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Posts posted by ShoppGirl

  1. 56 minutes ago, JDLane said:

    I am but it's the mini pill so there is no placebo week to skip 😫 . For now I'll just continue to hope it comes and goes before the 12th. I did ask about it during my pre-op call and they basically just said you're not allowed to wear a tampon during surgery so they would provide the mesh underwear like you get after giving birth and a pad. So it's honestly not the worst thing, just not my preference.

    Well ideally like you said it will come and go but if not, hopefully if you do have it it won’t be too big of a deal because like others said you will be up and down for the bathroom a lot anyways plus you are supposed to walk a lot as well. I was up and around the room the first night pretty easily you just have to drag your new friend around with you who I named Charlie (the iv) but that becomes second nature.

  2. 17 minutes ago, JDLane said:

    How is everyone doing with their pre-op diets? Mine is honestly much better than I anticipated although I am one of the lucky ones that is not restricted to only liquid. I'm definitely having some head hunger and cravings but I'm not actually hungry most of the time.

    Question for the ladies: anyone else due for their time of month around surgery? I'm praying mine comes soon and is done by the time I go in. I don't want to have to be dealing with that on top of everything else.

    Are you one the pill? I was supposed to be on mine the day after surgery but called gyno and he said okay to skip the placebo pills to hold it off for a few weeks.

  3. Did you tell the surgeon about your previous experience when going off that medication. Or does your general practitioner know about the event. Perhaps you can ask their opinion and if they disagree with you going off of it they can call to discuss it with him. I am on mood stabilizers and my psychiatrist and surgeon worked together to figure out what to do about my meds.

  4. On 1/23/2021 at 4:10 PM, SAS11 said:

    I have found several great foods recently, and I’m going to post each in a different comment. I absolutely love these muffins. They come in multiple flavors. I eat one every day after I’ve gotten all of my Protein in.


    It took forever to figure out who carried the various flavors of these, but I found them and tried the banana chocolate chip Verion and they are really good. Thanks for the tip.

  5. Idk of any wine to suggest but I do suggest that you try a glass at home first just to see how your body is going to react to it. Wait, have you had your surgery yet. I was assuming you had.

  6. I was worried the same. I was told that you don’t really feel the restriction until you get to soft foods and that was true for me. I still could eat more than they suggest for what stage I am at so I just measure my food and eat what is expected but I couldn’t eat a lot more because I do feel the restriction eventually. I learned this because three ounces by weight of meat is more than three ounces of volume and I was weighing it at first.

  7. It sounds to me like they had a cancellation if they just scheduled it 7 days in advance but obviously the surgeon thinks 7 days is enough to do it safely or they wouldn’t do it. Did they not talk to you about what your preop diet would be like before they called and scheduled your appointment?

  8. I don’t understand the science behind it but basically your body thinks you are dying and it is running itself on reduced calories to try to keep you alive. Using less calories means less weight loss. I’m sure it’s not that simple but the important part is it will not last. I’ve said it many times that a human being cannot maintain their weight on the amount of food we are eating. Stalls happen to all of us (I am in one right now) but they always eventually end and for me they usually end with a lot quick few pound loss which almost makes up for the time in the stall. Downward trends are all that really matter.

  9. I am coming up on two months post op and I do not have any regrets. I haven’t tried everything yet but I’ve already eaten quite a variety of food. I thought I’d miss my Coke Zero (I drank a 12 pack a day) and I honestly don’t. I drink crystal light now and I am totally content with that. And I wake up easier now that I’m off the caffeine. I don’t see why you couldn’t have red meat or Reese cups, especially with the sleeve. I am eating lean ground beef now. It will probably be a while before I attempt steak but I ate a lot of that on the pre op diet anyways so I don’t really miss it.

  10. On 1/16/2021 at 8:33 PM, Brittsis17 said:

    Hi everyone! Still feeling great. But I’m feeling like I have such horrible cravings for real food. Like I just want some Peanut Butter, or a chicken breast. Even a whole wheat quesadilla. Is this normal??

    Absolutely. I was craving tacos throughout every phase. I am cleared for regular food now but still Scared to try a taco shell so I have had taco salad but not tacos.

  11. It’s not a dream. I felt similar afterwards. Felt guilty because someone in recovery next to me was In a great deal of pain but other than what felt like I did about 5,000 crunches I had no pain. I was worried about going home the next day and not having the hospital bed rails to pull myself up but I figured out how to do it. Just keep your fluids up and you should do great. Congratulations on your surgery.

  12. I didn’t have a lot of pain and took non narcotics even while in the hospital but I know someone else who had the same surgery with the same surgeon and she was In so much pain they gave her that button thingy you keep pressing (with morphine I think) and that helped her. So everyone is definitely different but they do everything they can to minimize your pain.

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