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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Post op calories

    Neither the surgeon nor the nutritionist even mentioned calories in the beginning. Just amounts of food. Every teams plan is a little different in regard to the amounts you should be eating at each stage. It’s best to just stick to your plan.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Determining Goal Weight

    I don’t Agree it is a good measure either but I think your doctor is going to want your weight at follow up appointments because it is unfortunately the only measure we have and it is how they measure whether the surgery was a success or not. For the statistics that they gather post surgery. If they want it you can always step on the scale and not look though if you don’t want to know.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Pre-Op Tests

    I have heard of plenty of people who had to do those tests. Just part of the process.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Crying over granola

    Yea. The idea of saying goodbye to food is an emotional one but you really aren’t saying goodbye forever just see ya later for a little while. I am able to eat small amounts of everything I was able to eat pre surgery. I just tried those things once for peace of mind. Now I know that once I get to maintenance I will be able to have them in moderation again.
  5. ShoppGirl

    Stalls GRRRRR

    If you use the exercise app it will automatically consider it exercise no matter how fast you go but for it to just record it on its own as exercise you have tO walk faster. You may find if you have to park far out from a destination and your in a hurry that you will get a random minute or two recorded for example. I don’t know if it just goes by how fast your steps are or if it uses heart rate??
  6. Awe that was so sweet. Glad you are well enough to be leaving soon 👍
  7. It seems like you are trying to say that you are 70 and the local surgeon says you have to be 65 or younger. If that’s the case I would get a new surgeon. I hear of many people on here who are older than 65 getting the surgery and they are very successful. If you have medical issues that prevent you from surgery that’s one thing but using a magic number (age) to say you shouldn’t do surgery that just doesn’t make sense.
  8. Good for you getting creative. I just walk back and forth in the house when it’s too hot to go outside and walk (which is most of the time). At least it’s something but I could stand to follow your lead and change it up.
  9. ShoppGirl


    Yea I didn’t feel hungry either. I did want to eat out of boredom though and wish I didn’t. You will probably have to set alarms and make yourself eat a few times a day at least. I am not sure which problem would be worse. Lol
  10. ShoppGirl

    Stalls GRRRRR

    That’s exactly what I do. My husband usually checks in with me from work when he is eating his lunch and my mom calls at some point to vent about something most days and with both of them I answer the phone And get to walking. According to Apple Watch I am going fast enough to get exercise minutes in and I usually get around 45 on average per day.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    Now that arabesque confirmed what I was thinking that Iron could be the cause of it, maybe try the pro care health multi with the lower iron mg and then take a small dose of iron at another time of day.
  12. ShoppGirl

    Stalls GRRRRR

    Definitely something to look into. Thanks.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Stalls GRRRRR

    Ooh how I wish I had access to an indoor pool. I live in south Florida so it’s almost always warm enough to swim but I had a melanoma so I can’t go in the sun. I love swimming and it’s great exercise but I hate having to get all lotioned up and wait for it to really dry just to swim for an hour and do it all over again.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I think as long as you find another one with the same levels of each of the key vitamins from a reputable company you will be fine switching to another one lab wise. I just don’t know if a comparable one will also make you feel sick because it’s not clear what ingredient it is that is causing it. Hopefully the nutritionist has seen this before.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Need to lower A1c

    I don’t know much about lowering A1C or how long it will take but I agree that if it holds your surgery back a little it may seem like the end of the world now but in the whole scheme of things a few months is really not a big deal. In the end it will all be worth the wait and the work it takes to reach your goals.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    Hummm… perhaps someone else can recommend a different capsule.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    Have you tried or considered the bariatric advantage chewable. It’s more expensive and I didn’t love the taste of it but I was able to take that one on an empty stomach and I was fine. My nutritionist had samples.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    You may need more than just a snack in your belly. Have you tried taking it after dinner yet?? If you still get sick with that I would definitely be considering other brands.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I told the nurse practitioner at my office that I threw up once from my multivitamin and she didn’t say anything about that? I would tell them how you feel on liquid diet. Maybe they would advise purées or something else given your circumstances.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Stalls GRRRRR

    I have heard people who have had stalls last for up to six weeks on here and then the loss started again. I was worried that I was going into maintenance too but I am a little closer to “normal” BMI and I worry that my body is just happier at the higher end of that normal range. Honestly I will be thrilled if I get to my goal of normal BMI. I actually gained four pounds now (my grandma was in hospice and just passed away Monday so I was definitely eating more than I should) and I have a post op appointment today so I get to go In and face the NP knowing I haven’t lost much since my last visit 😢. This may sound crazy Or silly but can you clear a path to walk from one end of your house to the other? I have a tiny house and am surprised I haven’t worn out the wood laminate but I walk back and forth like this daily. I do it because the treadmill is hard on my knees and just walking in my house doesn’t hurt them.
  21. I take mine in the morning AFTER I drink a whole protein shake and that seems to be enough. But I did throw up once when I wasn’t thinking and I took it before I finished the whole shake. I think it’s definitely a “take with food” sort of thing. Taking it at night is not a bad idea though.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Can’t fart after sleeved surgery

    I didn’t have any gas post surgery but everyone says that the walking is supposed to help you pass gas. It sounds like you are already doing that though. Maybe gas X?
  23. I started with that brand but later searched for something more reasonable price wise. I now take the procare health multivitamin with 45 mg of iron and a normal calcium citrate pill that is not bariatric. So far my labs are great. I do not need the B12 so far either. I had the sleeve.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Dr says no more protein shakes

    I agree with asking for email or something. It’s sad but people are more careful when they put things in writing because it’s such a litigious world we live in. I hope you will get a different version that way because one meal A day does not make sense.
  25. ShoppGirl

    First Appointment

    Mine was just about medical history. We started discussing the procedures but they said I didn’t have to decide which one right away.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
