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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. lizonaplane

    Bariatric pal store

    I order ProCare Health or Celebrate from the companies' websites. They're only like a dollar a day - that's not much to invest in your health! It's only one pill a day, plus you may need calcium if you don't get enough from food. My surgery center said with those two vitamins you don't need extra of anything except calcium, because that can't be taken with a multivitamin.
  2. lizonaplane

    two things i recommend people get

    I bought the biotene and didn't use it. I didn't have a recliner, but I found a wedge pillow helpful. One thing I REALLY would have liked was a binder for my belly. I thought the hospital would give me one but they did not. It was really hard to walk when my belly would move and the incisions were pulling.
  3. Both constipation and diarrhea are common after surgery (but constipation is far more common). For diarrhea, it's possible you are sensitive to an ingredient in your protein shakes - whey protein often. Try switching to a plant or egg based protein drink and see if that helps. Sometimes you will be fine before surgery but have an issue after surgery. But you should make sure you're reaching out to your surgery center/PCP... or some medical professional! Constipation can be helped by Miralax, coffee, drinking more fluids, moving your body more, etc. If you haven't gone for a few days, you might consider a glycerin suppository. I had to do that after surgery (surgical nurse suggested it) and it worked in about 20 minutes.
  4. Erin Branscom (MyLevel10Life) also has videos on Amazon, but I'm not sure how to use videos on that. And the support group she has is on Mighty Networks, but there's a fee.
  5. lizonaplane

    Pre-Op Broth?

    What you're allowed is up to your surgery center. But packaged broth is gross - it's not just you. After surgery I bought tom yum and hot an sour soup and strained them. Good luck on your surgery!
  6. I'm sorry your doctor is opposed to surgery. It's really the only option with a good success rate once your are morbidly obese. I would suggest going to https://asmbs.org/ They have good information for patients and lists of surgeons in the US. You can also watch YouTube videos, but those can be hit or miss. There are support groups like MyLevel10Life (Erin Branscom has a lot of YouTube videos and it's her support group). There are also some good podcasts, and facebook groups.
  7. lizonaplane

    7 day post op mental breakdown

    The OP already told you she didn't appreciate you suggesting god. Doesn't help to suggest it again. It's only a common saying in religious circles. I can assure you that growing up in an atheist family I never once heard it.
  8. lizonaplane

    Fluid Intake

    Right after surgery, it won't be a few oz at a time. More like a few sips at a time. But setting an alarm is a great plan - many people do that. I found that keeping a bottle of fluid in my hand at all times while on the sofa right after surgery helped a lot. It hurt to move, so if I had to stretch to reach for the drink, I just didn't drink. Once the pain went away after the first week, and I was back at my desk, I just started keeping a drink on my desk. Also, play around with different temps of water - I prefer ice cold or hot, but many people like luke warm or room temp.
  9. lizonaplane

    Airplane anxiety, just venting

    I have used extenders and lived. It's momentarily embarrassing, but you can ask the flight attendant and they are really chill about it. They are so used to it! No one has every said anything to me - passenger or flight attendant - in any situation when I've asked or used an extender. it really depends on the plane, not so much the carrier. I exclusively use American but there's a huge range of seat designs. If you're really worried, you can buy an extender on Amazon.
  10. lizonaplane

    7 day post op mental breakdown

    Sorry, but as an atheist, your statement is completely ridiculous.
  11. lizonaplane


    60 cals a serving is very low! Most are like 180-210. I eat real ketchup on real burgers (No bun) and I eat real french fries, too. Not too many and not very often, but I can't live the rest of my life on chicken breast (it's hard to eat anyway!).
  12. lizonaplane


    I use fat free Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. I eat a ton of FF Greek yogurt!
  13. lizonaplane


    I use light miracle whip in tuna, and I don't use much mayo otherwise. I would double check the balsamic vinaigrette nutrition facts. Most of it is high calorie and high sugar and fat, at least at restaurants and in bottles. If you're just mixing balsamic vinegar and olive oil, it's just high fat/calorie, but most commercial dressings have a lot of added sugar.
  14. lizonaplane

    Bariatric pal store

    I ate them at the beginning, but they just didn't have the same texture as "real" chips. I am seven months out and if I want to eat a few chips, I'll eat real chips, but only a few. Like we went out for Mexican on Monday and I had five of the free chips. That was enough. I could only eat half of my lunch portion of food - chicken breast with chorizo and cheese and a side of beans. (To your other post - this food was not low fat, but it was tasty!)
  15. lizonaplane


    We were told to eat low fat cheese and fat free mayo. I was not going to have a joyless life, not to mention the fact that I travel most days and eat out most meals, so that would have been impossible. Fat also helps keep you full, and I've struggled with hunger since day one. I just looked at MyFitnessPal and it looks like I get between 40-50g of fat a day with 900-1500 calories and 70-90g protein. I eat a lot of cheese and since I eat out, I often have foods that I know are made with oil. I worry more about limiting carbs and increasing protein and fiber and fluids. It seems to be working for me so far. I do eat a lot of fish and shrimp too, but I'm not giving up my cheese!
  16. lizonaplane

    Bariatric pal store

    I bought some of the quest chips and I thought they tasted okay, but I didn't love the texture. I have a number of bags I never ate that are probably expired. I find I just don't think to eat them.
  17. lizonaplane

    Bariatric pal store

    I ordered once or twice. I didn't like what I ordered. But I love the message boards!
  18. lizonaplane

    Answers for a Newbie?

    Good luck!
  19. lizonaplane

    Bipolar Out Break 8 Months Later

    I have bipolar disorder but I don't take any DR/ER meds; I was also told those can be an issue with sleeve or bypass. If your levels are half what they should be, why wouldn't your doc prescribe it twice a day, rather than crushing a DR pill? Is there a standard release pill form of valproic acid? What about lamictal instead? I take lamictal with no issues (so far - I'm 7 months out) but everyone's different. I'm so sorry you're struggling. I hope you find a good solution.
  20. lizonaplane

    I KNEW this would happen!!!!!

    Cold meds will not make your cold go away faster. They just mask the symptoms. Get tested for COVID just to be safe. I wouldn't worry too much! Good luck!
  21. lizonaplane

    7 day post op mental breakdown

    You have dealt with so much in a short period of time. Surgery is a trauma to your body and your mind, and you've been dealing with a lot of other traumas. It's okay to rage and cry. It sounds like you're doing everything right - you're not overeating or smoking or anything destructive. Depression and trauma take skilled therapists/counselors to help with. I am with you that religion is not the answer for everyone (I would be so pissed if someone said to leave it up to god!). And trauma is not the same as drama! Self soothing is a continuous process; sometimes we just need to be upset and sit with that for a bit. Congratulations for taking these positive steps for yourself. I'm so sorry that the people around you - the police, your landlord, you mother - are all such jerks. I hope things get better soon!
  22. lizonaplane

    VSG and constipation

    I find Miralax or lots of coffee works best for me. If I have a real issue that these don't solve (recently I had to take narcotics after a dental surgery) I will use a glycerin suppository. I haven't found stool softeners to do anything.
  23. lizonaplane

    Fluid Intake

    64 oz/ 8 glasses a day was basically invented by bottled water companies. You do get a lot of fluids from foods. HOWEVER: post surgery, you are more prone to dehydration, and you are eating less food with fluids in it. So... drink up as much as possible. I definitely drink less now that I can't drink with my meals. Also, plain water doesn't taste good to me, so it's hard to drink that. but I feel better on days that I drink more. If you are in hot weather or exercising, you will need more. I find that drinking things other than water helps a lot. For example, I drink a large iced coffee every day. It's a myth that coffee/caffeine dehydrates you. As long as you stay under 450 mg of caffeine, it's much more hydrating than dehydrating (alcohol is really dehydrating, so that doesn't count as fluid). I drink hot tea, diet juice, and water flavored with starburst packets. I also drink some diet soda, which my surgery center says is fine. I do have to let it go a bit flat or it's uncomfortable.
  24. lizonaplane


    Let us know how you're recovering! Congrats!
  25. lizonaplane

    Medical ID Bracelet?

    I once heard a story of someone who had an issue because she had some tube put in her stomach and the EMT didn't know she had bypass and it caused serious damage, but apparently the person inserting a tube would have to have seriously messed up for this to have happened, and it might have been an urban legend anyway. My surgery center didn't mention us needing medical ID bracelets (I had sleeve, but the people I was in classes with had bypass), and I can't think of a situation in which I would need one, even if I were unconscious. We weren't given wallet cards either.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
