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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Okay now that I’ve told my regain story and done as much research as I can (there is not a ton of info out there about the SADI) I have questions. Some that are white awkward tk Ask the doctor. First and foremost is how many of these procedures he had done. He is a very well knows surgeon, head of the bariatric department at the hospital even but I don’t think he has done a lot of this particular procedure. In fact the poster schematic is not yet on the wall and his office did not have any information packets to share about the procedure yet. If he says I am first I want to ask what makes him comfident he is capable? I’m pretty sure he just does sleeve and bypass primarily. So how differnt is if than a bypass?? I sorta understand the gist of it but I admit I don’t understand normal anatomy nevermind the exact differences between the procedures. also, I read some medical research on the procedure and they were talking about less complications after the learning curve a couple years later. Did that mean the individual surgeons learning curve or did they mean the field has learned from each others mistakes. I have to admit maybe being in the first few adds a little bit more anxiety to all this. Next I need to ask him, if he made my sleeve to big if he will correct that as well I have always felt like my sleeve was a little larger than everyone else’s based on how much I could eat so if he gets in there and that’s the case does he fix that as part of the procedure if so, is that now a differnt procedure and does that matter? I am not expecting anyone to know answers to these questions just help me with the way to word them so that I can feel comfortable asking I don’t want him to think I am questioning his surgical skills because I know he is really good but I still need some reassurances here
  2. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    The food police. That’s cute. I have to admit when you said you used to be a chef I reluctantly opened the recipe thinking it was going to be really hard but that doesn’t look too difficult. I am adding the ingredients to my Amazon and Walmart carts now. Thanks!!
  3. ShoppGirl

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I am three years post sleeve contemplating revision surgery and I am trying not to do food funerals this time. I still don’t have a surgery date though so let’s see how I feel as I count down the days. . I am thinking I am going to have the SADI so I really May have stuff I can never tolerate Again. Now I’m thinking…maybe just one last meal, lol. But if you are like me and carbs make you crave carbs maybe stop these a few days before your scheduled to start the pre op. Otherwise the preop will seen that much harder. Just FYI also, With the sleeve I was able to tolerate anything post surgery and I’ve heard the same from a lot of people who have had bypass (although they can sometimes only have very small amounts of certain things).
  4. ShoppGirl

    Surgery Date 4/2/24

    I don’t have a surgery date yet but congratulations on yours!! It’s sneaking up here soon, too.
  5. Keep the questions coming guys. I am feeling so much more prepared already (thanks again Spinoza). I created a note in my phone with the list so far. I added Please can you explain how this surgery affects hunger hormones. Given that my sleeve portion has already been completed, will I have any additional hormone changes? I am also working on asking about my bipolar meds. I need to make certain they will absorb okay post surgery. He said it’s fine the last time but this is an important one so I’m going to ask again. The rest of my questions are about maintenance diet, post op labs and vitamins so far. I think the PA can answer those. I feel like this is a pretty good list but if anyone thinks of anything else I would greatly appreciate your input.
  6. Thanks!!! I’m super curious to hear the answer to that one. I assume altering the sleeve with increase the risks and complications as well as recovery time but I think that there may be some value to it. I recall him saying your sleeve worked last time though so I may really need to stress this one. It worked because I used the advantages of less hunger hormone and acted like I was on a diet. Not because I ever felt full. I may need to be sure he understands that. Also it Seems like the percentages of weight loss I found in my research are for virgin surgeries so just doing the other part without touching the sleeve I’m guessing my weight loss will be considerably less. I’m curious what that looks like.
  7. I agree. I am so thankful for the help.
  8. Wow. That is so perfect. I always get nervous when I’m trying to ask all my questions. Not because I’m intimidated by the doctor just because I respect that they are busy and when I try to go quickly I always forget something. They asked me if he wanted to schedule me with him or the PA though and I said him because he wants to answer my questions but I’m thinking of asking to meet with the PA first. I’m thinking that it’s just another copay and the more they can answer the more time I will have with him for the more serious stuff. Plus once I get answers to some stuff I may realize I have more questions.
  9. Okay this is long and boring at parts but here it goes. I am 3 years post sleeve and I have gained all my weight back . First of all I was on the smaller side to have the sleeve but I do still have all the same struggles and if I had waited until I was older it was just a matter of time until I was a higher bmi having the surgery. The fact that I have lost and then gained it all plus some within less than years is probably proof of that. Anyways, with the sleeve I did lose a big chunk of weight. I went from 235 to 168 which I could not have done with regular diet. But, i was always able to eat a little more than I should at every given stage and everything was easy for me. From day one I had no gas pain and water was easy to get down, then fluids and protein which were easy to keep down, I had no food intolerances and advancing through each stage. I was living my best life watching the pounds fall off but I was alway able to eat just a little more than everyone else at the same stage. Well, while the hunger hormone was gone and I was focused I was able to eat exactly what I SHOULD be eating and I measured my portions to the Amount I should be eating and I was satisfied. So lost most of the weight the dr suggested I would. i held that weight for a few months but then the hunger started creeping back and between the hunger and the extra room in the pouch I started gaining in spite of still making healthy food choices (my food was fine but my portions were too large and too frequent). Well, even though I knew I was losing control my friends and family continued to look at me as doing great..I was still on the road to getting to where I needed ti be in their eyes. I was ashamed. I was failing yet They kept complimenting me and offering me food. They were saying things like your doing so good, you can have one slice or pizza or one brownie. It won’t kill you. It’s okay that you’ve gained a couple pounds I’ve gained a couple it’s Christmas. You can lose that. Well I have since learned that no I cannot just have one of anything to do with carbs or I crave them for a week but I didn’t know that back then Anyways, was still going to my surgeon asking for help but I have bipolar disorder and the meds I take for it limit what other meds I can take so I cannot take many of the weight loss meds they had to offer. And the one I can take worked wonderfully during the day but when it wore off I ate all night Fast forward a few months and I stepped on the scale and I was back over 200. That sucked but I wasn’t giving up. went back to my surgeon asking about revision to bypass. I have heartburn gerd whatever you call it and clearly the sleeve wasn’t working so I wanted to know my options. Well let’s go back. I knew I didn’t want to have surgery if I was going to just repeat the yo-yo that had just happened so I decided I wanted two opinions this time. Well the second opinion dr had a cancellation so I seen him first. He was on board. He was going to bypass a shorter amount of bowel so i had less absorption issues and my meds Would work fine he said which seemed to be his concern even though it wasn’t really my question. I just needed my dr to say that it shouldn't be a repeat of last time and I was going forward. Well even though the bypass was an option he presented to me to start he said he wouldn’t do a bypass for me. He thought it would be a bad call with my mental health issues. This was confusing to say the least because I have one dr saying it’s fine and another dr I really respect saying it’s not and I started this thinking bypass was always an okay option in terms of mental health but worried the surgery just wouldn’t work for me. I am of course concerned about my mental health so took some time to think about it. I tried for a while to find a bariatric therapiest but none near me are taking any new patients. I even asked the surgeon and he said he would look into it but be never did. Anyways I called around for the better part of two days. They all just do the evaluations now for surgery. I have had every hormone test and lab they have that could possibly be the problem. I changed all my meds in case they were the issue. I tried everything myself and my doctors could think of but I kept gaining. When I revisited the idea of surgery I was scared. Anything that was going to upset my mental health again just isn’t an option I decided. I already know what life without my medication is like and I do not want to go back there. I continued to gain. I got back up to 245 and I am miserable. I am so depressed when I look at what I have let happen to myself. I had a chance and I blew it. I am disgusted when I look in the mirror. I decided that the weight is causing me to be more depressed so I needed to get some real answers. I went back to my surgeon. Not to ask him to do the surgery but exactly why he thought it was a bad idea. The plan was to take that info and talk to the other surgeon to make sure he had considered that and see why he wasn’t worried about it. Well, surprise…my surgeon is on board now with doing a revision for me. When I asked why he said no before he said something about a nite in my chart that said I wasn’t complaint with my meds back them and he didn’t know I have a psychiatrist and psychologist and take my meds but now he is comfortable doing surgery. So, frustrated I had to wait until I gained almost 50 more pounds to get here but excited he is willing to do it I am researching the other surgery he thinks will be a better fit for me called the SADI. At the same time I am still not buying the note in my chart thing. Cause that was never true. I guess the important takeaway for those of you here that are just starting out is even if you do regain don’t lose touch with your team and don’t give up. I feel like my dr wavering in whether he would do the surgery didn’t help but I could have asked more questions sooner and I wouldn’t have so much to lose this time. Plus, hopefully you guys can take the weight loss meds and won’t be facing a second surgery.
  10. ShoppGirl

    3 days post op

    I wish I could help you. I had sleeve and did not have much pain at all. Mh abs were sore like I did crunches. As I am reading this though I am thinking my post op if I do decide to do conversion to SADI is going to be extra confusing because I won’t really have many people to ask if I have a concern like yours. And I am a super anxious person with medical stuff to begin with so that’s not going to be a good combo . I may Just ask them to keep me an extra day so I know what pain is okay before I go.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Buyers Remorse?

    Even for someone without any mental health issues the hormones can get out of whack ans make the recovery an emotional experience. I’m glad you are feeling better. I have to ask though, how was the purée?? Was it as divine as you anticipated?? It gets easier each day and it sounds like you are doing fine.
  12. ShoppGirl

    No longer obese

    That’s amazing. I am incredibly happy for you. Best of luck continuing onward towards all your goals.
  13. ShoppGirl


    I am glad to hear you are headed back in the right direction. Keep it up, but if you can’t do ir on your own don’t hesitate to ask for your surgeons help. They have medication that can help most people.
  14. ShoppGirl

    My regain story

    Thank you both. Spinoza thank you I know with my mental health issues that my journey doesn’t look exactly like everyone’s here but some version of what happened to me could happen to everyone I hope my story helps someone. I know that so many people here have helped me along the way. I wish I wouldn’t have gotten so embarrassed and stopped posting last time. Things may be different now. But, I put my story out there and from now on I am looking forward. BlondPatriotinCDA That’s what I try to tell my husband. He has always been very fit and he tries to empathize but he just doesn’t understand and sometimes he says all the wrong things. Recently He said I don’t get it, you quit smoking why is this so difficult for you. I said because I don’t have to smoke three puffs a day to survive and not smoke anymore than that. I know if I had one cigarette I would be a smoker again. In fact i did and I was until I quit the second time and now I know I can’t have just one. But, I do think knowledge is power and I will know when I do go off plan again which I inevitably will. I will know that give it a few days and my body will stop screaming at me that it’s starving because that’s what it takes for me. I eat carbs and my body craves them for a few days afterwards then the cravings are a lot less. Then I’m good until the next holiday or dining out temptation or if I’m really stressed I eat off plan. Those are my triggers. I’m hoping that information will make it easier for me to get back on track next time. This time I already told all my loved ones to please try not to offer me food that is not a good choice for me and I am eating low carb already. I also just declined a lunch invitation with my craft group being honest that I’m too tempted to eat bad when dining out. Maybe once I get back on track I said but for now I need to stay focused (to a group of mostly really skinny women who probably totally don’t get it but they didn’t say anything at least). Anyways. Yes. My plan is to keep chatting here with people Who actually get it and to try to find that therapist and pay out of pocket as Spinoza suggested because this is it. It is not like they usually revise a third time and even if they did the complications and risks are scary enough the second time around. This is my do over and I have to do it right this time.
  15. I agree with others that it’s not wise to jump ahead. You really could be harming yourself physically. And just because it was okay once doesn’t mean it will continue to be every time. I suggest calling your team and letting them know you are having issues. Maybe you can safely move ahead to something a little more substantial than broth once they assess your specific situation just probably not to lobster bisque. in terms of the liquids, try flavorings and different temperatures. Also remember that broth does count towards your goal. Best of luck.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Anyone in CDA ?

    Oh wow. That sounds beautiful. I’m sure you will find someone to join you, but. I agree It would be nice to have someone that is on a similar journey. My Fingers are crossed you find someone here that’s nearby.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Loosing too much weight

    Have you only spoken with you bariatric dr, in regards to this being related to surgery? Perhaps it’s coincidence and you have something totally unrelated going on. I would have a chat with my PCP if you haven’t already.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Anyone in CDA ?

    I’m not near you, unfortunately, but love the idea of a walking buddy. I bet an accountability partner would be really good for me too. If you don’t find one right away though I know alot of people tend to walk the malls. (Not sure what the centennial is so forgive me if that’s already your plan). I would assume it’s earlier in the day when it’s less busy but can’t say for sure. I was thinking about doing something like that. Thinking I may meet someone there and we can sync our schedules.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    I appreciate your input and you are very right. I did speak with one therapist and it’s like $300 a visit but maybe I can talk to my husband about it. At least I could go a handful of times, mayne. I edited my post to explain a lot more of my story. I’m kinda feeling like I’m on my own at this point. If I still feel this way after I meet with the dr next month I will be considering other options.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    I have a therapist that I speak to refularly but no she doesn’t specialize in food. Unfortunately there are not any therapists around here that specialize in food taking on new patients. I even asked the surgeons and they only know the ones they refer you to for evaluation to be cleared for surgery (who apparently want to make the quick $300 or whatever it was and move on because they don’t accept new patients). I know that it could be a huge help for me but I hate to bring it up again knowing he won’t have an answer anyways. I don’t want him to think I’m not fit for surgery if that’s my only option. I don’t have any eating disorders. I don’t binge or anything but I do eat when I’m upset. I am not sure to what degree that is normal or can be helped but I would love to try. I just can’t find anyone and I’ve asked anyone and everyone I can think of. Basically my drs team does not hace any info on the surgery yet. I think I may be one of his first patients with this particular procedure. He is a very well know and excellent surgeon but he only offered sleeve and bypass before as far as I know. Anyways so far I have read from many different sites that you can’t have grains, probably won’t be able to tolorate dairy, can have a small amount of fat, must eat a lot of protein of course but some people can’t tolorate beans and keep carbs low so limit the amount of fruit and what I consider to be the edible vegetables. Basically that leaves me eating meat all the time, with maybe a little avacado and nothing else, I mean in terms of the options that I actually like, am I right? I mean at least with the sleeve I could eat eggs and beans and fruit and veggies I liked. I’m talking about even in maintenance I don’t think people who get SADI can have these things. Otherwise it causes the bathroom side effects. im really hoping that I’m wrong. There is such a little Amount of very confusing information about this surgery out there and I do intend to ask the dr and the dietician. In fact I called and left a message for her earlier today wanting to know what she knows about this procedure and whether I should schedule with her to learn about diet in the long term? She didn’t call back yet. Do you know that there isn’t even a cookbook for this procedure yet. At least that I could find. I’m not getting this much of my anatomy altered and facing this type of risks without knowing my long term diet is going to be.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Struggling to stop losing

    My first thought was a snarkier version of that such as your concern has been noted but, I think I’ll take my medical advise from those with medical degrees. Contrary to how that may sound, though, I’m not a confrontational person so I would only ever think it in my head. I like your version as an actual solution. Seems like a very nice way to say stay in your lane.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Post-Op Congestions

    I’m wondering if it really has anything to do with the surgery at all. My primary dr told me that immediately post surgery if I had issues that I would call the bariatric dr and ask if I should see them or go to my family dr. Maybe try giving them a call and see if it sounds like something of concern.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Struggling to stop losing

    I would love to say don’t worry about the comments but the honest truth is I probably would too. lol. Maybe if you get in to see your team and run it by then they will make you feel better about allowing your body to find its new happy place. Keeping in mind that most people do have some bounce back weight whether it’s the same year or three years down the road you will be lucky in my opinion to have a little cushion there. I also have to ask, are the people making these comments bigger than you now? Some people could actually be jealous or they just need you to be heavy to make themselves feel better. Maybe They were used to you bejng the overweight friend making them feel better about their own insecurities. Some may be Thinking things like I may be overweight but it’s not like I’m as big as some people I know (aka you). Now they have to look at themselves and feel what they actually feel without justifying it in that way. Or Perhaps they are thin but they felt inferior to you in some other way and In their mind their insecurity was off set by the fact that you were overweight (I’m not as funny or smart or whatever it may be but at least I’m not overweight). Not sure if that makes sense or if it’s exactly one of those thing but if I had to guess it’s something that is 100% a them thing not a you thing. You are doing great!!
  24. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    I thought that there must be an actual formula out there somewhere since they were referring to this number in medical journals. I will baxe to ask my surgeon which one is the most commonly used (although they are all pretty close). I also noticed they are almost the middle of the bmi range.
  25. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    I agree 100% that BMI is completely flawed. When I was young I did fit right in there but at around 25 I just started gaining and never stopped. I would love to get back to that perfect BMI but I just don’t see if Happening for me.

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