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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Ooh good. Fingers crossed your surgery will go on as planned.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Horrible side pain

    I agree. Especially if you are five weeks out already. That doesn’t sound normal. Better safe than sorry.
  3. That’s three pounds a week. Not sure if your stats but I agree that sounds like your doing fine. Especially if you had a low ish starting weight. I am almost nine months out and have only lost 51 pounds post surgery and my team is totally thrilled with my loss so far.
  4. ShoppGirl

    January Surgery buddies

    Hang in there. You’ve got this!!
  5. I will have to look at that brand. I do like using the frozen crusts though cause I can make it my way. I like white pizza (which uses ricotta instead of red sauce) with chicken (and veggies) which both add protein. Like you I know that a grilled chicken breast is a better option but I like to have a slice of pizza on game day. So far my protein has been great on my labs and I figure in the calories for the day but I look at it that if this is a lifestyle change and not a diet I gotta have something. Quick tip if you waste a lot of pizza. If you cut it when you get home from the store and then put back in freezer you can cook a smaller portion. I cut mine into slices and cook one at a time. If you cook it directly on the rack just put a sheet pan on rack below cause some toppings may spill on occasion.
  6. Well it does list corn, rice and lentil “flours” but it says it’s gluten free?? I’m sure someone on here could say whether it’s a good or a great option. It’s not a great source of protein so I'm sure I won’t have it that often but when craving pasta I figure it’s gotta be better than the real deal. Which cauliflower crust did you decide is best? Do you get just the crust or the whole pizza?? I have one that I have been using but other than calories I never really looked at it either. I just looked and it’s the same brand as that pasta.
  7. The first ingredient listed is cauliflower? I admit that I am not the greatest about reading labels yet when it comes to the ingredients. You can see the label on Walmart.com though.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Favorite Aldi’s grocery store finds

    Ooh I am looking forward to the replies here. I do not have an Aldi’s but my friend does 2.5 hours south of me. I need to compile a list and we are going to go someday. This will be super helpful.
  9. Michelle, We’re you able to get appointments for your tests today?
  10. ShoppGirl


    I wasn’t given a set time frame to drink either. Like lizonaplane I was just told small sips all day and aim for 64 ounces. It takes some people a little while to work up to that too. Just do your best and if you see signs of dehydration contact your team so you can get some fluids. Try different flavors and different temperatures of beverages too to see what is best for you.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Feb 2022 Surgery date, new here

    I think we all were at the very least a little scared of possible complications going into surgery. What helped me was learning that statistically you are more likely to die in a car accident than from this surgery. I just thought to myself, the fear of a possible complication of driving (a tragic accident) doesn’t keep me from driving so why would that same fear keep me from having a surgery that I need? That rationalization sort of calmed my fears. I was definitely worried about failure too. I am almost 9 months out and I am 9 pounds from goal and I am sorry to admit I am still afraid. Afraid that I will gain it all back and now everyone knows I had surgery and will think I am even more of a failure. I am not sure how to talk myself out of that one. Only that other people keep it off and I know in my heart that I am trying my best so hopefully it will be okay. I think having done the yo yo dieting for sooooooo many years we will always be at least a little afraid of gaining it back. Also, I had many food funerals. People even refer to their dinner before pre op diet as their last supper. Many of us have a complicated relationship with food and the thought of having it taken away is a scary thing. But I was afraid of that for no reason. I have tried small amounts of everything I ate prior to surgery without any issues so once I get to my goal weight I know that I can have everything in moderation again. Some people do have foods they can’t tolerate post surgery but most people say they also no longer crave them so it’s not like they really miss them anymore. More like they just no longer enjoy those foods.
  12. When you are cleared for it, Chick-fil-A has a southwest salad that is delicious. I mostly just eat the toppings and leave the lettuce. They also have fruit cups.
  13. Cheryl, where did you find the cauliflower sandwich thins? I think those are the ones I have seen on Amazon but hate to order so many until I try them.
  14. You didn’t. Now that I look you quoted Cheryl who was the one that posted them. Sorry.
  15. I like the ranch as well. Wish they too were smaller container just because I am the only one who eats ranch and the expiration doesn’t give a ton of time to finish it. I would like to try those sandwich thins. Where did you find those?
  16. The green giant container is really big. The birds eye brand is smaller (I noticed because of freezer space as I have a tiny fridge). The birds eye one was 2.5 servings. I think they were half cup servings. I have heated it up in microwave next day and it’s okay but I am not sure past that. I always make it when the hubby is in the mood for it too but I wish they had single servings.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Almost 1 week out. Dumping not sure ??

    I have never dumped but I agree it doesn’t sound like it could be dumping. First of all you haven’t had any sugar or fat which are what usually cause dumping but also, I am pretty sure the symptoms of dumping are a little more severe than what you described.
  18. Okay I’m sure it was mentioned on here already but cauliflower mashed potatoes. Birds Eye Frozen ones that can be found at Walmart. They are delicious. Just wanted to bring them up again in case someone hasn’t tried them yet.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Revision Jan 6

    Hi Charlie. I am not exactly on the same journey as you (I just had a sleeve in March 2021) but still wanted to wish you luck with yours. You should find a ton of support on here. I have found these boards to be a lifesaver since I didn’t tell many people and those I did tell don’t all understand what I am going through.
  20. I am almost nine months out and have only lost 66 pounds so I would venture to say you are doing fine. It actually would be helpful if you filled in your profile. I can eat almost a normal serving size now. I am a little early to be able to eat this much but my team says it’s okay and there is nothing wrong. I am 9 pounds from goal and still losing very slowly.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Prep recommends... I'm six weeks out

    I didn’t have much pain at all. I don’t think my dr used the air or gas that they fill you up with cause I had no gas pain and I had the nerve block on my stomach so I didn’t even need pain meds. I Did have to go back as an outpatient to the hospital to get fluids the first week. I am not really sure why cause it didn’t really hurt to drink. I just couldn’t drink as much and it takes a while to get used to sipping all the time all day. I may not have needed to if I had just stayed at the hospital the second night but I was ready to go.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Prep recommends... I'm six weeks out

    I used to drink Coke Zero all day and night like a 12 pack a day. I quit prior to surgery and really don’t even miss it. I have a little caffeine now but not from soda even though my team says I am medically clear to have it again but they don’t recommend it cause of the correlation with weight gain. I have the premiere protein caffe latte every morning and occasionally I have a crystal light energy if I am feeling tired during the day. Both of those hit me harder energy wise now than a single soda used to. There isn’t anything specific that I needed post op that I wasn’t told to expects. Protein drinks, broths, puree soups, sugar free popsicles, etc. i had a pretty uneventful recovery though. Maybe others will have more to add about that.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Post op - Liquid Only - Suggestions?

    That stage is pretty boring. Kinda have to just stick to your list from your team. Just sip sip sip, try different flavors and different temperatures until you figure out what works for you.

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