also... definitely try to reach out to your doctor.
  24. I keep meaning to use my home body fat scale in between, but it's such a PITA that I never use it! Here is what I found on Body fat % Women Men Athletes 14-20% 6-13% Fitness 21-24% 14-17% Acceptable 25-31% 18-25% Obese 32% plus 26% plus
  25. It's also possible to have loose skin and just accept it. You probably won't be able to tell with your clothes on that you have loose skin. I have a lot of loose skin on my thighs but you can't see it at all when I'm wearing pants. I still have more weight to loose, but I really don't think I'll do skin surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
