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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. So glad you have appointments to get some answers. Keep us updated on how things go.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Questions to Ask Before Surgery?

    Ask if you have any choice in what size your stomach will be post surgery. I am not even sure if that’s a thing they could have done differently but given a choice I would have preferred mine to be smaller. I was able to eat more than expected at every given phase post op. I just measured my food and stopped when my plate was empty and I still lost weight though so don’t let me freak you out. According to my team at over a year out now my normal meals of about one serving of most things are typical but that’s me eating till I’m satisfied. I never really feel full. I see people on here who eat a lot less and if that is something they control I would have preferred to be on the smaller side.
  3. It doesn’t sound like dumping as most people seem to describe it. Guess the only way to know for sure is to test it out when your past the morning sickness phase. Either way I think I would just steer clear of ice cream for a little while. Congrats on the pregnancy.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Get ready to blossom

    It takes a while for some of us to see it. In the mirror especially. Even some people lose like 100 pounds and everyone else can of course see lt but they can’t see it themselves. Sometimes planting two photos next to one another helps. You will get there though. Of course it’s not all water weight. You are on the right track. It just takes time.
  5. ShoppGirl

    1 YEAR post op!

    Congratulations. Keep it up.
  6. ShoppGirl


    I did chewable ones early out and then switched to capsules. That being said, I was taking small pills without issue the day after surgery in the hospital. I’m not sure if I could have swallowed a capsule. I would run it by my team. How long until you can have yogurt or apple sauce? It may be a lot easier to get it down that way
  7. ShoppGirl

    Atkins Shakes

    I’m assuming she means to add protein powder to them.
  8. ShoppGirl

    3 days Post Surgery

    It is normal to hate every step of the staged return to eating and to want to advance faster. Don’t chance it though. The stages are there to allow your stomach time to heal and you could seriously hurt yourself if you advance your diet too quickly. Your stomach growling may take some getting used to. Post surgery a growling tummy doesn’t necessarily mean you are hungry. Mine makes noises all the time. And it’s makes tons of noises while it is digesting. About the patches. I asked the NP about them and she said that she has been trying for a couple years to get several of the companies to send her evidence that they work and she hasn’t gotten any yet. If you can’t tolorate anything else, it’s better than nothing and hopefully they work for you but if you can tolorate the chews or capsules I personally would stick with them until there is more research to prove that they work for certain.
  9. ShoppGirl


    They make suppositories that are supposed to be stronger. I’m not sure if they are prescription or what though. Maybe call and ask your doctor for something.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Phase 2 diet

    I would try not to worry too much. I misinterpreted my instructions and ate pasta sooner than I was supposed to and of course it could have caused and issue but it didn’t. You may want to call your team to just ask what to watch for In terms of if you did do any damage but what’s done is done. Obviously don’t risk it again but try to relax cause freaking out won’t help anything.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    Is there anyway that you could word it that he would consider counseling? I am such a huge advocate. I have been married twice and went to counseling both times. The first time I was married at 18 and we were just not compatible. The therapist helped us to realize that and helped me to move on. The second though, the therapist taught us to communicate and I can’t begin to put into words how much better my marriage is now. We wouldn’t have made it without the help. I joke with him and say that I have always loved him but now I actually LIKE him too.
  12. I hated the taste of the shakes as they tasted too sweet so I did the clear protein drinks. Whatever you buy though don’t buy too much cause you may not like them post surgery. Maybe try convenience stores to buy singles of shakes and drinks to have a variety to try.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Get ready to blossom

    You look great but like others said what’s even better is that you look like you feel amazing. Congratulations!!
  14. When I was early out I misunderstood the instructions and did not see the do not have these items above the bullet points that listed pasta when I was moving to soft foods. Well, I had some and when I called my clinic I learned this could cause a bolis which would not have been good. Like she said what’s done is done but it couldn’t help to ask them what to watch for so if something is wrong you can get it addressed asap.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Under Boob rash

    That’s what I was going to suggest was Desitin that is also for diaper rash but I used it on “chafing” and wasn’t sure if the OP has that or just a “heat rash.” It really helped on my thigh chafing though.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Surgery tomorrow morning

    I was nervous on one hand but on the other I was glad to be getting surgery cause it meant I was one step closer to being able to eat. Yes, it was a staged return to a new normal which was healthier choices and smaller portions but I was glad to be even one tiny step further away from that pre op diet. Maybe it’s sorta crazy that’s all I could really think about but I was hungry. Lol. On a serious note, it’s major surgery and I would be a little concerned about you if you weren’t a little worried. Just try to focus on WHY you are getting the surgery. If you are still having a hard time check out the weirdest non scale vicotories and the what is your why threads. Both will help you think about all the little things that will get so much better and easier that you have to look forward to.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Under Boob rash

    Ignore this.
  18. Yea. I have been around here going on a year and a half now and the BIGGEST complaint seems to be the gas pains which go away in a few days for most. There are alot of people that didn’t have much pain though. We don’t like to seem like we’re rubbing it in when others are currently in pain (at least I don’t) and of course didn’t need to post anything looking for help so we don’t say it as often but I have seen quite a few.
  19. I had very little pain post op. I woke up on pain medicine in the hospital and was feeling so good I asked them to wean me off of it. They put me on Tylenol instead. I was fine with that. I have heard stories of those who had a great deal of pain and others like me that had very little.
  20. Most likely when you get to purées or soft foods you will feel your restriction. My pouch is a little bigger than expected though. This is very uncommon but I’m just telling you because even still I was okay. I was able to eat more than expected at every given stage but I just measured my food and ate what I was supposed to through the stages. Over a year out, I can now eat about one serving of most things and I feel Satisfied. My team says that’s exactly where I should be at this point.
  21. ShoppGirl

    WHAT is this???

    I am so sorry you are going through all this. Its good that you are sharing everything though. I’m sure it will help others in the future. Are you able to take the gi coctail often so you can continue to get some food in and get sleep at least??
  22. I will add that I found a pill crusher at Walmart pre surgery (I didn’t end up needing it though). Anyways, they are fairly inexpensive but as mentioned above ask a dr or pharmacist to make sure your meds can be crushed safely first. Crushing certain medications can be dangerous. Also, my pharmacist said you can mix it with as much applesauce or yogurt that you want but you must obviously eat it all to get the entire dose of medicine so keep that in mind. Also, I did end up crushing a big antibiotic my husband kept gagging on. I mixed it in a full yogurt and he said he couldn’t even taste the medicine. It may not have been one of the bad tasting ones to begin with though. I’m not sure if it tastes gross which would be better a tiny bit to just tough it out or a little more to help dilute it some.
  23. ShoppGirl


    They do make the powdered version but it tastes a little different to me.
  24. ShoppGirl


    See if you can order Amazon to the hotel.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
