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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    cardiac testing today

    So glad everything went well.
  2. Yea. I was told that if I had issues at any stage it may be helpful to return to the previous stage. Maybe you still have a lot of inflammation and should just stick to liquids for now.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Holy weight loss, Batman!!!!!!

    Yea they are all “experts” but all any of them have are suggestions or opinions of what works for the majority of people. If it was easy to pinpoint what works for everyone we would all be thin and obesity wouldn’t even be an issue. All you can do is take what everyone says and use the knowledge to make educated decisions for yourself. Glad you found something that is working for you.
  4. ShoppGirl

    BMI under 40!

    Every little step is a huge accomplishment in the right direction. Keep it up!!
  5. ShoppGirl

    Bougie size

    I didn’t even know that was a thing to ask. Sorta wish I had though if it determines the size of the sleeve cause mine seems to be bigger than most peoples. I could always eat more than expected and over a year out I still rarely feel any restriction. I eat about a serving of most things and I just have to measure out my food to keep portions small.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Accidentally ate poppy seeds

    Not seeds but I misinterpreted the instructions and ate pasta earlier than I was supposed to. I was terrified after they told me about the possibility of a bolis (I think that’s what they called it) but I was fine. I also accidentally swallowed a cherry pit when I was on regular foods but still early out. Both times fine. All you can do is watch for signs of an issue like the dr said and obviously dont do it again.
  7. Gotta love Amazon try before you buy option for a situation like that.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Just talking (:

    Most insurance requires at least 3 and often 6 months of monitored weight loss attempt in addition to the psyc eval, nutritionist visit and medical clearances. Once approved, it just depends on how busy your surgeon is. I had to do the six months of weigh ins, labs, psyc eval and nutritionist. My surgery was about a month after I completed all my requirements.
  9. It really depends on your budget whether you should buy clothes. I mean it’s best to love the skin your in and of course that’s easier to do if you at least have clothes that fit you appropriately at every size. You will most likely drop a chunk of weight during pre op and then the first few pounds come of pretty quickly post op so if you buy new clothes you won’t be wearing them long. You may want to consider consignment or thrift stores for a while if you don’t want to invest a ton of money in clothing. But I say that we usually feel better about ourselves when we look our best so if the budget permits then buy a few outfits to carry you through and donate them or give to a friend when you are ready to size down.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Life after 168 pounds down.....

    If I were you I would start planning that wedding asap. Sounds like you have an amazing partner. Most of us put life on hold far too long because of our weight. You have come so far already and truly deserve to start living your best life again right NOW!! Congratulations on your loss so far and on your engagement.
  11. Absolutely. That helped me too. I kept reminding myself that even if I was struggling with wanting it, I was still a former smoker. The second I had one puff I would be a smoker (or vaper) again which meant I would have to go through those first couple days again of quitting at some point and I really didn’t want to do that. Everyone has there little mantra or thought that helps get them through it and for me that was it.
  12. You may be surprised. Once you get that low on nicotine it’s more just the physical habit that you are addicted to.
  13. ShoppGirl


    Yea. I always worry when I have a drink because it hits me faster that I may fail a breathalyzer somehow even with one. I always make sure that everyone is home safe and things seem settled and safe so that I’m not going to need to rush out for anything because of this (I would not do well in jail even for a night, lol).
  14. If you do start to see signs of dehydration such as darker urine contact your team and they should be able to arrange for you to get iv fluids as an out patient. No need to wait for it to become emergent. I went and got them one time and it was just enough to get me over the hump. I was able to drink enough on my own from then on.
  15. ShoppGirl


    I didn’t drink coffee. I drank Coke Zero and I gave it up months prior to surgery because I wanted to know I could do it. Post surgery I was offered coffee in the hospital though and told I was allowed caffeine in moderation. I eventually started the caffe latte protein drinks that have caffeine by premiere protein. I have one of those every morning now. Even still over a year out. Every surgeon is different though and some do not allow caffeine post surgery so double check with your team.
  16. ShoppGirl


    Yea it’s not the same for me either. I used to drink rum and Coke Zero so I have tried rum and crystal light but it didn’t taste very good so I think I’m just not able to drink it fast enough to get a buzz. I have since tried the pineapple flavored one and I can get a slight buzz on that but like you it doesn’t last long and it’s of course higher in calories. It sorta not worth it anymore.
  17. ShoppGirl

    New ans starting process

    Ooh I was allowed caffeine. I didn’t think about that. Have to ask your team.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Exercise "tricks"

    I thought you were looking for tips. Instead you shared a great one. I love the idea of only watching at the gym to make yourself want to go. I may try that with my treadmill at home which is currently stored under the bed as I haven’t used it in forever. My only exercise tip is the generic one to park further away from stores and take the stairs when possible. Which according to my Apple Watch do actually help a little but I’m sure that’s not a new concept. Great thread idea. Ooh also, I cleared a path from one end of the house to the other and when I am on the phone I just walk back and forth. This adds several minutes of exercise time to my day most days. My husband thought I was nuts at first and I confused my dog a bit but now she just looks at me like whatever you do your thing.
  19. As catwoman said the mini gastric bypass is not super common in the US but seems to be a popular option in other countries. If you do a search for that name you should find threads about it and people who have had it.
  20. Ooh. You may know this already but you can get a free month trial of Walmarts grocery delivery. And you can get anything from the store to include medicines and shakes. Or you can do grocery pickup (but then you have to carry it in when you get home of course). There is a minimum order for both but I just stocked up of cleaning supplies and toiletries items that I knew I will use eventually to meet the minimum. If I remember correctly it’s unlimited number of deliveries for the month. Also, if you do take a little longer to heal a cleaning person would be something to consider. Doesn’t have to be a professional, just Someone to at least do your laundry and dishes and tidy up a bit. Also, they probably wouldn’t mind reaching a couple things down or lifting things that you shouldn’t while they are there. And you could arrange grocery delivery while they are there. I know that I was feeling pretty good and it was really hard to look at the stuff that needed to be cleaned and not do it. I was good but it was hard. Just making sure the house was actually cleaned before hand would have helped with that quite a bit too. I have no clue why I didn’t think of that but I didn’t and wish I had.
  21. ShoppGirl

    New ans starting process

    Have you tried plain green tea? I did a quick google search for drinks without citric acid and it says many of the flavored ones contain it but the plain one does not. I personally would ask the surgeon if you can try it and see if you can tolorate it though. Or if they have more suggestions. I’m sure you won’t be the first one that’s having a hard time finding things that don’t contain it.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Acid reflux at nightime

    Ooh I never heard that. Do you think the bed wedge would do the same thing or no?? It seems to basically accomplish the same thing as an adjustable bed does.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Food question

    Once you are cleared for soft food you can try those things. I would start with deli meat and end with hamburger. Meatballs may be easier cause they typically have sauce. Dry meat seems to bother some people. Lettuce also bothers some but I didn’t have any issues with any foods in terms of tolerating them. It’s just trial and error. Best advice is to go slow and Try one new food at a time so if you do have issues you can pin point it. The NP at my clinic said slow and moist And over chewed.
  24. My husband brought me home from the hospital after work the day after surgery and went to work the next day. Granted he works minutes away and could’ve come home if I needed him but I didn’t. Everyone’s recovery is sooo much different. If I was going to be home alone I may ask the surgeon if the visiting nurse is something that would be available if needed. I’m guessing they wouldn’t have a problem prescribing it. I had one after I got a melonoma removed and that wasn’t nearly as major of a surgery as this is. You may be pleasantly surprised though. I had very little pain post op and was up walking around with the nurse in recovery. Again. Everyone is different so it doesn’t hurt to plan for the worst, but hope for the best.
  25. ShoppGirl

    2nd Day Post Op

    if dogmoms ideas don’t work and you think you are dehydrated but it’s not emergent yet try your doctor first. They should be able to arrange for you to get fluids as an out patient. Will save you another hospital bill. Of course if it gets bad or you can’t get a response from them go to the ER.

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