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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Idk about this. I have always been told the same as you not to skip it especially on a diet but I swear if I eat breakfast I eat more throughout the day.
  2. Premiere protein has a variety pack for sale on Amazon. Not sure if they sell it in stores. I’ve not seen it at my Walmart or target. I don’t know if they ever added the caffe latte to the variety pack but it’s really good if you like coffee drinks (it has caffeine in it).
  3. Don’t stock up on too much that someone else won’t eat. Our tastes often change post surgery, especially for sweet things such as protein shakes. I ended up haven’t a couple cases of shakes that I couldn’t stand post surgery.
  4. Aymen, did you find out what was going on. Please update us as soon as you can.
  5. ShoppGirl

    No period for 3 months...

    Mine was messed up post surgery too. I actually had mine more often. Wish I had your problem. Lol. Mine was back to normal around five months I think.
  6. There is a forum on here for singles who had WLS….could be worth a try? May find someone else who has been through it all.
  7. Hello Athena. What do you mean all of the things that come with the new you? With the exception of being mindful of what I eat now and no longer liking alcohol things are pretty much the same for me as they were before surgery. What obstacles are you having?
  8. ShoppGirl

    Paxil and Sleeve

    I am on two smaller pills and I took them in the hospital along with Tylenol the next day.
  9. ShoppGirl


    If you are post surgery it could be your hormones going wacky on you. Mine did a bit and I just didn’t want to do anything for a couple of weeks but then it leveled out. How long Have you been seeing this therapist? Do you like them? Sometimes it is good to be reminded that we have good stuff going on in our lives too but I hope that is not really all your therapist is offering you in terms of help. Are you upset about something specific or just feeling down? If you are having a hard time with the loss of food like lizonaplane mentioned, the bariatric therapist may be better equipped to help you through that. If you do not feel that your therapist is helping you then try someone else. I went through several until I found the right fit.
  10. ShoppGirl

    10 months post-op

    I agree. I was sleeved March 9 and also started with a low BMI. I am 9 pounds from goal (and top of “normal” bmi) and seem to be almost stalled there. I am going to try adding exercise before reducing calories any further but I am eating a lot more than you at 1000-1200 most days.
  11. Also if you find certain flavors of the drink packets to be too sweet you can Mix flavors or dilute them some. It takes two packets to make a gallon and I like fruit punch but it’s too sweet post surgery so I mix this with watermelon which is not as sweet to balance it out.
  12. ShoppGirl

    March 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Well I was very fortunate to have an uneventful recovery. The one change that has been hardest for me is to slow down my eating. Try it once and you will see. Or better yet start slowing down now for practice. I also for some reason have been able to eat more than expected at every stage so I have to measure everything. It has been a little adjustment to stop eating when I don’t feel full yet but honestly I think that it just a mind thing because after a few minutes I realize I am satisfied even if I don’t feel that full to the brim feeling. Another thing that is hard is not comparing your journey to others. I have been a slow loser from the start but many people continue to lose up to two years so just cause the weight doesn’t come off super fast doesn’t mean that it won’t. Just listen to your team and trust the process.
  13. ShoppGirl

    March 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Congratulations to all the March surgery dates. I was March 9 last year and boy what a year it has been so far. I am currently stuck at about 9 pounds from goal. I may have to add in more exercise to get there but this process really works. Good luck to you all.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Had my surgery on the 5th

    Looks like others have it covered. I will just add that it gets a little bit better each day. Hang in there. 👍
  15. If you end up going to ER during classes just ask them for a note from the dr to give to your school so if you fall behind the teachers will work with you.
  16. Okay. I hope you Feel Better soon.
  17. As in you are a student? If you miss a class, can’t you make it up? You won’t be able to focus and pay attention anyways if you are in that much pain.
  18. Did their office tell you to go to ER??
  19. If I were You I would go to the ER. I am not a doctor but that just doesn’t sound right.
  20. Don’t wait for your appointment. Call their office today. If they don’t respond and the pain is terribly bad go to the ER.
  21. Have you contacted your team. I don’t think new pain that is so severe you can’t stand up at 13 weeks out is very common. They should have someone after hours to advise you.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Reverse gastric bypass

    Have you talked to your surgeon and told them you are having such a hard time? I didn’t have any issues so I can’t be sure but it seems like some people on here have bad similar issues that resolved eventually. If I were you I would reach out to your team and hopefully some others with similar experience will reply and offer helpful tips. If you don’t like the shakes because they are too sweet try premiere protein caffe latte. It was the only one I could stand early on because the rest tasted too sweet to me. Just know that it does contain caffeine.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Uncontrolled Nausea

    I didn’t have that issue but I wonder if there is another anti nausea Med. I know in the hospital I had a patch that goes behind the ear for nausea and that worked for me. I would call the dr. No need to suffer if there is a medication you can get.
  24. So glad to hear that you have the support of your siblings. To be honest, one person in your corner can be all you really need. Good luck on your upcoming surgery and keep us posted on your journey.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
